Is this game good / worth buying on steam...

Is this game good / worth buying on steam? I read about some bugs on the PC version and that it can be boring compared to Monster Hunter. Overall is it fun?

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compred to MH, it can be a bit button mashy akin to most of tecmo koei's other games, i persoanlly think its much better than the first one, and its a good MH fix, you can still try it and if you dont like it just refund it before you go over the refund period

If you liked Dragon's Dogma then you'll probably like Toukiden 2.

Am I an asshole for liking MH clones more than MH?

I hate them all equally :)

Is it buggy? Koei Tecmo is usually really horrible with PC port bugs

I just want a non-portable MonHun/clone that supports split screen couch co-op. It kills me that my roommate and I can only play together on our tiny ass 3ds screens while the bigass tv in the room goes unused.

I've put like 50 hours into it so far and have only seen one bug, so not really.

its fucking terrible
the only good monster hunter clone is Soul Sacrifice

There's no mouse support so you have to play this with a controller.

The port works and the only retarded issue is that it hogs your CPU for no good reason. You can solve this by lowering your max CPU usage to like 90% or whatever so it doesn't reach 70c.

>CPU hog
>16:9 only
>No mouse support

Otherwise it's a fairly good port and also offers a 60 FPS option.

Just put two TVs next to eachother and emulate freedom unite or portable 3rd on PPSSPP and play on LAN


oh you wanna cripple me? time for the most annoying moveset in the game

Underrated girl coming through

Hated the original toukiden. Would buy 2 for her though.

best girl coming thru

Loli priestess is good too

Im kinda sad, I wish the player characters where as chatty as God eater player characters

it made doing multiplayer more funny

So is this game as good to play through solo, or am I much better off trying to coop through it.

You play through the story solo, you can play multiplayer missions with people or AI. The AI companions are competent unless there's multiple big oni.

bots are super capable of carrying shitters through story

>multiple big oni.
even then, they have a some what limited ability on keeping at least two big oni separate

There's also an issue of the oni sometimes not giving a fuck about aggro and just going for whoever they like.

>set up your mitama buffs
>oni walks the way the fuck out to your other teammate just to give them a slap, then slaps your ass as soon as you get to him

Just played the PS4 demo earlier. Felt like I was playing a bad mashup of a musou and MH.

Movement feels floaty, attacks lack impact. Attacks are quick, but there's not much depth (that I could tell) to the attack system, so it just feels like brainless mashing rather than stringing up combos like in a musou or action game.

Also, there's a lot of fucking dialog for some reason. Fucking shut up and let me kill the demons.

theses games have story

and some people like a faster quick style of these games, not everything has to be HURGH SLOW

not to mention a lot of the power of weapons is built around the mitama and the many builds you can make with them

get a gamepad and be ready to run it in compatibility mode if you have an OS that came out after 7th gen consoles

as with every port koei tecmo has ever done, they completely forgot that computer mice exist and have been a gaming industry standard for over 2 decades so they didn't code in any mouse support

most of the combat depth is miitama passives and skills which change how you would play

>and some people like a faster quick style of these games, not everything has to be HURGH SLOW
I don't disagree, and I certainly welcome the attempt faster-paced combat. My issue is that it didn't feel well-executed. You can do faster combat, sure. Just do it well.

>theses games have story
That's all well and good, but the ratio of dialog/cutscene to gameplay in the first hour or so is completely fucked.

well duh, it has to set up the setting

T2 is more of a JARPG x hunting thing then monhan
and see

I'm not even comparing it to Monster Hunter. I'm comparing it to games like Dragon's Dogma and action games like Ninja Gaiden and DMC. Everything I saw in that T2 demo (combat, world-building, etc), these games have done better.

Do any of the characters from the first game come back?

>I'm not even comparing it to Monster Hunter. I'm comparing it to games like Dragon's Dogma and action games like Ninja Gaiden and DMC. Everything I saw in that T2 demo (combat, world-building, etc), these games have done better.
But it's a hunting game with a story. It's not an action character game like DMC or Ninja Gaiden. They don't have the same play style at all and are completely different types of games. Just because there's melee combat in all of them doesn't mean they're to be compared to each other.

Kuyo Soma and Hatsuho

it doesnt get that indepth but you can get close as you get more and more mitama since they give passives and skills based on if its weapon claw of armor
soma and hatsuho the girl who was childhood friends with leader of first game

>all these games focus on third-person melee combat
>but you can't compare them, k?
I'm gonna have to stop you there. The game is clearly aiming for faster-paced combat than what you find in MH. So why can't I compare it to games that have faster melee combat?

And even if I were only comparing it to something like Dragon's Dogma, the core combat still feels lacking.

I'm guessing these mitama are somewhat like skills in Dragon's Dogma. If that's the case, I can see the game being somewhat more intricate to play, though I wish the demo did a better job of communicating that.

>though I wish the demo did a better job of communicating that.

they can only give you so much

all the good ones are found in high rank anyway

There the main source of skills there multiple types but ones of the same type have the same skills as in like defense will always have taunt shield barrier and recovery but will have different passives but will have same special skills on claw and armor. Like spt on claw will root the enemy if you grab it for a short while and con on armor will summon a decoy that explodes dealing damage

Hatsuho is best waifu.

>boring compared to Monster Hunter

What the fuck is this supposed to even mean? Monster Hunter is the most boring pile of fucking shit.

>lol hey guys here's your damage sponge with 2 moves to play with for 30+ minutes
>I hope you got 3 other retards to ham it in 3 minutes! :^)

How am I even supposed to attack it without getting smashed?

dont cripple him

Damn, why didn't I think of that before?

its better to just aim for the hands themselves, last time I went to smash him, even the npcs did not cripple him

Do mitama's proficiency grow faster if you do what it says in the box, because it seems no matter what I do it gives me points anyway and I don't understand why it's neccessary to do what it says.

>tfw you pop all your buffs just for the NPC companions to chain destroyer the monster away from you.

Whenever you attack an oni you get experience, those things just help with that specific boost if you want it faster.

Ah! That makes sense, thanks.


>And by the time you get in range the NPCs knock the monster back again and you've already used 50% of your buff time.


Clubfags are the bitchiest players they are. It's like they really believe that the world revolves around them and that no one should use destroyers, burials, or move away from the boss because it lowers their personal dps.

>But it's a hunting game with a story
Is it like monster hunter where I can ignore the story and just take bounties or is everything essentially story?

>look at way of the sword long sword mitama build

so combination passives and normal augment can stack?

You're free from the story if you go into the multiplayer hub and progress there. Otherwise the quest counter in single player updates as you go along with the story, also unlocking more areas to explore.

Homura's hair got allocated the most budget. It looks so quality compared to the rest.

The best naginata and club players are Benezuki and Soma.

Unless it specifically says it cannot stack, then it can stack.

Some skills will tell you if they don't stack

you mean, you get a message that when you leave the choose your boost menu, it gives you a message about stacked augs?

Weapon passives don't stack because they're unique, even on combination uniques.

jesus christ

Imagine the stupid shit that would occur if you could stack 3x of the same weapon passive.

Convergence: Increases damage of Single Arrow shots. Strong Draw now increases this more.

You'd be oneshotting limbs off every monster.

>You'd be oneshotting limbs off every monster.
Good. Almost as useful as a God Eater custom bullet.

sadly its an only IF you could, not that you actually could

so the left most build I found on the google doc doesnt really work?


link to that google doc build rec on bottom tabs, scroll sideways


thanks. Now will get really into it after i'm done with persona 5.

Thats not lady Hangaku


>be knives shitter, finally get some decent speed mitamas
>can spin fucking forever


Mitama combinations do stack. Sorry, I was talking about the unique mitama boost which is a combo of two boosts strapped together. Lots of keywords get thrown around so it can get confusing.

>tfw stuck using Longsword because all the other weapons look goofy as fuck in cutscenes
>Want to use SnS but most of the models are complete ass

Why aren't fashion slots or a similar system the norm yet.


>There's no mouse support so you have to play this with a controller.


just started this game and found it text heavy early.
should i play the first game first?

The only mention of Toukiden 1 is Hatsuho being one of the people to stop the previous awakening from ever happening two years prior.

I'm playing Kiwami on PC right now and is the village suppose to drop frames like a bitch?

Cause I can fight on the field at 30fps(port has frame capped) but as soon as I get to the village my computer shits itself

As good as the AI is, i wish they didn't somehow always managed to bodyblock half of my hits.

maybe the mitama ones are good?

non elemental one IS excalibur

PC port of Kiwami is often shat on for a reason.

there is the 60 fps option this time

its mainly because frames are tied to animations why there are only two options

i fucking despise any ranged attackers if im playing melee

both rifle and bow do absolute garbage damage compared to good weapons, and you slow down the entire group in multiplayer by having the boss run halfway across the map
be a decent piece of trash and play solo if you want to use ranged weps

why is this man so based

He's not gonna turn on me or something like that, right? I like him as well, but he kinda gives me that vibe.

Honestly constantly expected him to turn out a cunt

i only just started playing

is the only way to jump with the claw thing you get? Or do certain weapons allow you to jump instead of something?

you can tell when people haven't played the first game

Kiwami isn't the first game, faglord. Like I'm gonna pay full price to play a minor expansion to a game I've already completed back to front.

Probably the reason i like dual knifes the most is you'll spend most of your time airborne

yea i saw a gameplay video of someone using the chain and staying airborne but they must've been using the claw

Are knives the only one with a built in jump?

nah expansion was pretty major, like 60% more content then the last

as well as a buncha new features, and it was only like 40 on vita

Naginata/Chain n Sickle are ones I think