How do we fix Smash Bros?
How do we fix Smash Bros?
There really isn't much wrong with it
Remove Sakurai. His prime has passed.
Remove hackurai
Give it to literally any company that actually cares about their franchises, even Capcom would be better than what's currently
Remove Robin, Lucina, and especially Corrin.
>muh wave smashing
Yes, lets add something back into the game that LITERALLY tears apart the joints in people hands
not gonna happen faggots
You play this instead
It's fine. Sm4sh and Melee are both doing great. What's the problem?
>only mentions Link
what about Samus and Captain Falcon? they are even from the original 12
A competent PM-like smash 4 mod with netplay
stop playing it competitevely.
The game is a casual, fun brawler.
Stop putting autism everywhere.
Do PC gamers really prefer that shit? That game is terrible and super underwhelming
It's a shit meme game
anyone who picks the Fire Emblem characters are the same type of boring mother fuckers that pick the human race in rpgs
Smash Bros will be fixed when you realize pic related is by far a superior game
>Best player in the world was a smash player
How can sonyfrogs even compete?
listen to the fucking fans
Someone is salty
I love f2p flash games
>listen to the fans who want a fully competitive game that shuts out potential casual players
I don't know...
Give development to Capcom, if I'm getting barraged with overpriced DLC at least I'll get a decent fighting game out of it.
>actually playing creatively bankrupt smash clone garbage
how embarrassing
Who are you quoting? What could they possibly add that would stop casuals from spamming special moves and smash attacks like they usually do?
Don't worry about any of these user, they'e all just joking
remove cloud, bayo, corrin, and other characters that punish offensive play
>mass replying
>heated as fuck
>broken english
>epic memes
Hey man, I just want to jump and feel like the movement I was doing beforehand meant something. Is that so much to ask?
Sakurai is not the problem, the fans are. And CERO. Sakurai will pander to what makes Nintendo money, and most smash fans are casual as hell so he makes what they want and tries to make each iteration as different as possible since he hates ports and rehashing things so much. The gameplay and character choices? You have no one to blame but yourselves and same goes to the JP fanbase. As long as he follows the same formula to picking characters a future smash will be fine sales wise, and that's all that matters at the end of the day to the company. Course if the fans back for a port you will get shit and eat it, then you'll have to wait until the next gen to get a reboot, so if you want your characters you better not hope it's a port, smash only gets one experience per gen.
>You have no one to blame but yourselves and same goes to the JP fanbase.
I'm p sure fans weren't clamoring for Little Mac, Wii Fit Trainer, Bowser Jr., or Pac Man.
Melee port would be better than anything they've done with tr4sh
>smash only gets one experience per gen
Usually so does Mario Kart but I doubt Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is going to be the only Mario Kart on the Switch.
There isn't much to fix, faggot. Bomberman not already being in is annoying, but that's it.
Literally everyone and their mother in the west wanted little mac and bowser jr. did you forget the mac supporters and the "paintbrush" move sets people kept envisioning for jr.? Look into every character and there is a reason behind why they were chosen, it wasn't random. Pac-man is fucking iconic and wii fit was a top seller.
>I'm p sure fans weren't clamoring for Little Mac, Wii Fit Trainer, Bowser Jr., or Pac Man.
Not him but what? The only one people didn't clamor for was Wii Fit Trainer. I definitely saw people wanting/expecting the other three characters in before the game was out.
People were asking for Little Mac, Bowser Jr., and Pacman for years.