should i play pic related? i've been playing through all the FF games and i just finished X.
is FFXI playable just for the story? i've read it has deep lore and a lot of expansions
should i play pic related? i've been playing through all the FF games and i just finished X.
is FFXI playable just for the story? i've read it has deep lore and a lot of expansions
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You finished X and you want more? You are a tough one
X is a great game though.
play 12
It's a pale shadow of its former self, and there's no reason to play FF 'in order.'
it wasn't bad. it's in my top 5 so far
I'd say play X-2, but the copy-pasted levels (from X) hurt what's otherwise amazing. XI is an mmo. MMOs are all shit tbqh and no one plays them for the 'story' lol.
>seriously thinking this about XI
Have your (You).
FFXI has great story but if you're not into MMOs it's not a game you can just jump into. Just find a YouTube channel with all the cutscenes story and wiki the lore it would probably take you literally a couple of months to view all the story
It may be a pale shadow of what it was, but it has never been better for storyfags to jump in, grind up easily, and solo all story content back to back for that solo rpg ff.
So this...... is the power..................... of Excalibur......
If you were to play it*
I guess that's fair.
If it's a diamond in the rough, I'll take your word for it. But I won't ever want to get back into the "routine" that comes with MMOs, or push it on others.
It's hard to recommend XI with all the offline MMO involved with it. It's a grind, and finishing the story, even with trusts, is going to be a hell of a task.
This game sucks. Controls suck. Music sucks because it's not as cool as 14's. The character creater sucks and doesn't let me choose colors for my catgirl's hair. Also, the game plays way too slowly compared to WoW and even 14 with it's 2.5 global cooldown on abilities. Before you knock me for talking out of my ass, I played like a month leveling a Thief to level 12 some years ago and ended up dying a lot to stupid goblins ganging up on me. Why couldn't my character even solo stuff that was on the same level? Nobody should play this game but should check out the more superior FF MMO. Also, where the heck are the female galka?
The game is easier than ever to get into. If you're not a complete dumbass you can get everything done story wise in a month.
Join the Asura server. It's populated well and lots of friendly people will help you out. Pretty sure there's a vg shell. The story is really good if you don't mind reading text. The boss fights are nuts and the gameplay itself is fun as fuck late game once you know what you're doing.
Obviously there will be some grind but if you take your time and enjoy the world for what it is you will not regret it.
>Music sucks
Alright fag you've crossed the line.
I wanted to play this back in the heyday and my parents got it for me on release but my computer wasn't good enough.
Is this still worth playing or has it been ruined by modern MMO accommodations?
Reminder this game has an extended shitting yourself fetish sequence that is actually required to progress.
it's a shell of what it once was
There's a v shell. Don't you dare associate us with the scum that is vg
11 has a lot of rough parts being that it's an early MMO, and even for it's time it had one of the least user friendly interfaces. People liked it because of it's heavy teamwork focus, and alive feeling world. The political drama and backstory were pretty good, but it's just not the same anymore. You would have to have a huge tolerance for bullshit, and a lot of free time just to get a few good nuggets. I really hope that SquareEnix revisits FFXI one day, either in a major overhaul or a single player spinoff..
I've always forgotten to ask but remembered to just now; wasn't SE making an offline version of XI, dark and light? Did that never happen? I don't remember how long ago I heard that.
Sorry, but I prefer good music to boring stuff like I found in 11. Does it have anything as epic as this song?
FFXI is probably the comfiest MMO out there.
>start game, do tutorial
>unlock ROE from menu, get trusts
>level to 18-20, go to selb/mhaura, unlock ROV and subjob
>do the nation missions, level along the way
>finish nation mission till rank 6, essentially beating vanilla boss (you should be 50ish now)
>continue ROV until you have to do COP
>do COP until you can continue ROV
>do TOAU when ROV makes you
>do WOTG when ROV makes you
>then do whatever (lvl some more/zilart/finish cop/toau/wotg/whatever).
There, that should net you all the perma xp bonuses except for the last 2, meet most of the cast except for the last expansion and by lvl 60 you should be able to tackle anything you've unlocked and level up doing them until you decide to get the last 1/3 of ROV (final story that starts from the very beginning and ties everything together)
No, but a korean company is making a mobile version. It's supposedly still an MMO, but they haven't shown how it's supposed to work.
Do you still have to group? That's the most appealing thing about the game to me.
It's optional until end game. JP farming feels like a faster paced version of old school exp parties. And all the upper content requires a group of 3-6 usually
elvaan masterrace ww@
Hell yeah mother fucker.
you're fools
i am become worm taru
How about an Elvaan in a worm masque?
how does galka grab you
IT'd be pretty easy to grind out most of the story now from a fresh character. Don't expect it to take only days though.
>Gee user you should really level GEO then you can get into groups easier to gear up
>Level GEO
>Everybody starts wanting BRD
>not fulfilling your weeburai destiny
The devs have stated once or twice that there will be a way to see your character once the servers are offline. What that means is yet to be known.I assume this is because they know people make massive attachment to their characters, some being used since release.