Now that everyone's stopped being autistic about it, was it a good game Sup Forums?

now that everyone's stopped being autistic about it, was it a good game Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

I enjoyed it, that's all I really care about

Wasted Potential The Game
Which is the worst crime

It was okay.

>81 metascore for a mainline FF game
>Completely unfinished story
>One of the most incohesive settings in any JRPG
>Game so unfinished they are fundamentally changing aspects of it and adding in new story scenes half a year from release
>Needs a movie and anime series just to understand what the fuck is going on, and even then they flash these scenes at you in the middle of the game
>Major steps backward in gameplay from action RPGs from the same company made over a decade ago
>Characters look like they just walked out of a gay bar

It's a abysmal. It's how not to make a game. The soundtrack was good. I'll give it that.

It was better than I expected and I still don't like it. Better writing probably could've saved it.

Ardyn sums it up nicely.

hope at least they got something out of it so VII remake isn't shit

althought if i didn't get it wrong it'll be a multi part game and maybe not open world, so yeah it'll probably be shit and square enix is just trying to get my money because they want to abuse the fact i like their almost last good game they made

I got my money's worth
and no I didn't pirate

why can't they just make a classic FF games again

even just games like 7 8 or 9 would be nice

Still no.

They did nail what they did like cooking, a road trip with friends, taking and sharing pictures and shit... if that's what one was looking in the game i suppose one would say yes but whoever waited a decade for a FF is still waiting.

"I'll be here..." "Why...?" "I'll be 'waiting'... here..." "For what?" "I'll be waiting... for if you come here... you'll find me... i promise"

They want the Skyrim audience.

could have been the goat, still enjoyed it. Can't think of another game other than doom I enjoyed last year. I haven't enjoyed shit this year other than re7

Because every Final Fantasy is supposed try and outdo the last one while throwing almost everything out to try something new, even if it was successful.

They didn't really start throwing everything out until FFX or FFXII. FFVI-IX were stable, with enough changes to not be rehashes while still feeling familiar.

>World of Final Fantasy

i honestly hope persona 5 sells fucking millions so that maybe square enix wakes the fuck up and starts doing jrpgs again, i know it's not probable but holy shit i'm so tired of them trying to do action/semi-action rpgs and failing miserably at it

just hire platinum again if you wanna do action shit you fucking gooks you're not good at it, start spending money on good writers for fuck sake you never made something better than war of lions plot wise and probably never will but at least try you cunts

never played it, but even if it did play like a classic FF it's just using old FF characters anyway. Id like new characters that I can enjoy an adventure around the world with.

It won't. You need marketing to sell that much.

Remember, Bloodborne sold maybe a quarter what Uncharted 4 sold, and it's far more palatable to Western tastes than Persona.

No. It's a clearly rushed and unfinished mess with stale combat that takes no thought whatsoever, and really shitty side content being nothing but literal fetch quests.

Not a merit.

It's not a FF game.

>was it a good game Sup Forums?

not really. It was decent but very, very flawed.

Hunts are limited to a specific area and can only accept one hunt at a time
Can only have one sidequest active on your map at a time
Most of the characters were not fleshed out at all
The romance has worse development than FF8's. Somehow.
A lot of important shit happened off screen.
Supplementary materials makes things more confusing.
Chapter 13.
Final boss part 2 has some really shit controls

>just goes to XV threads to paste is copy pasta

You know this puts you on barrnyfags level right?

It wasn't pasta.

It's going to be now because it's objectively correct.

well don't you look fucking retarded

He obviously copied my post and cut out the part about the soundtrack. Because I never even entered that thread.

That said, I'm still spooked.

>IMO some unique and pretty fun combat with the ability to use various weapons/abilities on the fly
>Good looking open world with areas that feel different from one another
>Not an empty open world, varied monsters throughout, hidden dungeons, rest stops
>loads of bounty hunts
>decent amount of side quests
>bros were actually pretty tolerable
>killer OST
>chocobo racing
>flying car
>god I want to eat this food

>story is inconsistentally short and cut up with major side characters having nearly no development or screentime
>open world is generally pretty small, only 2 major cities you can visit
>side quests are dull and generic as fuck
>the combat is unplayable without using items constantly which you need to use on everyone
>Chapter 13
>only 4 usable summons to which half almost never show up
>Aerena dropping in at random was great but almost never happens
>fuckin roadtrip on-rails the game
>Cup of Noodles
>Promptos photography

All in all, it was an absolute blast for a few weeks, but its very easy to see the cracks in it instantly. Not up to par for a mainline FF game. But theyve been really bringing the DLC in and rumours of quite a lot more, so in time it could actually be a solid title but as of right now its a 7/10 at the best.

no, it was a funeral procession

looking at the post times, I see I have insulted the wrong person


at least it was a little bit better than xiii

It didn't even have armpits.

meta af


>unique and pretty fun combat

already discarding this entire post

>IMO some unique and pretty fun combat

holding Circle got boring after like the 2nd hour

Not really. Combat is fine but stays too similar throughout the game so it doesn't really feel you're actually playing an rpg. Few good characters but the story really has some serious pacing issues and the game world doesn't feel believable at all and it's not fun to explore either.

Game is all over the place in quality but turns out overall forgettable.Im not sure what they were doing to 10 years but i refuse to believe they were actually working on this.

Why Ann is such a slut?

Fucking millions is certainly unlikely, however, I think that it will most likely sell around one million here in the west since it sold 500k in Japan, which is great because 1,5 million is already an absurd amount for the Persona series, a extremely niche title that never even surpassed the 700k mark in its first year of release before.

Point being, while FF is slowly going downhill and declining since the abortion that was XIII, Persona is growing and gaining more respect and fame ever since 3 came out.

Yeah, it was good. Definitely better than all of the XIII trilogy if you ask me.

Was it as good as you'd expect a game that's been through development hell for a whole decade to be? Probably not, but what can you do.

You're asking in the wrong place. Almost everyone on Sup Forums is a cynical cunt, just play it and form your own opinion

That's all JRPGs though

please, I do more in a fucking Neptuina game than I do in XV

>>flying car
That is CON man

It was shit

this. i dont think i've ever seen so much potential gone to waste

FFXV has 2 attack buttons and one dodge button (attack, warpstrike, dodge). Bayonetta has 2 attack buttons and one dodge button (light attack, strong attack, dodge). How is it that you love Bayonetta's combat but not FFXV's?

>How is it that you love Bayonetta's combat but not FFXV's?

because you have to do more than HOLD the button in Bayonetta.

and Bayonetta is an overall better game than XV

Bayonetta's got 3 because you can shoot so it's 50% better already.

There's two main things that drove me nuts about the combat.

One is the holding button thing which means that you don't really have fine control over when your attacks are starting and stopping. It can feel incredibly awkward with the slower weapons when you really would've liked to defend earlier.

Two is the soft-lock and the fact that you can't swing your weapon without Noctis rushing towards the lock-on. The soft-lock itself isn't very good and switching targets is a clunky nightmare and you basically can't see anything with the camera if you hard lock, which is also awkward. The lunging thing makes you feel like you have no control over the movement and timing of your character and it is infuriating how stupid the targets are. Fighting Elder Coeurls and having Noctis constantly miss because he's attack the empty air where the Courel was while it was running is incredibly frustrating, and Noctis getting caught on the limbs of larger enemies because he'll only attack center mass is worse (and freqent).

I have a litany of other complaints like the stupid invincible cutscene link attacks with ridiculous animations or the parrying QTEs or the way you hit every single person of your party whenever you use magic and on and on and on.

What?! Shit was cool and leagues better than on-rails speed limit bullshit.

Shit man I said it was my opinion. You have yours too, which I'm sure is garbage

>Shit was cool

until you tried to land

Opinions go here

>I don't like leaving my safe space thus I will answer to your opinion with a passive aggressive remark while hosting a "holier-than-thou" attitude.

Yeah maybe the first time, after that, a stoned retard couldve figured it out.

I only flew the car once and then after the crash landing when everything looked perfect I never touched it again.


I can't believe I missed the free Sora DLC. Is there any way to get it?


It's my favorite FF.

It is a good game, it's just not weeb enough for Sup Forums to like it

It is touchy but its pretty simple, just gotta line up your car with the road and let the thing land itself.

Except when trying to get to the secret dungeon. You will crash.

Fuck off copy pasting faggot.

It's my 2nd favourite, right behind 6

>It's my only FF

>just gotta line up your car with the road and let the thing land itself.

I did and still crashed

>Except when trying to get to the secret dungeon.
when I learned I had to fly the car I did not do it.

if you look at the posts of and you see that is the pasta

That's not a classic FF game. It's ATB with additional mechanics.


You're an idiot. Just because weebs suck dick of Persona doesn't mean it's a big mainstream franchise, just because reviewers give a niche game a high score doesn't mean it's going to sell millions.

XV already sold 6 million which is how much the entire persona franchise sold before Persona 5 came out in Japan, and Persona 5 sold 500k in Japan, it will likely only do slightly better than what P4 did in the west.

Even at the current point in time Persona franchise is at 6.5m sales while FFXV alone is at 6m+ sales, Persona franchise will probably reach 7m by the end of the year, and XVwill go onto 7m and more once the PC version comes too.

About to trade this in tommorow for P5. Fuck the driving aspect of this game

i hope it does too. but that won't make square enix do what you want. i like their action games. xv had bad development, and platinum doesn't always make good action games. fuck off you autist

Both are pasta you idiot, stop going on damage control because your shitpost got exposed. Also
>caring about metacritic
how fucking shallow can you even be?

Persona 5 looks gayer than anything in XV, P5 is literally a coridoor simulator, P5 has an anime by the same people who made XVs anime, XV is a major step forward comapred to ARPGs made by the company in the past, XV has one of the most cohesive and well established settings of any FF, XVs story is as finished as any FF story is. Why are you ignoring that XV also has more positive review and user scores than any other FF? Because it goes against your "but 81 meta XD" shitpost that you cling to? Why are you ignoring that XV has more GOTY awards than any FF ever? Because you're a shallow piece of shit that pretends those don't exist?

Fuck no.

>A fucking Australian

>SE finally does a Dark souls ripoff
>sells 10m copies

I'm waiting for them to do this.

>A fucking retard.

No, it's actually my 15th mainline FF but it's my favorite one. Sorry your taste is shit.



>XV is a major step forward comapred to ARPGs made by the company in the past,
I hope you know Kingdom Hearts 2 ARPG combat literally diarrheas all over this fucking asinine game.


I've only played a couple hours with my brother's copy of the game and here's what I thought:
>Combat is kinda lame
>you can't turn off shitty waypoints without turning off EVERYTHING (even the dumb parry QTEs and your party's status)
>frameskipping and framerate in general makes the game feel like poo
>animations and graphics in general are awful. XIII looks LEAGUES better. Everytime I look at XV, I get Shitty-Ubisoft-Open-World-Game-Vibes
>making me do lame hunting shit during the first part of the game is not engaging
>can't remember why, but the Lunafreya flashback scene around the beginning of the game made me go "fuck this"

No, XV shits all over that.

>m-metacritic matters!?

>relying on metacritic for your opinions

Quite possibly the worst game I've ever played.

If it's the worst game you've ever played then you clearly haven't played very many games

>floaty, clunky, effortless combat
>literally CAN NOT LOSE because of how potions work
>90% of sidequests are exactly the same "find this monster and kill it"
>minigames are shit
>story is nonexistent, characters are underdeveloped and their reveals are sudden as fuck
>"hope you have the DLC! :^)"
>open world is empty as fuck
>only good songs are from old games, no good original music
>setting is shit

Most people can see most shit games coming, and avoid playing them.

Literally none of those weapon switches were necessary, what the fuck is this webm trying to prove? kek

>XIII looks LEAGUES better.
You're fucking retarded.

It was a good game.

Not a great game, but a good game. People claiming that its actually terrible are out of their minds.

Other developers should take notes on how to make characters feel human, as the core party is the best thing to come from it despite being based on anime cliches.

>liking final fantasy past X-2
Kill yourself.

I'm playing it right now and so far it's a fun decent game, but it has a lot of flaws.
>Camera is terrible especially in caves or areas with lots of foliage
>Car is on rails
>Graphics can look good in one area, but PS3 tier in another
>animations are janky outside of major cutscenes
>characters would repeat the same dialogue over and over again
>only 2 towns
>outposts all look the same
>combat feels more like FF Type-0 than Kingdom Hearts
>Guest party members stay with you for like 30 minutes tops
I hope Nomura makes a Versus XV someday
Also Iris is best girl

>Literally none of those weapon switches were necessary, what the fuck is this webm trying to prove?

that XV has "deeper" combat and the thing is that NONE of those "advanced" techniques are needed to beat the game

Fuck off anti kun.

No it doesn't. Not in any way.

I don't care what webm you show me, you're not proving anything.

The top webms fight is better programmed than anything in XV. Most of the time you're not doing anything like the bottom in that game. You're chugging unlimited potions. Casting retarded magic that does nothing but kill everything in site with some cool effects. Attacks have no weight to them, enemies don't always telegraph there moves and you can just hold the fucking button anyway. Fighting mobs of enemies in this game is retarded. Larger enemies have stupid amounts of health, and are a fucking chore to get through.

Now saying all of that, KH does the opposite of every single one. That game will never even come fucking close to KH2. Even level 1 playthroughs in KH2 are balanced. Level 1 playthroughs in XV are fucking stupid. You're a fucking stupid fucking faggot cunt, and I'm getting the last word on you.

What PS2 game is that?

I'm like 90% sure the top is from that video that shows what happens when you take out the revenge system in KH2.