How do you fuck up a goron's design, personality and voice so bad, Sup Forums?
How do you fuck up a goron's design, personality and voice so bad, Sup Forums?
>How do you fuck up a Zelda game so bad, Sup Forums?
BotW contests this
>all gorons are suppose to have the setting personality.
He looks like Fred and Scooby did the doo and this is the result
bait, Sidon is the FUCKING BEST
>not liking sidon
Sidon is the definition of a forced meme
>he hasn't heard of ironic memes
>tumblr filename
speaks for itself
What went so wrong?
holy shit user I think you're a faggot
Are you gay user? How the fuck can you not like Sidon?
Same thing with fucking Zelda. I can't believe how terrible the characters in this game are voiced or even animated. I mean, sure, shit talk famous voice actors all you want. But there's a reason they get hired, because they're fucking good.
I swear, BotW would be a solid 7.5/10 if it wasn't for the name.
>not liking a character constantly shoved in your face makes you a faggot
BOTW's characters are dogshit senpai
not being any less of a faggot senpai
You guys know the point of this meme is to present a commonly discussed topic, but rank it in the reverse order of how people logically/normally consider them, right?
Have I been memed?
haha, me too fellow channer! I play Zelda for the story! It's why Skyward Sword is patrician and OoT is old garbage. Story > Gameplay
>make thread to discuss worst relevant character in the game
>leave for 10 minutes
>someone's baited this thread into being a Sidon appreciation thread
I'm dissapointed that you all couldn't stay on track, but on the other hand, I'm glad you all think Sidon is a total bro as well.
Sup Forums doesn't understand that
I've seen so many of these being played straight here, it's hilarious
And to think we were once the meme capital of the internet
But the gays love Sidon
yeah i'm seriously confused, i though most people on Sup Forums were pretty knowledgeable when it came to memes
these guys don't even know what ironic memes are
What else would you play Zelda for? SS also had the best combat btw
Boy, you really put a licking on that thing!
>calls me a faggot
>while posting pics of Zelda being dominant
it's like there aren't any autistic people on Sup Forums
>not liking RR
I thought the autism would make it easier desu senpai
>Zelda games
holy lel
>models were already ripped and content is flooding in
there is a god
>He actually thinks the gameplay in BotW is good
Oh jesus.
Yunobo is the last personality I expected from a Goron, and his voice reminds me too much of Jimmy from GTAV. Okay at best.
Daruk is 100% Bro tier however. I get jealous Kass took all the barafags away and he ended up being the underrated husbando.
>no link
>no zelda
>no jules
You really deleted your awful post just to do it again?
Sadly. Made an error in the spoiler tag.
Whys it awful? I apologize for my 'terrible' tastes.
>degenerates rip models for porn instead of getting the enemies or main characters
just as bad as Hyrule Warriors where they only ported over half the cast and none of the enemies
I had a friend who wanted to beat the game "their way" so purposely did three beasts and left one undone before going to fight Ganon. Turns out it was Daruk who they left behind.
The saved Birdfuck's soul, but not Goron Bro.
user, you can't say story>gameplay if you like SS
SS introduces Hylia, the three goddesses' fat friend that they totally left the triforce with because she was so cool and their friend. Also she fought O.G. Ganon with all the races and loved Link before anyone else and is secretely Princess Zelda in disguise.
>design, personality and voice
Desgin: put a doody on its head, call it hair. Also have it wear a gay mini-cape
Personality: have it be a bitch
Voice: Have it voiced by a 90 pound skeleton of a man who's yet to hit any form of puberty
There ya go
it was satire
I liked everything about Yunobo. He was my favorite of the four buddy characters.
But he's a qt
pic is right and everyone knows it
>not sidon
I love Sidon so much, he seems like he's forcing himself not to be completely destroyed every second of every day by the loss of his sister by forcing his extreme personality on everybody
>fucking your dead girlfriend's little brother