Meta thread

Hiro allows us 1 meta thread to talk about the board itself

Let's talk about pic related...

Whoever made it has no creativity and just edited an already existing MSPaint image.

Don't think any more needs to be said about the pic.

What is there to talk about? Anti sjw threads get 300+ posts regularly, unless they arent videogames , in which case they get rightfully axed

Oh please, Sup Forums is /pol2/. No one is suppressing shit here.

Remove mobile posters

Is it just me, or have the mods been getting increasingly fucking petty lately? I've been banned for such minor shit it's not even funny.

>newfags still think gamergate was the cause of the problems in 2014
Lurk a whole lot more.

I can smell a leaf, even without flags.

I was not here yesterday, but seems that we have now 2 "secret" boards, /vint/ and /mlpol/. Is there any other extra board?

You'll never stop us!

>got banned for telling that autistic underaged nintenbro cody who always shits up paper mario/metroid/sony threads to fuck off
t-thanks mods

We just need to ban people for ironic shitposting and regular shitposting again.

We'll just have to start asking for 300 word essays.

You are shit. Kill yourself.

There were plenty more board mergers for April Fools

holy shit yiu're cancer

>i-it's about ethics in games journalism guys it's got nothing to do with wanting to murder those awful bitches

Sorry sweetie. I'm not leaving.

>le alt reich culture meme
I'll take feminists over them.

>use Sup Forums on computer
>maybe browse in bed or during lunch break
And that isn't gamergate in 2014, I don't think anyone actually gave a shit about gamergate

Don't tell no one

so kinda like flags instead of nationality there should be flags to denote which boards people how posted on or maybe even just browsed. Since with that it would make it easier to tell which fags are just simply shitposting and which ones can be given the benefit of the doubt about shit.

So imagine if there is most and it has some sort of tags on it showing that that person had been on /mlp/ and Sup Forums earlier. With that one can probably safely assume that that type of fag is just dumb manchild and can be simply ignored much more easily without fags trying to converse with them and derailing threads into pure fagy shitposting against one another.

The people who gave a shit gave far to much of one.

>they still exist

/mlp/ is the star child of the concept of containment boards though so no one would care beyond "lol horsefucker". Sup Forums users would get far more flack since most boards agree this place is 99% braindead.

Killing every single person who has ever posted on Sup Forums would be a good start for fixing the problems with this board.

>Now we're talking.

>tfw can only do sign capchas
What is this shit?

I'm tired of video games.
Most of my friends moved on and everybody on the Internet needs to add their two cents on everything. Shit's made me lose my passion about what I loved most.

Maybe it's a sign of growing up, but I just can't seem to find anything that made me feel nearly as happy as a kid playing "Revenge of Shinobi" or "We Love Katamari".

My love life's a joke. I tricked myself into thinking I was in love with this girl I was going out with. We kissed, laughed, talked all the time, that sort of shit. But when we got too passionate she'd push me away and blame me for getting " too into it". It went on for six months before she dumped me, and just a few hours before we stopped in Florida on a trip to meet her parents.

I'm in the Navy, and that's a dead end career. You either do your four years and forget all about it or you suffer for twenty plus and have to fight the urges not to kill yourself on a day-to-day basis.

I had a biological father and my adoptive father. Last year my adoptive went missing, only for us to find his corpse four months later in the woods behind a fire station, with a revolver in his hand and his body picked by animals, still slumped against a tree. Not soon after my biological father overdosed on heroine a week before I was going to meet him for the first time.

My freedom, passion, and dignity have all been striped away. I've lost so many loved ones over the past year, I can't feel emotions anymore. I can't cry, I can't laugh, I can't even trick myself into thinking it'll be alright in the end. Because even if I do manage to get out of the Navy, or find a girlfriend, or enjoy vidya again, it's just going to be another problem to deal with down the road.

Just kill me

lol nice blog nigger

Thx pls subscribe

Make /vint/ the default.

This shit is why GG failed. It couldn't decide whether it wanted to be about vidya or be about far right extremist policies.

>fuckin trannies!
Not sure what this has to do with vidya or "ethics in journalism". Seems like GG was just a shitty alt right movement trying to masquerade as something legitimate.

Just watch some cat videos, dog.

Hiroshimoot already range banned my mobile provider.

Love how this board always claims to be full of oldfags but the newfaggotry is obvious to anyone who has been here prior to GG

>Mods are petty now
Snacks and others used to ban just for the fuck of it, and mods used to ban for saying nigger as a racial slur. Mods would also ban over really stupid shit like pic related

I once had my week ban upgraded to a 6 month one because I made an appeal.

It's one of those things.

Where one group creates said group for one goal, then people with tangentially similar goals come in and slowly shift the group to the other goal instead of the original one.

I didn't claim to be an oldfag. I haven't been on Sup Forums for that long, but I've been on other boards for several years, and the moderation was never this strict.

>Mods genuinely think that they have power over this board
Top ses.

Can't offer you solace, user, but I'm there with you.
>Loved a woman for 8 years, she was cheating on me at the end of it
>She and the guy are getting married this year, a year after I told her to fuck off
>Father and mother's families both have told me to take a hike because I dedicated my teens and early 20's to working, missed a shitload of funerals and weddings because I was such a workaholic
>Since quitting my job, all my friends have disappeared, because all my friends were work friends and they don't want to have anything to do with me any longer
>Had enough money to buy out a house and invest intelligently in the stock market, now I'm a late-20's NEET with no friends and just enough money to survive
>Don't do much of anything anymore except work out and play vidya, no friends, no love life to speak of, no surviving family
>Haven't spoken to another human being conversationally in at least 6 months
>Haven't touched another human being in a year, at least
To look on the bright side, though, at least I've got a paid off house and truck. It could be worse.

I left Sup Forums and Sup Forums due to over-moderation. Sup Forums also had demographics shift. Sup Forums has mostly been Sup Forums.

You deserve it SJWfuck.

You've been ruining the world for us.

The mods here have always been fucking losers whose only access to a "power trip" is to ban random Anons on an image board that's commonly referred to as the asshole of the internet. Because they're incompetant shitstains.

Especially that one mod who was a Treehouse employee.

>look at /vint/
>it actually manages to be worse than Sup Forums
That's amazing.

Damn, user, I'd give you a hug.

My situation is pretty much the same

>That dude in the middle with the smaller censor box
But what does it mean?

I have more than one connection, whenever I get banned I just shitpost even harder :^)

How do you justify banning people for having a different opinion, wouldn't that make you just as bad as the SJWs?

>and mods used to ban for saying nigger as a racial slur.
Its right in the rules that racism should be kept on Sup Forums (and now Sup Forums I guess)

Remember the days before the big ebaums influx?


Everyone was happy and enjoying themselves though.

We have mods?

Honestly, we should just ban everyone who has Sup Forums as their home board, and Canadians. Most sjw posters are either false flagging Sup Forumstards looking for an excuse to shitpost or Canadians.

Oh shit! And MS paint comic! I sure am BTFO. Should I go to /k/ and ask then about which gun is best for killing myself?

>crying about gamegate threads
Good, literally shitting up the site

Glorious. Those truly were the days.

Meh, first image that popped-up in a google image search of "Sup Forums mods".

>Sup Forums
What? Half the threads there are Sup Forums threads, cuck/blacked threads, JUST theads and cunnyposting. No one even talks about movies other than capeshit.

Yes, now that you are aware you are a cuck, its your responsibility to end your bloodline so your son doesn't become one too

Youre literally parroting shit youve seen.

How lazy of a cunt do you have to be to not get your worthless, meming ass out of bed and post on your computer?

Jokes on you, I'm already a father. And she's my biological daughter.

That just defeats the purpose of user

Yeah, I tried browsing Sup Forums again and it's just shit. Like wow. I've tried re-visiting Sup Forums, but I get bored. I never thought it'd end this way.

>remove mobile posters
>remove pepe and wojak's
>remove any template threads
done the board is saved.


You're already a failure...