This is Link, the Hero who has to save Hyrule. Say something nice to him!

This is Link, the Hero who has to save Hyrule. Say something nice to him!

link is cute! CUTE!

Are you playing BotW with your Link?

I would totally fuck him, no homo tho.

This is linkle (male) say something nice to her (him)

I'm going to fix your constipation issues

any images out there where link gets bukkaked or fucked by horses or dogs?

I like your previous incarnate better, the other one called Link. You know, he looks just like ya.

halo linkle im zelda


surely link isnt this deviant

Do you know Link has some miner scars on his body?

They don't stick out but you can see them when you look carefully at his body

>when you look carefully at his body

Link has had a horse in half of all his 3D mainline console games. Coincidence? I think not!

i thought those were his vagina bones

New link was a miner?

Why would I look carefully at his body lol. He is a boy like me.

you have to show scars of his body while doing the quest

No. you can assume or know why he was in shrine of resurrection for 100 years



this is link. he's cold. pls do something about this!

Give him a leaf cloak

Why does SS and BotW Link fanart tend to look better than the in game model?


i want to do my hair like this :3c

Looks like pigtails and he wars pink, lol faggot.

Would a gay Link make you uncomfortable?

BotW Link is a cutey not sure what you mean
SS Link has negro lips

No, but he could make me very comfortable

>Faggots who bought the game made Link wear sissy feminine clothes for their pleasure.

If only Twilight Princess Link was here, he'd fix this. Because Twilight Princess Link WAS A MAN!! AND AN EDGELORD!! HE WOULDN'T PUT UP WITH YOU FAGGOTS!

>tfw no Postman questline that rewards you with a postman outfit that increases run speed

He'd just be upset that he can't be a pretty boy.

BotW Link is the manliest fucking Link in any Zelda game so far.
It's not that the weapons are weak, it's that he hits so hard with them they can only sustain a few blows before shattering.

>implying that edgelords aren't the biggest closet fags

Where does he find the time to wax his entire body?

He's probably one of those people that only grow hair on their head and crotch

As someone who has been compared to a bear in terms of how much hair I grow and in what places, I am intensely jealous.

>not embracing your manliness to assert your dominance for sissybois

How do I do that?

Selfie Link's poses are pretty cute.
No homo.

I don't want to dominate cutebois though, I just want to cuddle them after coming deep inside their boi pussies.

if nintendo allowed for this to happen then they meant for this to happen

>have to strip in front of robbie so he can look at you closely

How do I shave the sensitive areas like link?

I want to but have never done it before?

Bless mmimmzel


>BotW Link is the manliest fucking Link in any Zelda game so far

Dude, listen. Other Links use the Master Sword for a good 50% of their game at the very least.
BotW Link uses his Master Sword for 5 minutes before the Master Sword says "now slow down there fella, I gotta take a break." and has to recharge.

>that face he makes when shivering

but they're sluts that need to be dominated

>You have an amazing wisdom and power


Or instead it's the fact that the game takes place so far into the future the Master Sword and any other weapons Link finds are weakened as fuck. See, I can use stupid mental gymnastics to support my opinion, too.

Also, Link from Zelda 1 defeated Ganon without the Master Sword at all. So yeah.

Uncomfortably aroused.

Link from BotW can do it with a tree branch.

I don't have to dominate them because they know belong to me and will have become addicted to my cock. When I walk in the room they'll simply present themselves to me and I'll empty my balls into them right then and there.

dem hips

I want a remaster within a remaster of TP with detailed edgy dialogue prompts.

you mean this

>Takes selfies with the Shiekah Slate
>Picture clearly shows it on his waist

>nearing Zora's Domain
>strip down to my shorts because it's raining and I don't like the idea of having soggy clothes
>bare feet slapping on wet pavement is oddly satisfying
I really wish you could just go completely naked. I really just want to run all around Hyrule and let Link's fanny get warmed by the sun, and let his dick flip and flop around when he runs. I want to strip naked and go on stealth missions in the villages, where you try not to get spotted naked at night. In fact, this sounds like a fun game on its own.

Not even gay.

I want to cuddle him

More like Fi doesn't feel like trying as hard for him because he fucked up 100 years ago and got the sword banged up.
Why else is this the only game where Link has to nearly kill himself to pull the Master Sword, when silly 12 year old Wind Waker Link plucked it from its pedestal no problem?

I better warm him up with my own body.

I want to warm his tummy!

His teeth are chattering! Better I warm up his throat for him!

Is it just me, or do the nostrils in this game look really weird, except for the great fairy.

I wanna take a fluffy blanket, wrap myself around him with it, and hold him close

full homo

so dreamy

>tfw too old to love Link

I have never, ever, ever played a 3D Zelda to completion.

3D Zeld a shit.


I wish Link were chubby, he'd look cute a bit jigglier

>Link will never look at you like this.

What is even the point in living?


But he looks you through your monitor screen


Link used the Master Sword like crazy 100 years ago. But then he had to fight a giant super robot army while defending a helpless NPC. By the time they get to Fort Hateno the master sword was incredibly damaged and close to breaking.
100 years of rest on the pedestal wasn't enough time for Fi to heal

