Trophy/Achievement bread

post 'em

steamfags/xbots welcomed

Doing Nier on PS3.
I got the fish trophies yesterday. Trying to get the white moonflower trophy today. I'm abusing the clock like a sane person, of course. I've got peach and pink seeds coming out my ass, but no white yet. Gonna try again in a bit.

Whats the nigger trophy for.

hidden trophies

Finally got the Overwatch platinum after months of being locked out of it due to a glitch that was finally fixed in the latest patch

Been working on Tales of Berseria and crying because it took me about 120-130 hours to platinum Yakuza, and now I'm 100 hours into ToB and still have a lot of grinding to do, on top of having barely touched BOTW

And then there's Persona 5, Nier, and Nioh that I'd all like to try out

fuck 2017 has been good so far

it took one "month" for me to get them, so around one hour and half of doing the stuff, saving, quitting, changing the clock, going back in, repeat

that eagle egg can go fuck itself tho

Just curious, but what do you do for a living?
Seems like you either "budget" your time very well, or have a fuck ton of time to play

The only platinum I have is Bloodborne, and only because you get it naturally just by playing the game. It doesn't require you to do anything weird or have pull off really hard shit.

Starting NG3 Razor's edge on ps3

I work full-time in IT, from 8 to 5, Monday to Friday. I get two, three hours tops of gameplay in after work.

Weekends I'm free to do whatever. It's not as complicated as you're making it.

I just have no social life.

I did it on 360 recently. Looks like I've been lucky with the white flower, got in in my second try. Don't harvest everything before planting it again, harvest, plant, water than proceed to the next seed.

Also, for the material, put the difficulty on hard, that help with the rare drop. I didn't notice anything for the forlone necklace - to be faster, farm at the top of tje lost shrine - or the subdued bracelet (no chance here, you have to farm in the desert) but that helped a lot for machine oil, notably.

this site still hasn't added Skyrim.

I got 5 eagle eggs in less than two hours total (I took a break in-between).

It's nothing compared to that flower.

Two hours ? Did you use the suicide boost ?

Nah, I just loaded whenever I saw there was nothing there or picked up anything but an eagle egg.

Ah, you fucked up, could have been way faster. When you find the item you want, you just have to climb back the ladder, wait a few second then kill yourself. You will respawn on the bridge with the item and no health, you don't even have to return to the save point everytime. That might help you for the gold ore or the broken pottery if you don't have enough yet.

just finished Devil May Cry 1, my first time ever playing a dmc game and I enjoyed, look forward to trying the 3rd game at some point, although right now I'm basically just sampling from all the series I'd never tried before, aim to try Splinter Cell and Hitman soon too.

they are all great series, and the trophies are a nice ride through them. hope that you enjoy them

Well, I was also shitposting at the time, which slowed me down, but thanks for the tip.

I've decided to make Stories: the Path of Destinies my first platinum as I only have two trophies left to get.

>sort by platinums
>sort by rarity

Hard mode:only post platinums that are under 10% rarity

give me a second

I won't bother taking a picture since I only have one
>Super Monkey Ball: Banana Splitz for PSVita
for some reason nobody has ever bothered to play this game.


>tfw look up a guide to see if I can platinum a certain game then proceed to play the game once without a guide so my trophy history look "genuine"
Autism was a mistake.

>tfw my 360 GS got reset just because I modded only Halo Wars because fuck the multiplayer achievements
>To add insult to injury, they also reset me like 9 years after the fact too
Right now I'm trying to 100% every RE game, but I 'm too lazy to finish RE4 and 5 on professional and fuck RE6 multiplayer achievements

I'll get back to trophies one day.