>scam citizen BLOWN THE FUCK OUT

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Friendly reminder that Derek Smart has been a laughing stock hack since the 90s.

>random twitter screencap from some eceleb

you are the cancer of Sup Forums

You know, if Derek spent even a fraction of the time he spends complaining about Star Citizens success on actually making a game he'd probably be doing a lot better than he is now.

But like most trolls on the internet, he's a slackjawed retard who has no credit to their name.

boo hoo, cry some more. Things will never change, get used to it newfag.

>Derek Smart
>The man so autistic he single-handedly tried to create a major scandal with "anonymous sources" just to spite Chris Roberts
>Star Citizen demos 3.0, completley BTFOs him
>his own game continues to not exist
>Derek still shitposts on Sup Forums

>dreck smart is still at it

Star Citizen isn't a pyramid scheme

It's just another Daikatana.

Since the late 80s, actually.

>when you don't know what a pyramid scheme is but you want to sound smart

t. someone who doesn't even want starcitizen

Nah, Chris Robert is actually on track to make Star Citizen with all the content he wants and promised. coming in 2020



He's and idiot as well as all the fucking shills who backed scam citizen.

Derek smart?


Its funny how PCniggers were manipulated into giving away their money.
>PC gamers are way smarter than console gamers! I want to make a smart game for smart people, which is why I need 40 million dollars!
>Leik omg fellow master race! Finally a developer who sees the folly of consoles! Let's all make them mad about their pile of exclusives with this end all be all exclusive (date TBD)!
You low life pieces of shit waste of air just jumped at the opportunity to try and rationalize your silly meme that you were conned out of desperation and hive mentality.

Why is he so mad at SC?

I hope Star Citizen gets finished, only because Derek might actually kill himself if it does

>Sup Forums suddenly loves Star Citizen now


Derek how can you even afford internet? What do you do?


>Derek Smart

You give him way too much credit.


i really hate this fuckhead, who won't admit that all his games are shit and needlessly complicated for the sake of being complicated just to appeal to himself, nobody wants to print out 900 page manuals and learn 1000 keys.

What does "blown the fuck out" mean?
Bested in a conversation?
Literally blown up like a Mosul child?


I actually like Derek Smarts autistic battlecruiser simulator games

it means to have your diginity taken away, like 12" black cock going into your virgin butthole and cumming inside gallons of hot HIV positive semen.

What dignity?

In some ways, you could argue that having low standards is an evolutionary advantage, like how an omnivore has a better chance to survive than a pure carnivore

>SA watermark
Times have changed for the worse

Derek Smart is still even a thing?


>newfags bring in their twitter screencap threads and force them so much they almost become a norm
>calling others newfags for calling out these shitty threads


at least its not as bad as consoleniggers paying for the same COD/Halo/Mario/Zelda/Uncharted/Generic Ubisoft Game #4234 year after year after year for about ~15 years

Too bad no amount of content fixes unfun game.

>scam citizen never releases/releases and is utter shit
>get to laugh with Sup Forums

>scam citizen releases and is actually good
>get to play fun vidya with Sup Forums

Can someone explain why Derek Smart is on some crusade to kill Star Citizen? i looked him up and it seems like he's just made a bunch of shitty PC space sim games over the past two decades.

Star Citizen will almost certainly never come out. Anyone with a brain knows this.

On the infinitesimally small chance it -does- come out, it's going to be One Man's Lie 2.0.

>Star Citizen will almost certainly never come out.
there's way too much money dumped into it to let it just die and hope people forgets, it's definitely going the nu men scam route

Honestly if you look into Star Citizen you realise that the most diehard barnacles on this sinking ship want their game to be full of autistically minute detail management like cargo sorting, mining drill controlling, and AI ship crew hiring, training, marrying (this is a joke), and tracking of their work history as a persistent entity throughout the entire game's life. Just for starters. So it's not like it's not a deep seated need for that minority of space game autists out there.

I'll never mock someone for enjoying certain types of games. I will freely mock people for throwing money into a giant bottomless pit though.

Chris is basically doing what Derek wanted to do always accomplish. Only Chris gets the good will of his forum dad zombies and a grillion dollars to do it and Derek has only made shit games. Derek is eternally assblasted and cannot go a day without shitting his pants over it.

>One Man's Lie 2.0.

But it's already more playable than NMS was at launch, and people can actually play it right now so they can't even trick you into thinking the game is something it's not

If it fails, let's hope that at least it finally kills all Early Access/Kick Starter vidya related projects.

It will be like a new videogame crash but a little more irrelevant.

is the name Derek Smart one of those ironic things like the black character on Boardwalk Empire being called Chalky White?

Derek backed Star Citizen, then got a bit worried about the promises and directions it was taking and being a guy who thinks himself an expert of stuff decided to try to tell CIG as such. When they ignored him, he wrote a blog post about his concerns.

So CIG did what anyone would do in this situation knowing Derek Smart's history and decided to refund him, ban him from the forums, released information to show he'd not played any of the demo modules at the time and claimed he was banned because he was advertising his own game on the forums (he never posted on the forums).

So basically they decided the best idea of things to do was wind up the guy who has been in internet arguments for decades, that had a long history of never fucking backing down, and gave him a crusade on a silver platter.

fuck off with your e-celeb bullshit, faggot


>demolishes classic game boxes

At least they actually get a game instead of an apology at the end of the transaction, sweetie~

>post yfw you didn't fall for scam citizen


It was made in 2007

Seeded. It's not deep seeded.

Still crying?

On one hand, I find it amusing that people fall for scam citizen. On the other hand, it's deadspin we're talking about here. Oh well, hide thread and move on I guess