Demon's Souls

Demon's Souls
> 4 worlds unlocks after you cleared the first boss

Dark Souls
> Go to undead Settlement burg for the main quest
> go down to blighttown first
> go explore anor londo
> explore the forbidden woods via back door
> explore parts of Catacomb even met patches before he start his schemes

Dark Souls 2
> Forest of the fallen or Heide's to start
> you can get to Lost Bastille from the back or front
> get enough health or get cat's ring to got to the gutter

> central yharnam
> then old yarhnam
> or spend 10000 souls to get to vicar Amelia first

Dark Souls 3
> High wall of Lorithic then Undead Settlement then road of sacrifices then farron keep then catacomb

Why has the souls series go so linear? Remember Dark Souls 1 and how many things you could do before fighting the gargoyles? Remember how you can sequence break some quests like killing patches before the cleric go down to the catacomb? Remember all the mini bosses you can do without even fighting an official boss? Your first boss after asylum demon could be either Quelaag, Taurus, Gargoyles, Sif, or even Hydra

What happened?

People can't handle exploration.


They probably got insanely lost in DaS, so they added warps in DaS2 then they still got lost and fucked up so they just said fuck it and made a linear game with warping and some side arc thingys.

Because DaS games are basically dungeon crawlers.

>Demon souls
>go inside a archtone
>there is only one way direction to a boss

Love how people think it's wasn't linear because they separate the archstone out, it's literally like mission based levels

Maybe if Dark Souls was actually open world and not a bunch of levels stitched together it would be more intuitive to explore.

A lack of a world map in game also wasn't too helpful.

How is DeS not linear?
It has no secret environments to select and the choices you make between the worlds does not effect each other.

Non-linearity implies a dynamic, adapting and shifting world or approaching a situation with a different and viable tactic.

In DaS you could completely avoid and find new whole boss fights if you discovered and explored.

There's no such thing in DeS other than the Old King.

Dark Souls 3:

>High Wall of Lothric
>then Boreal Dancer
>then Lothric Castle
>then Oceiros
>then Untended Graves and Champion Gundyr
>then Dragonslayer Armour
>then Undead Settlement

Lack of world map is what makes it so interesting to explore you donut.

you can sequence break DS3, you just have to be skilled at the game instead of having a master key like DS1

since adding respecs a lot of the value of going to harder areas early to get certain items is diminished
you can just ng+ and respec

with that aside, if you're going to play all of it anyways why does the order matter? it's not even adding replay value at that point. genuine question, not baiting.

>people are so stupid they fall for bait.
What happened to non-linear Sup Forums?

If they did that they'd sacrifice level design and pacing, which is what makes soulsbourne good.

But that's what makes it fun and interesting to explore.

Dark Souls 3 was made more linear because of the new PvP mechanic that matches players by their weapon's upgrade level which meant they needed to ration your upgrade material and make it impossible to farm up and twink your weapon, which makes PvP more fair and also per level difficulty more finely tuned by making it harder to farm up on levels and gear.

I think Dark Souls map would be too hard to navigate since the game is built vertically. How you are gonna do a 3D map?

Most games with world maps are built horizontally.

Its because I can try out different class/builds by creating a new character. If I get bored of playing my knight, I can create a mage and instead of fighting taurus demon first I can try to see what happens if I fight quelaag.
It makes you feel like you're breaking the game since you're doing something that the designers didn't intend. But that feeling is super fun and addicting.

It also is what gets people lost if you use teleporting/loading screens throughout your game.

You're right, but NG+ always feels too easy compared to the original run.

I always like looking up a weapon, rushing to it and using that for the playthrough. It's a bit frustrating that some of the new weapons are in Ringed City so I have to NG+ it.

It's neato that AoA is early though, I can get a bunch of weapons early pretty easily (takes about 15 minutes to sprint from one end to another if I can manage not to die.)

How the fuck would you get lost when each area introduced the name right at your face everytime you walked in?

It would take roughly 2-5 hours to finally get the teleport ability. So by then at least one area name would have been engrained and the player would have an idea of how the world is connected.

Because you can't fucking picture where you are spatially you twat.

Because people are dumb. Do you remember how many people complained about going to the skeletons first and having their shit pushed in repeatedly without ever considering exploring and going down another path?

>they added warps


>I think Dark Souls map would be too hard to navigate since the game is built vertically. How you are gonna do a 3D map?
Not that I think a map would be a good idea, but haven't you seen metroid prime or even botw? Both have 3D maps.

>you can just ng+ and respec

NG+ is universally shit in Souls games; only DaS2 made an attempt. Why would you do NG+ instead of creating a new character?

>with that aside, if you're going to play all of it anyways why does the order matter? it's not even adding replay value at that point. genuine question, not baiting.

Given that at least half of each game in the series is pure garbage, it's nice to be able to delay those parts until you can just blow through it, skip it entirely, or perhaps just stop playing when you get there. Also for challenging yourself, or for getting build items (something ng+ can't offer you).

>But that feeling is super fun and addicting.
It seems like a niche appeal given the amount of effort it takes to interconnect half a world like in das1. I can understand why they toned down the interconnectivity in the later games, yet some people act like it's a pillar of quality measurement.

u fukin wot, bruv

If someone had actual issues teleporting is any DaS games, it's recommended they shoot themselves out of their misery.

Please don't ruin the souls series more with the open world meme. It would be empty just like the rest of open world games are

The level design in Dark souls 1 was magnificient ingenuity.

Now it's just warp from an instance to another.

Not sure who you are referring to pretty much everyone knows demon souls is more arcadey than anything which area names such as 5-1 1-3 and 2-2 it's a video game

ng+ scaling will never match the intended challenge of a fresh new game

another thing is that retreading the same path over and over is tedious, i fucking hate crucifixion woods and farron keep with a passion and wish i could skip them altogether


You could warp in DaS 1 too

As a late/mid game reward, not a feature right off the bat.

Can't your first boss in DS2 be the twin dragon riders?

Terrible bait

It's no coincidence that the world gets dramatically less interesting the moment you place the Lordvessel.

If you want to grind out a million souls, yeah.

You can also get a fragrant branch after the first five minutes of the Forest and go down the Shaded Woods / huge spider path.

>le open world meme

It's what made people fall in love with the series back in Demon Souls. It's a deserved criticism

>Demon's Souls
>interconnected world.

I assume you mean Dark Souls, and only hipsters fell in love with the series because of Dark Souls.

>tfw no farron keep skip

>run forward grab estus
>up stairs first fire
>down stairs, up stairs accross.
>get second fire, bonfire
>get boneshard
>move along the swamp past big tree jerks past a fire to activate last fire.
>homeward bone
>run through door to abyss watchers.

Takes like 10 minutes after memorizing it.