Vita 2 when?
Vita 2 when?
Good luck with that.
Sony "Dreamcast Vita U" when?
I was so hyped to play the Jak trilogy on it. Got the first Vita only for game to run at 20 fps and make me dizzy. Then bought the slim version that came with BL2 and it had the same problem still. Returned that shit instantly.
>Wanting a Sony handheld after the Vita
>not wanting a vita
literally the best video game purchase i've made besides the ds and the ps3.
combine it with smartphone and it will sell like hot buns
>Sony phones selling
>The Xperia XZ premium with a dualshock
That would be great
The Vita has a good library because the current state of the japanese market, their preference for handhelds gave the Vita a specific niche.
Sony support was abysmal after 2013.
>he doesn't know
there you go
>proprietary memory cards that cost an arm and a leg
It's their own fault it failed. I mean it's fucking £80 on amazon for a 32gb card. That is fucking pathetic.
I wish the Vita had caught on as a machine to port ps2 games to.
The solutions to the Vita's problems are so obvious but Sony is either too stupid or doesn't care and it pisses me off.
Where can I buy a new OLED version of the Vita?
They aren't stupid. They are fucking greedy.
They don't care.
Pawn Shops are your friend. Regular vidya stores will overcharge on them
Nowhere online that has unopened ones? I don't mind paying extra for a sealed unit.
They could do pretty well if they put out a Vita successor:
>make it backwards compatible
>no more memory card bullshit (or don't change the format and let prices keep dropping)
>decent internal memory (so you're not forced to get a memory card immediately if they keep it)
>$200 USD price point
>HDMI-out (that only works if you're logged in with PS+, gotta Jew you somehow)
Could see 20-30 million sold with a high attach rate, not huge but a solid profit-maker.
Got me a brand new first edition for about $230 or so.
Ebay or Amazon are good, but pricey
I just came man, add PS2 classics and update the Jak collection, as well as the missing PS1 classics, and it'd be great
Even with a focus on keeping it cool and efficient I don't see an issue with it being able to hit 2-4x the Vita's specs either.