The last galaxy game was released seven years ago

The last galaxy game was released seven years ago.

Are we ever going to get 3?

hopefully never

odissey is the true mario game we needed

We won't. As far as 3D Marios go, Galaxy 2 was an anomaly.


3D World was Mario Galaxy except actually good, so hopefully we'll never get another Galaxy.

Why not both? Nintendo life cycles are around five years.

Mario odyssey 2017
Mario brothers 2018
Mario galaxy 3 2019

Three mario games in its five year life.


They literally only made it because they had enough unused ideas from the original game that they thought an expansion pack-like sequel was justified.

Direct sequels with 3D Mario games are an extreme rarity. Super Mario 3D Land + World are the continuation of the Galaxy formula.

we already had galaxy, galaxy 2, 3d land and 3d world thats more than 5 years

No timer
Large levels
Multiple stars per level

>3D World
Small levels
One flag per level

Galaxy is closer to a watered down Sunshine with different mechanics

Hopefully not because Galaxy sucks ass.