>Armor degrades
>Each piece of Armor has 5 models
>One for each 20% durability bracket
>80-100% New/spotless
>60-80% Some dings and scratches
>40-60% Dings, scratches, rust, and a missing piece/hole
>20-40% Multiple missing pieces
>0-20% tattered rags version
ITT: Little things in games please your autism
>final boss disables the pause button
>dynamic music
>having too low skill/stat for a dialogue option gives you "ooga booga computah" type option
>low int dialogue options
>low int dialogue options which benefit you
>main character gets visibly more tired and hurt as you progress through the game
>audible splash when character steps in a puddle
Shit gets me rock hard
>stacking debuffs on enemy until he can barely move
>stacking DoTs on enemy until he takes more damage per turn than you'd deal with instant damage attacks
Afraid I can't think of armor degradation that detailed in anything.
>different footstep sounds depending of where you're walking
>they're all satisfying to listen to
>Different attack animations for different weapons
>Axe is vastly different from sword
>Spears with highly technical thrusts animations
>Fully body movement whenever you strike
>when the crafting/alchemy system is well done
What is Chibi-robo
Nigger give some details instead of just "le well done xD"
>appearance becomes increasingly ragged
>combat animations become increasingly brutal
>in-combat voice becomes more and more unstable
>weapon swing animation restricts your movement, but still allows manual tracking
>upgrading armors and weapons changes their appearance
>using one sword is just as viable as using a shield or dual-wielding
Good job saying Nigger you emotionally stunted little fuckwit
How bout I fuck your momma
black desert online has 3 or 4 stages I think
>not using a 2h weapon or shield gives you bonus punches once in a while
there are so many places to fuck it up.
>Correct item weight/inventory management with respect to the components needed
>scarcity of items
>perks/skills to commit yourself to being a crafter
>having it pay off without being overpowered
>things you make take on an appearance based on the components you selected and effects. (fire sword you craft has flame effect, speed potion you brew gives you a shadow effect to your movements, etc)
>recipes are reasonable in the amount of components they require
>process of crafting has a fun minigame that makes it not just a user interface/menu exercise
So many things.
>drinking has an effect
>can see your feet
>when using one sword lets you parry with your off-hand barehanded
>even fuck-off tower swords used by giants
>look mom, I'm pretending to be a SJW and baiting so hard! I hope they will get mad
>Skimpy, practical and badass armor are all available in the same game.
>There is a decently justifiable reason for their existence.
>All armor is well designed with no WoW tier random lines and ridges surrounding the outside for no reason.
>bawww WORDS!
Honestly regardless of your feelings on the politics and message Spec Ops was a fucking masterpiece of visual storytelling
>game has audio files that you can listen to while playing
Every RPG should do this. Im not gonna spend the next 3 hours reading your codex files, godammit
>there are random nameless NPCs around the town/Hub area you can speak to
>each of them has their own on-going story arc that continues as the story progresses
Mass Effect is the only game where I've actually read that shit, which was partially due to the entries actually being interesting and partially due to the narration. Every other game has these interminable boring-ass walls of text.
What's even worse than that when it's an audio file you can't listen to while playing. I never played the main Metal Gear games but this bored me to fucking tears in Rising and I never listened to a single one past the first level. Maybe having actual interesting characters makes the difference, but fuck me, it's such a boring way to deliver exposition.
I loved how random background hallucinations can change based on your choices.
It's the type of detail that the vast majority of players miss on the first run, but it's a really nice touch.
>Open world RPG with survival elements
>move slower with high encumbrance
>Never hording shit in your inventory
>Traveling light and minimalist
I wish I could play New Vegas for the first time all over again.
What a great atmosphere it had, especially with hardcore mode + mods.
>Status effects are useful
>Idle animations
>Hard has a slightly different storyline than Normal/Easy
>those two engineers in Mass Effect 2 and 3
>loses trigger discipline
That's top tier.
I've never seen a game that does this but
>Recurring enemy organisation throughout the game
>You fight the same few distinct guys each time
>They're all hilarious
>You only realise after like the third encounter
>They get different reactions to you as time goes on
>They start out as jobbers but become stronger and stronger
>At some point(s) they become friends
this is something I dream of seeing in a game.
Besides that, a rival system where you rival is shown to progress through the game's world using the same techniques available to you.
>Game has no boring copy pasted inventory system that only serves to be annoying as fuck that you spend the majority of your time thinking about instead of actually playing the game because you never have enough room to for a decent fucking number of items.
>If carry weight is limited at all it's by the number of items that you're actually using and not the number of items in your bag
>"this effect can stack"
Any games other than W101 that do this?
>are you talking about the Normandy or Miranda?
Batman Arkham Asylum
Batman Arkham Asylum had him getting his suit worn and torn and he grows a five-o-clock shadow
What are the Turks?
1 second apart
The rival thing describes Pokemon, don't hate but it's true
Prince of Persia was the first time I noticed it in a game.
This. One of my favorite things ever
I mean, reviews are "mixed" to say the least, but isn't that what the Team Rocket rejects from Final Fantasy X-2 did?
You're welcome.
>final stretch before the story's climax
>penultimate area gives all the characters a chance to reflect and wish each other luck
Fossil Fighters.
>only likable Batarian in the series was one of the refugees chatting with a Turian in the Citadel wars
>they commiserate and grow closer as the story moves on
>game lets you play from different character's perspectives
>climax stretch to the final boss is an adrenaline fueled onslaught that has you switching between characters forcibly
i've always wanted this, automeme was great for it, but i want it to involve more characters n shit
when will we ever get a game where we can play as the whole party, and switch on the spot kind of like GTA V style switching?
I like when games give a clear-cut point of no return to let you know that this is the last time you can complete what you need to complete
The other Batman games also do this, in City after you get blown up his costume totally goes to shit
>game is finished
I ended up writing more than a little thing and I'm not sure anything like this exists (maybe the Sims), but whatever.
>PC has mental health and personality stats which change depending on how you act in game
>character can become a sociopath, a manic depressive, a social butterfly, an enlightened guru, a paranoid delusional fuck, etc.
>influenced by things like character interactions, methods of combat, using certain items like food, books, drugs, etc, getting enough sleep or not, being able or unable to help or save NPCs you're close with, and so on
>affects dialogue options, combat, other skills, how you use items
>if you go crazy enough you start to experience psychosis, get attacked by enemies that turn out to be just NPCs trying to talk to you, mistake items for other items, etc.
>get too depressed and your skills, or ability to use skills, decline, your character sometimes doesn't respond to your commands, and eventually just kills himself
>you can't actually view these stats, so you have to assess your mental health based on how you've been playing, how your character's been acting and how NPCs have been reacting to you, maybe there are psychologists you can visit too
>play section of a mission
>go back to beginning of the section
>dialogue changes so you don't have to listen to the same stuff over and over again
Never seen this but
>When a game has in-depth sailing mechanics
>Not "wind here sail big, wind there sail small"
>telltales that you have to keep an eye on
>clues in the patterns of the water which way the wind is heading when it gusts/is strong enough
>hiking mechanics so you can hang sideways off a wooden plank with a t-shirt attached
>reeling in main/jib with scroll wheel and hooking it with m1 and m2.
>being drunk is a buff
sad cum that sailing game mechanics are shit
Max Payne 3 had the tired and hurt thing. So did the Alone in the Dark game from about right or nine years back. I really enjoyed how in Metroid Prime that as you took damage your visor cracked. Unless i'm on drugs and totally made that part up.
I think for me my absolute favourite thing is well designed counter/parry systems. Its a shame but i'm actually drawing a blank when it comes to games with these. Oh, and PN03 having absolutely gorgeous visual design in combat. The rythmic motions of the character and what I believe was Vanessa's "beats" being in time with the music was fucking great. Shame it was overall just okay as a game, though.
Lots of games with the last point but i'd be fucked trying to name sny with the others. I don't sail, though.
Closest I can think of is Indigo Prophecy. But it's basically a Game Over if the main character is too bummed out.
Older example and not really as high-energy as Automata, but I have a soft spot for the perspective switching during some of the climactic moments in FF9.
I really really like rhythm-based combat.
its pretty fun
yakuza 0 for getting in fights, ya
The last Fans mission in Hotline Miami 2 kinda did this.
>game lets you play from different character's perspectives
>stories from each character converges
>characters display more and more divergent goals and ideals
>becomes more clear that they can't both have a happy ending
>final boss is the character you didn't choose to follow though to the end of his story
As mediocre as this game was in a lot of aspects, I liked this part of it.
>Game allows you to talk with every party member before the final battle to know how they are feeling like
sadly not a lot of games do this
Wondered whether that game was worth checking out. Always wanted a proper asoiaf setting game.
Dynamic music, when done well, is the absolute greatest shit
Drakengard 3 kind of does this a tad when your steamrolling through soldiers at certain points
>Soldier A: "N-no! i'll never fulfill my dream of sleeping with Lady Three!"
>Soldier B: "I wanted... Octa.."
>Soldier A: "This is a hell of a time to come out, man!"
The combat is pretty mediocre, it's basically poor man's Dragon Age, and the graphics are pretty bad. Voice acting is pretty meh besides a few of the main characters but the story and characters really carries it. I got it for one buck during some humble bundle but was pleasantly surprised by it.
Transformers Fall of Cybertron does this like 5 times in the last level. The coolest part of it IMO is playing as one character and then fighting him in a boss fight later.
>battle chatter that doesn't always only result from something happening
Homeworld is literally the only game I've ever seen do this
How is Fall of Cybertron? I never got the chance to play it, but I know Gamestop has it.
Interesting. I'll look into it next time there's a Steam sale. Hope the story doesn't adhere to fanservice-ing the show's characters quite as hard as Telltale's version did.
>Every character has a unique idle animation
>character breathes heavy after sprinting/fighting
>you have a zoom in/look closer AND a flashlight
There are some appearances by characters from the show/books but they are fairly minor and most of the focus is on the game's original characters
Can't compare it to the first game since I never played that but I liked it.
Chatter in Homeworld is God-tier.
Serena has good line delivery as well.
"Group 1 eliminated"
"Contact lost from group 1"
Sounds good.
Though I'll continue to wait for a day where I see Dunk and Egg get their own wacky spin-off.
>have elemental magick
>they have an earth tree
I'm sick of "Fire, Ice, Lightning"
It is
>Water (which contains Ice)
>Wind (which contains lightning)
>Earth (which contains poison and steel)
forgot my pic
>garbage design choices that never happen
Name LITERALLY one single fucking game that does any of this absolute shit.
>survival games that have a well implemented heat/cold system
>it even tracks what extremities are exposed so you can be plenty warm but have cold-ass hands so it's harder to do anything because of reduced dexterity
>game has an in-depth tracking system for tracking animals before and after wounding them
>game puts lots of thought and complexity into seemingly minor mechanics
I'm really only talking about one game here but it is pretty damn satisfying
Who didn't love Man Vs. Wild?
>no multiplayer
the cancer that is killing games
I love when games vary the plot depending on the difficulty
>you can play as the antagonist
Burnout 2:Vermintide:NeoScavenger:Dark Souls:Anything by BlackIsle/oldBioware:
>game lets you play as cute/thicc/older women
Jokes on you, fucking idiot
i was only looking to be spoonfed
>game has herbalism/alchemy
>when you reach a certain level you no longer have to pick your herbs
>you have a radius and when you get close enough the herbs get plucked, travel through the air and goes into your inventory.
Jokes on you, fucking idiot
i was only looking to be challenged
...and i failed to find most of them
>Game has herbalism/alchemy
>You only need to brew a potion once
>For the rest of the game you can replenish your potions with plain alcohol