What games are you guys playing through right now? I'm playing through picture imaged. I just got done beating Shadowrun Returns and after I beat FEAR I might move onto Bioshock.
What games are you guys playing through right now? I'm playing through picture imaged...
I'm on my 3rd playthrough of Pathologic.
Going as the Changeling this time
farming TP's in Xenoverse 2 so I can get the full Bojack set in time for when he comes out as a mentor
Started NG+ in Final Fantasy Type-0 HD yesterday. Tons of cool new shit.
Never played that but I found it on GOG for 13 bucks. Gonna wishlist this game, it looks fun.
Are the Xenoverse games fun like the old Budokai games?
I think the only time I play NG+ in a game is ME1. You playing for achievements or is there that much more new content that it warrants a NG+?
Heroes of Might and Magic 2
This FPSkino
It's so sad we are likely never gonna see this released on any digital platforms. This is one of my most wanted games to get on GOG. You still own your physical copy or did you just download it from a torrent site?
Pic related, it's "free" on Xbox One if you have Gold. I'm still too early in the game to make an opinion. I'm also playing Paladins and Don't Starve Together, and later I'm starting Diablo 2 with a friend.
F.E.A.R is GOAT, if you like it then I also recommend Underhell. I haven't played Shadowrun Returns, only Hong Kong. Never finished Bioshock.
>You playing for achievements or is there that much more new content that it warrants a NG+?
I NEVER play anything for achievements. I fucking hate the whole fad. I've had the notifications turned off on Steam and PS3 for years, and never looked back.
But yeah, T-0 is quite literally designed to be replayed. There's plenty of high-level dungeons that would require crazy amount of grinding to be reasonably doable on first time, even on easy mode. Tons of sidequests and comparable other elements that you just can't do / 100% right off the bat because of the "time" and other constraints. Plus there's now all new options for many main quests, that give totally new and different missions and perspective on things.
And finally: some shit in the story just makes so much more sense without the initial confusion and overwhelm this game causes. Not to mention certain plot elements are either cryptic or "hidden" on purpose, and finally make sense on later playthroughs - both because you know some major story details already, AND there's some new footage to be witnessed.
why not digital?
FFX/X-2 on steam.
I'm blazing through X atm, don't remember it being this short. Never played X-2 when I was younger so I'm looking forward to that.
The HL mod underhell? I watched a bro play through a bunch of that mod before and it looked alright.
Haven't played the other new Shadowrun games outside of Returns, I'm going to play dragonfall/hong kong later on after I beat some other non Shadowrun games first.
It's tied up in a licensing hell from all these different huge companies. No one knows who really owns most of the rights to the video game and there was already a company that did the work for them to release the game at any time but no one wants to look up who really owns most of the video game to sell it again.
I had X-2 when I was young and it was okay. I didn't beat it cause I wasn't as into games back then but it had decent combat.
I've been turning off some notifications on multiple clients lately. Already deleted all my friends on most platforms and think I'mma disable steam overlay and crap next. If SE releases this game on GOG I'll pick it up. If not I'll settle with a Steam version if it's really cheap. Seems like a good bang for buck video game.
>don't remember it being this short.
if you're ignoring sidequests and grinding (lots of both only becomes available only at end-game), then yeah it's a short FF.
>If not I'll settle with a Steam version if it's really cheap
don't expect Square to release too much anything outside of Steam any time soon.
Also, the game's mere 25 bucks without any sales, which IMO is a fine price for a game that took me roughly 85h to "finish" on the first run, all while negative commenters are whining about it being "too short" and "too ugly" (because it was a PSP game originally, duh!).
With the NG+ continuing the clock from where the finished savegame left, I'm already at 110h.
>Seems like a good bang for buck video
It's a fancy mix and match of numerous elements from the whole series' history, planted into surprisingly dark and brutal setting, visuals and story by FF's standards. Like said, it was a bit overwhelming at first, not made any better by the fact that you got 14 different main characters to deal with.
However, you should get hang of things after a couple missions, and finding the MC that fits your play-style + using him to "carry" the rest of the cast (you only control 1 character directly, rest are AI controlled in fights. You can freely swap the leader on the fly).
All in all, Type 0's been a pleasant surprise. I hope Square gets their ass off and finishes the planned sequel, once this FF15 and FF7 Remake shit is over.
I'm playing through Dragon's Dogma DA. Man, this game is fun; it's risen from a 6/10 during the first dozen hours or so, to become one of my favorite games the last few years.
I'm also doing a Iorveth playthrough of Witcher 2, planning on starting Witcher 3 after that.
My crippling ADD will probably make me play another game before I even get started on Witcher 3 though, but my backlog is massive. I got 15 hours out of Warhammer TW before losing interest, even though I really liked the game. The only game that's managed to keep me interested for a long time recently is Warband, due to the shitloads of great mods.
>The HL mod underhell?
My personal surprise GOTY of 2013. Amazing experience, acquirable for absolutely free. Shit's like mix of FEAR, Penumbra, and fucking MGS even!
im playin fe8 with a randomizer on. its a lot harder now that eireka is a floating eye and ephraim is a dog. 95% of my units are dogshit, but im not going to grind on the tower
Oh yeah the FF7 remake. Isn't the first episode coming out soon? I'm going to wait for it to be fully complete so I can buy the superior completed edition for cheap.
Also there are some jap companies that are releasing JRPGs on GOG now. Not many but some are. GOG is getting up there as a notable digital PC game seller.
I can find some room to play that and add it to my backlog list. Hopefully my backlog gets completed in a few years ;__;
Played Dragon's Dogma before but don't have the save file for it anymore. I should give it another go when I'm in the mood for an ARPG. The combat is really good. I also played The Witcher but not the sequels yet. That game I also don't have the save file for anymore. But now GOG has cloud saves for the Witcher games so I'm in luck next time I play through it.
>Isn't the first episode coming out soon?
Last time I heard, it was planned to be a 2017 release. But you know how that can change, any time.
Well I'm in no hurry for any new video games so I can wait a couple years for them to release all the content for the game and package it up nicely in one purchase for me.
First 100% (or, as close as you can get) playthrough of Skyrim Special Edition.
>I just got done beating Shadowrun Returns and after I beat FEAR I might move onto Bioshock.
holy shit are you me?
Do you have crippling depression?
I still remember rage quitting that game cause of a bug. It was a dual wielding bug and I couldn't unequip everything. It was stupid as hell and I got so mad I uninstall the game and haven't played it again in years. HOPEFULLY that bug is patched so I can come back to this game now that the game has matured and has a lot of cool mods available.
Did you never install the Unofficial Patch?
This was during launch days my man. This was well before any type of community patch or mod was even a thing.
You should play it; modded to shit, of course.
Don't listen to the Morrowind fags, it's great.
Some of those custom campaigns seem interesting as well.
Also I wanna play with some lewd mods as well.
dirt 3 which I got for free. pretty much perfect except it could be a tad more realistic and car customization
I'm finally playing ME3 after so many years. When it came out I played a third of the game or so but I got frustrated with a lot of it. The side quest design of "overhear conversation and then give them some shit you picked up somewhere" was terrible, the reduced dialogue options, more linear gameplay and tons of lore breaking moments were quite bothersome at the time. I hated the omni-blade too.
I'm enjoy ing it more now that I'm not so invested into the lore and the decision system. With lowered expectations I'm actually enjoying the things that do port over. (I just replayed ME2 as well so it's fresh in my mind.)
The DLC is alright too. I finished Omega and I've played about half of Leviathan and they're both pretty neato.
The graphical leap between 2 and 3 is also much larger than I thought. Playing them back to back at 4K and it's pretty obvious, almost as big as the jump between 1 and 2.
I'm playing the first Witcher, the combat really grows on you after the first 20 hours. I like to pretend it's clunkiness is a way the devs tried to show how difficult is fighting monsters but let's be honest and call it shit. A few hours in the chapter 3, creating potions like a madman because of the previous reason.
Also Shantae and the Pirate's Curse. It's just simple fun, characters are charismatic, solid platforming. Considering doing a second run after finishing the story.
Not mentioned: Kirby Triple deluxe and Bravely Default. I installed those out of curiosity and they're pretty alright but I'm going to finish the Witcher and Shawntee
You quit skyrim 5 years ago and never played it since because of one bug?
I love fear but the cover only half makes sense.
Those guys on the bottom don't fight dust monsters.
I got DIRT Rally for free when I bought an AMD graphics card couple years back. It's a really good racing game if you're itching for another one after you play through DIRT 3.
The combat was okay to me. I got kinda far before putting it down for a while and then now no longer have the save file. I'm going to beat the game this year tho and then beat 2 and buy 3 if I can get the game during a good sale during the holidays.
I'm still scared to continue playing through the ME series cause of how bad people were saying ME3 ending was. I only played the first game a bunch of times but I do own ME2.
It's the classic ORANGE AND BLUE color scheme as well.
Be advised that Dirt Rally is actually challenging and could require a wheel. Not your average "press RT and drift to win" game
I play it with a playstation 3 controller on my PC and it is just fine. Also they got additional options in the menu that make it easier if you can't adjust to using a controller only.
I actually have a wheel combo (logitech momo) just haven't bothered looking for the plug for it.
ME3 had a lot of hype around it at the time. They had pumped us up with so much "YOUR DECISIONS WILL MATTER" stuff and to be fair, some of it sort of does. The problem is when major characters are removed they simply replace them with appropriate counterparts, so ultimately you still do most of the same stuff with minorly different consequences in the grand scheme of things.
I would still highly recommend ME2, and so far I'm really enjoying finally playing through ME3. I still haven't reached the end game though so it remains to be seen if the finale will ruin it for me.
Might drop it. Not really sure why, but I like the first one more.
I couldn't finish this game.
I have no idea why. Too repetitive perhaps.
might as well the story is shit and disappointing.
Been playing Anno 1404 just built an Occident and Orient Metropolis and i am about to build another. After that i might play God Eater.
Pic related with a buddy and also UnderRail
Forgot pic
>playing redditumblr: the game
get out.