Today is autism awareness day.
Say something nice to Sara!
Today is autism awareness day
Other urls found in this thread:
Bend over
She looks so cute in this pic. I want to spit in her mouth.
Autism is obviously actually an advantage and non-autistic people are pretty much brainlets.
My wife has autism, I should know.
>She looks so cute
> I want to spit in her mouth
is she cute?
My OC pic is a certified meme now. Not sure if I should be proud or ashamed.
She has a nice looking back
Sup Forums taught me to find beauty in her.
>71 Metacritic
Who's that on the right?
Looks like Furious Fernandez to me
She's kinda cute, in a homely sort of way.
Enraged Enrico
shit, DSP was Angry Joe all along?
>my dad died :)
> :)
> :)
Spicy Spic
oh mah gawd, ryder!!!
So can we chalk this up as another game that Sup Forums wanted to be a trainwreck but actually came out decent?
It wasn't decent though.
I know, I was downplaying it a bit. I personally find it great but I'll just say that the average person finds it decent at the very least.
Even normans are bashing it.
Somebody post Sara's naked butt
>I personally find it great
Even /meg/ is admits that they're playing the game because they're so desperate for more Mass Effect that they'll fucking play anything.
It's seen as amateurish at best, and is causing a lot of people to worry about the future of mass effect and bioware. It's not really been well-received by the population.
sent ;)
Is the autistic Sara meme dying?
It'll probably be dead within a month when people stop talking about the game
>bites off various limbs
>dips in ketchup to simulate bloody stumps
This thread is already a lot slower than the Sara threads around launch. People have lost interest in our waifu :{
>I'll just say that the average person finds it decent at the very least.
It's obvious bait, but I can't even call it bad bait since there's really no other way you could make it.
>3/10 everything
Miffed Miguel
I need more autism porn of her those two aren't enough
Someone post the webm of her running into a fight
It only took the autism meme for me to realize I'd fuck Sara
Is that normal?
She's cute and I want to protect her smile, shame about her game tho.
So this is the main character, who publicly says she has autism?
Ok so we are going to need absolutely fucked up sex options including "AAAAHHH DONT TOUCH ME" followed by banging her head into the wall over and over.
I mean I got an autistic 19 year old in the house, if they wanna role play this all out into proper scifi acting, this gonna go from RPG to GOD DAMN MOTEHRFUCKING HOLY SHIT COMEDY in nothing fucking flat. If they do Autism proper, this will be an ufinishable mess of a fucking game full of constant distractions and weird ass checks with pill popping. I mean they got the god damn expressions down already so might as well go all out.
Apparently autism is how you get the Sup Forums audience
>when you steal the last lego needed to complete her project
it's ok bro, I felt that way about deadly premonition.
>doesn't even blink
Ice fucking cold.
I'm willing to bet you're fucking Canadian. If anything the Sup Forums merge taught me it was that Canadians ruin everything.
No. I made that one. I adeed the autism logo in the bottom right.
All memes die. But I think Sara will stick around and be used as reaction images.
She's an officer....must be a very short and yellow ship. The short ship as it were.
Oh god who thougth this was a good idea?
The link Plz
Love me some Britty.
Goofy autism waifu is actually cute.
The presentation/glitches/bugs are great in a Tommy Wiseau kind of way. Game is best left unpatched.
The combat is also the best it's ever been, which is the only thing they managed to improve really.
Objectively like a 5/10 game but 10/10 if you're in it for the memes and cute developmentally challenged waifu
>tfw Sup Forums shits on her to the point that they start falling for her
Something is wrong you niggas. I on the other hand always wanted to cuddle with her after making love. Meaning i get her cause my love is pure. Meaning back off bakas.
>spit in her mouth
>not have her spit in yours
It's fucking amateur hour in here fampais.
>dead alien's stare is less dead than hers
No you have her drool on your mouth than spit it in hers.
How do you take this as anything other than cute
Connoisseur speaking true right there.
i will buy your game later this day i promise it! i will also buy the season pass so you can get some extra money for your legos :3
people usually feel attraction towards other people who have similar traits
all 1-4
just the 4th one, BJ (new)
Go pester her for more at her tumblr, it works! >372665272
This has never not been true.
Samus is autistic too.
>inflated dobson
is autism really this endearing for real? can you actually develop an attraction for someone with this illness and have it be mutual?
No. The idea is cute and endearing but in practice it's completely different and just annoying as fuck.
It's only endearing if you're a woman. Otherwise, you're creepy and a loser.
>new one
Man I hope he keeps going, we're going to have a great set by the end.
>not the lego edit
Man someday I hope we find out what the fuck actually happened in this games development.
Eh wtf is that shooped
*eye contact
Sara is sleeping...
Say something nice to my stalkers
How the fuck does a main character end up with such laughably weird facial animations? It's like her face wasn't even rigged properly. Has Bioware ever heard of this thing called performance capture?
>sleeps in full work clothes including boots and gloves
definitely autistic
>piss bottles
This has gone WAY too far.
Same here desu. I didn't realize when I married her 4 years ago, but she took a few tests recently and according to those she's p. autistic. It really isn't that bad.
>Chris Chan's shirt
>books ordered by color
wasn't there gonna be a switch game starring an autist?
Yes, all those games where you control your custom Mii.
who is that person?
Baffled Burrito
A human.
Human who?
Hatred Joaquin i think
dammit jap moot you made me think it was a poorly rendered image of a nigger
this board is really reaching critical reddit levels