/vint/ reveals that the vast majority of platform war shitposting and portbegging comes from Brazil

>/vint/ reveals that the vast majority of platform war shitposting and portbegging comes from Brazil

BR holocaust when?

Really though, is anyone actually surprised by this?

Not videogames. Saged and reported

hello, brazil

Back to the favela, Paulo.

>less than half a day of /vint/ and I am scarred for life.

Videogames were right all along, never leaving your room let alone your country is the correct answer.

Good evening soccernigger, ruined any MMORPGs lately?

zamordowac ich wszystkich.

I'm just glad we have another avenue for discrediting console war shitposting since it really is a fucking cancer that's been plaguing the board.

If you post that shit, you're now a subhuman hue. Post SJW cuckoldly falseflagging shit and you're now a Leafy mountain-boy desperately wishing the Americans would fuck his women already.

Thank you, hiroshimoot.

Nice source you've got there, huh.

t. PC master race Brazilian

>Sup Forums shitposting will ruin any sort of discussion in this god forsaken shithole thanks to /vint/
W-Whoa, t-thanks Hiroshima!

i am poorfag monkey, please make games easier to pirate so I have more money for bananas and tranny prostitutes

Imagine if third worlders were banned and Sup Forums was just Americans

BRs were the best posters on /vint/

american here

>console wars
No, Pablo, that's shitflinging. I know subhuman monkeys think that's discussion, but it's not even close.

>Not third world

pick one

Fuck no wonder piracy is prevalent here. They're all subhuman niggers. Really jogs the noggin.

whats /vint/

leafs are the cause of all SJW shitposting, monkeys cause all console war shitposts.

Really vibrates my brain stem

>Angry Sup Forums crossposters are almost all American
>Whiny /r9k/ BITCHES AND WHORES-types are largely Eastern European for whatever reason
>tumblr-types are largely comprised of Canadians and mainland Europeans
>platform war shitposters and PC port beggars are disproportionately BRs
>people obsessing over CEMU are mainly Central and South Americans
>porn posters are almost entirely Aussies and Canadians with a few Germans
>Americans and Australians are the only two countries to make fun of India consistently

What else did we learn from /vint/?

It makes sense for americans to be able to recognize shitflinging, considering the situation their country is right now.

Destroying south america is one of the reason i play Vic 2.

it's almost like i'm on Sup Forums right now, quite nice actually

Piracy is rampant in brazil because there's a 80-100% tax on games because they're considered "gambling".
Gabe Newell rolls in brazilian money because he get to skip the taxes.

We need another 1-7.

That there's a fuckton more Mexicans here than I ever thought there would be. Goddamn.

what situation is that? the making america great again? trump destroying the legacy of obama and getting rid of his shit regulations? trump ramping up ICE deportations and working on getting the wall built?

I'm not sure what situation you mean, the president we just got is staying true to his campaign promises, it's really rare. Unless you mean the left-wing media crying nonstop? is that supposed to be actual conflict? Things like Trump went golfing or chose a competent supreme court justice that absolutely will be sworn in?

The sun continues to rise.

>the president we just got is staying true to his campaign promises

kek the US is a shithole and americans don't realize is pretty funny

>average 3rd world poster

We don't even think about what ever shithole you're from

Gookmoot has stated that you are allowed one meta thread per board mr mctriggered

I wish flags were default in every board. It would be nice to filter shitposting

Your typical Sup Forums poster loved the 7-1.
In brazil soccer is shoved down your throat, like some sort of bizarre cult or alien disease, so the outcasts celebrate the butthurt.

i've always hated brasil monkeys even before Sup Forums. this should be the norm for everyone. and all theor soccer players are emotional partyboy girls -- no fucking lie

Wait what? Sup Forums got a merge after all?

I missed it?

Did Sup Forums?

yes it was /mtv/

It's still up

South Americans are online gaming cancer.

Prove to me otherwise. (You can't)



most of the shitposting was canadian

brazilians created their own threads and keep speaking their spanish there

mean while the canadians were hunting their own shitposts calling everyone pol and deleting then in shame

PC master race Monkey*

All of the blatant shit posting is done by syrup sucking, poutine eating, Chinese dick sucking moose jockeys.

Its nice but difficult to be a PC+idort in this country

Are you Canadian by any chance?

would be good. a big reason why Sup Forums went to shit was the influx of yurofags around 2010

This. Fucking leafs.

All the furfags were either Americans or Brits.

>mean while the canadians were hunting their own shitposts calling everyone pol and deleting then in shame
This didn't happen you fucking retard, you can't delete old posts and you couldn't see flag on non /vint/ posts, consider suicide.

>spergs into an obsessive flag war
>doesn't show any proof to the shit he's trying to steer

Which world does gay shitpost?
I saw many leaf and american on /vint/ link gay thread

Sup Forums would become Sup Forumslite
>dae love trump and hate NIGGERS and BEANERS
>sex is overrated, im an intellectual that doesnt need it
>guys how are you enjoying this EPIC new ANIME videogame?
americans are the new subsaharian africans

explained why I keep seeing people acting and writing le epic translated 4chinners manners outside this place

Seriously, if you visit this shithole, keep it to yourself and stop forcing it down others throats. You are basically asking someone to come over and say "you browse Sup Forums right?" If your personality revolves around you being le epic 4channer you are a huge faggot

monkey or leaf
Opinion ignored

Yeah, "don't talk about Sup Forums" was a thing for a reason.

>can only name two nationalities
is this the power of public american education?



Just don't care enough to name others, not worth my time.

Good point...but you people will ignore the BRs?

>yfw that one faggot keeps posting anime reaction images and using memearrows outside Sup Forums

>he skipped Sup Forums for an entire day

Fuck you, normie.

You do have a lot of catch up to do. So much anime and games coming out!
Don't forget your nutrition, those tendies aren't going to eat themselves, right, Mr. White American?

hue here. We hues like vidya because its safer than outside where we get killed.

Most hue normies are into sports or racing games though.

I actually wish this happened so I could move on with my life, being a BR and all

Its hilarious your proving him right that your a 3rd world shitter.

I added all my favorite boards in the top bar. I just checked it out, looks like a new board. No wonder I didn't notice

Looks pointless to me though. It's just a vehicle for people to shitpost about other countries

And you must come from a 1st world country.

You seem quite obsessed with America, feel bad about being in some shithole? It's okay buddy, i know you are just taking out your insecurities.

It's funny i don't even know where you're from and i don't even care, but you seem to be all over my American dick.

Sure proved me wrong.

he did though

you do realize that half the people on /vint/ this morning were from Sup Forums and not from Sup Forums, don't you?

Most gamers are Sup Forums and they simply can't keep from using Sup Forums language outside of this site. The weebs mostly don't even give a fuck, but they're autists anyway, but there are a lot of people who are supposedly normal but slips away every now and then. This site is probably way bigger than reddit for the nerd crowd. Also

>watching cashgrab balls
>not being a huge faggot

This is a site where weebs try to force anime girls down others throats inb4 autistic weebs with shitposting like "that's l-lewd a-user-chan-kun-sun", anyway, so your point is moot.

to kurwa

What dick?

PC cucks eternally btfo and claiming to run games on equipment they couldn't possibly afford, bring back flags when