What does Sup Forums think of Ark Survival?

What does Sup Forums think of Ark Survival?

It's shit

Early access. Crafting, Survival, Open World, DLC.

Hm, Seems like a great game.

fun with friends for 5-40 hours depending on how quickly you progress
then aWFUL

what is optimization? nobody knows

Find a server with room for you to build, it's ok. But it doesn't really have something for everyone.

I would probably enjoy it if it wasn't a terabyte big and had something to do when played singleplayer. I like Long Dark, Subnautica, and the Forest since I can fuck around by myself. Ark's just not well suited for it even though looking at dinosaurs is neat.

I like it

If everything worked as intended and wasnt janky, it would be the shit. But because almost everything is completely fucked, its annoying that its still relevant compared to all the other survival open world crafting games are not.

>pvp servers
>takes 20 hours to do anything, then die to random spawn raptor horde

>pvpve servers
>takes 200 hours to do anything, then get raided as soon as you go offline

>pve servers
>one autist has put random pillars around the whole map which blocks anyone else from building near them

>unofficial/modded servers
>admins noclip into others' bases and delete all your shit just because

why does this game even exist anymore


>Releasing paid DLC for a game that hasn't even officially released yet

What the fuck

Has potential but it's still far from being finished.

>Releasing paid DLC for an unfinished game that took 10 months from "release" to properly patch and to this day never even fixed the PvP balancing
This is the age we live in

I like the idea of it but I think it's stupid that I have to decide between crafting clothes so I don't die out in the elements or crafting a house so I don't die out in the elements.

Conan seems like a way cooler version of the same game but last time I tried it a bunch of stuff was still placeholder.

Game was great for the first year. Then the game became a super unbalanced version of "oh you have a great base that took weeks/months to make? Well here comes the chinese star wars army to wipe it in minutes".

Let it die.

It's fun for a bit but quickly turns into a demanding second job once you establish a base and get a few decent dinos. My friends who still play spend most of their time raising dinos literally for days and trying to get blueprints with slightly better stats. PvP is a total gankfest and a waste of time. Any autist who is determined enough can wipe all your progress overnight.

Gameplay is insanely padded and creature AI is barebones as fuck.
So basically nothing new, just shit performance along with well modeled dinosaurs that could be replaced with anything and nothing would change a bit.

Almost every single multiplayer game is fun with friends.

You have to be retarded to pay for an unfinished game

Yeah but what I'm saying is it gets fucking boring once you finish all of the """""""""content"""""""""

I spent one month playing this game one time. It was so fun but I felt so dirty knowing I spent my 1 month break from work playing it knowing everything I've done will be wiped

I've noticed a trend in early access games

for some reason developers think its a good idea when their game isn't even half finished and is still a buggy piece of shit

They for some reason decide to split their development team in half to work on two games at once, ark did it with its DLC, space engineers did it with medieval engineers

fucking starforge developers when their game was an absolute piece of garbage decided to make "Reign of kings" and my retarded friends decided to all buy it and to noones surprise its abandoned as well.
Goddamn you early access buying idiots are cancer.

the game was amazingly fun at the start. gigas kinda feel are too strong vs small tribes though.
The giant flyer was straight up no fun allowed op as fuck in pvp when i last played and was actually the reason i quit, also the extinction servers (wipe each month buit increased farm rates)are no longer populated, those were fun.

This is why you tell your friends to fuck off and to pick another game when they want you to hop into the early access meme. They got me with H1Z1 and the steaming pile of shit known as ARK but from now on I only play finished games with them.

Was Dark Souls one of the few good early access survival games?

It's alright if you join a group that has already been established on the server for a month(s).

What is it with the Chinese and these multiplayer survival games? Shouldn't just being in China be a survival game in itself?

After 2.3k hours I thought some optimizations would come but holy shit are these devs beyond giving a fuck.

Cannot even have a comfy city and literal jurassic park at the side with your alpha tribe because it lags you to death.

Upgrade your toaster then.

Oh I am, just in spite to this one game, just waiting for the 1080Ti to drop and am good to go.

Heaps of fun running around with friends, building and fighting dinosaurs and a bit of alien background

But like all survival/ builders you just run out of things to do very quickly

Also the biomes need to be more controlled, stop giant mammals from spawning in dinosaur areas and vice versa

I don't understand why they are selling expansion packs, yet the game is still listed as early access.

Can't afford them? Poorfag?

If somebody was dumb enough to paid for their unfinished shit they sure as hell are dumb enough to pay for an unfinished dlc

I prefer to pay money for a finished game, but let me rephrase it for your tard brain. early access developers aren't selling anything; they're claiming video game development as charity work. Iget it, finishing things is hard, that's why we pay other people to do it. And that's why we pay them only after they do it, and when we know they've done a good job. pay a stranger halfway through fixing your toilet and you'll soon see why we don't normally do that, and even then you still won't be dealing with as much shit as you do with the early access market fags

nigga please this game is very badly optimised.

werks on my machine

its almost like its unfinished

It was fun at the start when you were this lost dude in a world of dinosaurs, but once you start learning how it works you realise it's nothing but grind and unbalanced pvp. Every single feature is rudimentary at best, but for some reason all they do is just keep releasing new dinosaurs and items.

>dinosaurs have terrible and predictable AI and are easily cheesed
>taming dinosaurs is awkward and boring and makes no sense
>ability to instantly erect buildings makes it easy to exploit and fill the map with 1x1 foundations that inhibit resources from respawning
>weight and inventory system is awkward to use
>levelling and stat system is unbalanced, several stats are useless
>grinding takes so long that it's impossible for small tribes to get anything over larger, especially chinese tribes that poopsock 24/7

It's been unfinished for 2 years, and then it was "finished" and given a legitimate release.

>oh hey thats a sick little dinosaur I wanna tame
>you have to knock it unconscious then stand near it for 6 hours straight and have roughly 2000 berries stockpiled to tame it

They think time sinks are fucking fun or what?

Official servers were a mistake, but still it was fun with friends

>be me
>about to logg off one night
>see lvl 120 mammuth wander into our front yard
>as a joke I said to a friend "how about I knock him out and you tame it? haha"
>"I see, why not" he says, thought he was joking aswell
>end up putting the mammuth to sleep inside our pen and told him to tame him using only berries because it tames faster that way
>of course that was a fucking lie
>drop my shit in a box and proceed going offline to sleep
>next day
>logg in early the next day to make sure our shit was not attacked in the night
>mfw my friend was still there taming the same mammuth from last night

>lmao what if flintstones but with assault rifles and poop mechanics!?

It's like one of those shitty gmod survival gamemodes that accidentally got way too big.

And it's available on PS4.....