After selling a few of my consoles and having only a wonky ds that no one would buy i'm thinking about buying ps3 and...

>after selling a few of my consoles and having only a wonky ds that no one would buy i'm thinking about buying ps3 and 3ds
>i'm 30+ man that has vowed to apply himself towards a creative effort and/or trade in order to gain some sort of insight and a meaningful life

video games simply don't fit into this picture, they take so, so much time

dissuade me, Sup Forums

i have wolfe, saussure, woolf, pynchon to read, i have another foreign language to learn so i can teach it for money

video games take so much time, huge investment for minimum payoff compared to movies, literature or music

dissuade me

>dissuade me

Why? Do what you want to do faggot

What's the story behind your image?

No thnx. Off you go.

Looks like the product of incest or an eastern European


>video games take so much time

You could just not play them a shitton and limit yourself to like an hour or so on sundays.

you already know what you're going to do. don't try and get someone else to offer that as advice so you can avoid responsible if your decision lets you down
if you MUST shift blame to an external force, consult the I-Ching

you are just simply growing up and realizing video games are a waste of time and you dont get the same enjoyment out of them as you did as a kid

An adult ought to be able to balance their time, especially when it comes to hobbies they enjoy instead of laying down silly absolutes like that and trying to do some nonsense Hollywood shit where you try to have some revelatory moment by throwing everything away

>meaningful life meme

nah i still play a good deal of them or rather i enjoy trying them out to see the innovative mechanics they could have

you're over 30 and posting on Sup Forums about things you want to do, not actually doing it--you're not gonna do any of it senpai.

i am doing some of them but at a snail's pace, thing is when you have a lot of interests (books, movies, video games) some of them have to go because you're not going to do anything ever

sad fact of life is that there is very few hours in the day

feed her weed

where did she get that shirt

chinese thrift shop

Consider if an absolute avoidance of video games will make you happier than having self-control and just limit your time spent playing games so that it doesn't negatively impair your productivity and other hobbies.

It doesn't have to be all or nothing, and if it does, the problem is you -- not video games, and you should work on time management and the ability to enjoy something without becoming a slave to it.

As an addendum, if you want to apply yourself towards a creative effort in an artistic direction, video games are a part of modern culture, so to exclude them from your frame of reference would be a limitation. Not a bonus.

>not doing both.

Whatever floats your boat mane.

Cut out pther media if you want to make time for games.

drink caffeine

more like cut off video games, they take more time than other media combined

My kind of gal

Is this OP? Dude, you seem convinced. Coming to a board dedicated to video game junkeys is a silly place to validate your opinion. Why do you need validation? Make a decision and see how it plays out. See how 4 months without video games affects your happiness/productivity. Figure it out. None of us here know anything about you, so any comment on what you should and shouldn't do would be meaningless.

what are your interests in life

one of the faces of antifa on Sup Forums

*tips fedora*

Set up a good boy points system that you cash in for video game tendie time.

Chicks with dicks.

I am an animator/writer. Still not very successful, but I'm 21, so I have plenty of time.

For my personal projects, I never really see video games/TV or books as 'getting in the way' since I want to work on my projects just as much as I want to play my favourite games or watch my favourite shows. They feed into each other -- I would have nothing to make jokes about if I didn't follow the news, play games, listen to music, watch TV and read books.

What are yours? I'd say this -- whatever your aspirations are, look at the time and capital investments you'll have to make to achieve them, then give them priority. But honestly, if it feels like a chore, or that you're having to artificially give yourself a set of priorities, it is unlikely you will succeed over someone who is as addicted to their hobbies/trade as someone on Sup Forums might be to videogames.

is thailand out of your price range?

>I'm 21, so I have plenty of time

I have a job that allows me to make pretty good money for barely a pretty reasonable free lance time commitment, so I do have time in the sense that I can continue to build a career out of what I want to do without having to worry about money too much.

She's antifa scum

animation's cool man if that's what you want to do

unless you play video games all day every day it's not going to cut into your work time
everyones life needs a balance of work and relaxation
you're just making dramatic decisions because you think it will solve the problem your complete lack of will and motivation
it wont

I dropped out of a physics degree to do it. Not that I don't adore physics, it's just that there is nothing that makes me happier than drawing shit and making it move. I have goals, but they don't drive me -- I just know that if I have to spend 50+ hours a week doing anything, it'd be making stupid shit that hopefully makes people laugh.

Thanks man.

You dont play videogames for a payoff, its pure entertainment. Thats why its appeal is so great, thats why dumb movies and books are the most popular.

For someone so dedicated to his """"vow""""" you havent learned much.

And working towards a "meaningful life" is the most tragic irony i can think of

I do sympathise with your weariness towards games, btw.

To be completely honest, the only games that interest me are JRPGs, indies and Nintendo franchises, and when I see new games like Persona 5 or Final Fantasy XV come out, I just can't justify the 50-80 hours it would take to play them properly. Something like BotW or Mario Kart, or something like Death Road to Canada, is just right, because they either have short/plug in and play playstyles, or in the case fo a big game like Zelda, have a loose story and a sandbox feel.

Ultimately, a season of Fargo or Rick and Morty is a more efficient way to entertain myself compared to Persona 5 or the next Dragon Quest -- but it doesn't mean they are superior artistically or commercially.

so what programs do you use to do it or do you draw on a tablet and make several frames

i'm not too weary, i just don't have time, too much stuff interests me and i'm at hundred sides at once, i have to shear a lot of stuff off. i had a shitty call center job that i quit with some cash saved in order to take a step back and get my life in order, see if i can do anything more meaningful (and profitable) before getting back into the grinder. thing is, i'm interested in narratology which is a pretty complex field filled with pseuds and video games offer good examples of this. turns out, i really don't have time to fit them in my schedule (self imposed) in any way possible.

in the end i made a small step towards board games because they can offer some nice interaction for far less time. they are pricey though. i can reccommend hanabi, kemet and pandemic.

Books are the biggest waste of time
Movies are the least
Video games are in the middle
But they are all a form of media that just gets consumed. Nothing worthwhile comes of doing them other than personal enjoyment and there's nothing wrong with that .

right i get that, but why then are you coming to an anonymous board for guidance? it's not like we can hold you accountable whatever you choose. and that just makes me think that you really don't want to, and if you're trying to change a habit, then you have to want to.

A cute boy!

i mostly come here to type something out, i try to write as much as i can at the moment

I use a whole bunch of different software, but Adobe illustrator (making vector drawings of characters), photoshop (backgrounds mainly), toon boom harmony (for animating -- the vast majority of my workload), after effects (special effects), and premier pro if I want to colour grade -- which is rarely necessary.

I draw on an ipad pro w/apple pencil which is astropad'd to an iMac. When I'm doing work for studios or companies, I tend to to use a wacom intuous pro for more control, but the ipad does the trick for most of my passion projects. Prefer being able to see what I'm drawing as I draw it and cintiqs are too fucking expensive.
What's narratology? Sounds cool -- and if video games feed into it, then moderation definitely seems like the way forward.

>foreign language to learn so I can teach it for money

Uh, what? You don't teach shit you've just learned. You teach shit you actually know.

>compared to movies, literature or music

Dude what the fuck.

One can be a master of Metal, Rap music, or horror movies.

One can be a well of knowledge about overall music business or about the movie in general.

One can me a master at Rocket League, or a master at every FPS coop game making youtube dosh out of it.

You just need to understand it doesn't matter how much you put time in one thing,
it's how you use that time before you die.

>Trying to buy long outdated systems
>Being over 29, and selling consoles for any reason
>Being over 29, and thinking that the meaning of life is obtainable to mortals
>Wanting to learn a language from scratch, so you can teach others
Son, where do I start? Regardless of monetary value, old consoles are a priceless new experience for future generations.

I have a large PS3 library. For how quickly it became outdated due to Vita/PS4 ports, it really is a case of buyers remorse. Yet selling it would be 100% pointless, since GameStop would give me less total than the price of gas to get there. There's no chance they would accept all my games in one trip.

The meaning of life is something people have searched for their entire lives. Only to look back, and regret their wild goose chase.

The blind leading the blind gets people nowhere. College tutors have a strong knowledge of dual languages. While most linguistic professors have lived abroad for decades.

narratology is mostly a word salad that can sometimes yield useful insight

try reading avatars of story and see if you like it