>He plays Resident Evil when there's a game that's ten times better available.
>He plays Resident Evil when there's a game that's ten times better available.
>ten times more forgettable
oh come on, don't you remember the village section where you have to fight that dude with the chainsaw?
or that section that place in a mansion?
or that grimy castle?
Goofy, campy bullshit doesn't belong in horror games.
>RE4 was a horror game
lmao. Since when
Goofy, campy bullshit doesn't belong in any game.
>and it has an even more convoluted plot, I never thought that could be possible
>loved RE4
>really liked Dead Space 1 and 2
>disappointed with RE5
>disappointed with Dead Space 3
>hated RE6
>indifferent to Revelations
>really liked TEW
Now every horror game, even Resident Evil, is a youtube facecam garbage game like Amnesia, TEW is a nice closure to the RE4 style of survival horror games.
what is so convoluted. Some burned autismo wanted to see his sister-fu in his brain or try to put his brain/conscious inside some other healthy host and did some experiments, ended up as a brain in a jar. MC and company somehow ended up getting kidnapped or some crap by some shady organization that is not Umbrella and ended up fighting that autismo in his mind world.
Go fuck yourself
TEW was trying to be too many things at once depending on the level. And atrocious aiming system.
Seemed fun at first when it was set up as survival horror, then fire fighting, then... you really had no idea what it was trying to be next every level. Upgrades felt meaningless or OP depending on weapon as well.
also MC has a dead baby daughter and a missing/dead wife subplot that goes nowhere, and suffers from alcoholism that does jack shit in game. Though it might explain the amount of bottles everywhere
>And atrocious aiming system.
>fire fighting
You didn't even play the fucking game.
cant tell if sarcasm or retarded
The DLC explains Seb's wife and resolves the plot. She was evil the entire time. Also, for all the fags saying the plot's convoluted: That's the fucking point. The game's supposed to feel surreal and disjointed, like a dream.
Drink bleach.
Wow. Triggered, much?
>wanted to be a stealth game, but after the first chapter just threw hordes of enemies at you.
>Restricts your ammo like it wants to be a survival horror, but plays like a TPS.
>couldn't find matches anywhere most of the time.
>Headshots didn't do much of anything.
I still had fun, but it wasn't that great. Shit compared to classic RE.
Mediocre game. More than half of it was a blur, and the secondary characters were shit.
Stealth's an optional side mechanic and matches are abundant, even on AKUMU.
It would have been great if there was more moments like the beginning where the player is powerless and they have to work their way back to some weapons. Or maybe a level or two where you only have access to one weapon.
The crossbow alone is a versatile enough weapon to use by itself in most levels anyway, but the idea of being restricted to it in a place with limited scrap would have been amazing.
Thankfully this was addressed in the Kidman DLC but I would have loved to see it in the main game.
Sebastian should have had his own level where his own deepest fears were explored. Aside from his journal entries, he feels way too much like a background character. I love the "wrong place, wrong time" theme but I think they needed something else to tie Seb down to the world other than the fact that he doesn't want to die.
>Headshots didn't do much of anything.
upgrade your critical chance and weapon spread. Game gave out upgrade points like candy
>stealth is an optional side mechanic.
Bullshit. After the first couple of chapters it's nothing but shooting. I tried stealth in almost all areas, and it won't allow it.
>matches are abundant.
Maybe on easy mode.
A plot can be complex AND make sense at the same time shit lord, just look at things like the first Silent Hill or the recent Until Dawn
I did like the fact that the enemies did not fuck around in TEW. They definitely felt more aggressive than the necromorphs in Dead Space.
The problem with Evil Within is that there just weren't enough cool ideas. It felt really sloppy and like the team didn't care enough about it. All I really remember is the RE4 village at the beginning, the first encounter with the safe head where you had to like turn valves to open doors or whatever, and the other encounter where there's two of them and there's like rising water levels. And I barely remember them, probably remembering wrong. Also, being outside and seeing the dream-like winding streets and your destination far off in the distance.
Everything you do and everywhere you go just felt mushed together. It doesn't matter if that was the intention because of the story, it's just not fun to experience. It's boring. It feels really directionless and bland. I don't think I even fully grasped the story by the end of it, because I stopped paying attention to shit like 2/3 in.
tl;dr TEW suffers from a terribly sync'd pace and plot, they are as blended as 9 yo you and that 7 yo girl your mother forced you to dance with just because she is her BFF's daughter
>Restricts your ammo like it wants to be a survival horror, but plays like a TPS.
This makes no sense. How does it "play" like a TPS while having all the features of a survival horror game?
Yeah basically. It's a great example of how coherent level design paced properly with the plot is vital to a game.
It's a great example why casuals need their hands held throughout a game with a very simple and straightforward plot or they'll get confused and upset.
Tried to play tis game after Alien Isolation. And what bothered me most are things like: to much shooting and "HOLLYWOOD" horror style.
Dropped it after first village stage, I think it was still the beginning.
>boring as fuck protagonist
>autistic stamina system
>Bullet sponge enemies
>pretentious and forgettable story
Ok, OP.
>autistic stamina system
>ten times better
RE4fag detected. Opinion and argument discarded immediately.
>reddit arguments
he, get out
yeah, I bet you liked Prometheus then
>Bullet sponge enemies
you're playing the game wrong
>autistic retard is god and that's why scary things happen
>have to go get glass's guy's glasses.
You're not hardcore for liking this mess of a game.
>film and video games are the same medium and should be judged the same way
Evil Within plot is simplistic trash with meaning less fluff, but come now
uh, no, its an example of what happens when you stop writing mid plot and decide to fill with whatever shit, for example, just look at the lore of bloodborne, its complex yet mixes well with the pace of the game an actually lets the players immerse in thegame
The complexity of the plot is not the problem. The problem is that the game does everything it can to make you not care about it.
Don't get upset now. Capcom made a simple walking simulator for you simpletons with RE7. Go play that and ignore real games like TEW from now on.
they can be judged the same in terms of story telling, which actually plays an important role in the game's immersion
>a movie and a game can be judged the same in terms of storytelling
Thanks for the laugh, jackass.
>m-muh niche taste
Gearing up for them (You)s I see.
>Black Bars, The Game
I think not.
And if you remove the dumb bars on PC, the game just breaks.
"Im a trained cop but can only run for 4 seconds. And When Im out of breath, I stay in place."
What do you mean by reddit arguments?
Headshots are supposed to kill in 1 hit. 2 at most. They dont.
Wait i played all dlcs and dont remember his wifes story. I know it was through files but how was she the evil within Seb?
now you are trolling
Next you are gonna argue books plot cannot be adapted to films
It's an example of alienating ADHD children who can't pay attention for more than 5 seconds to figure out you have been setting up everything since the beginning.
>bloodborne's story
toppest kek
More like The Shit Within.
not an argument
Everytime i see an evil within thread, i see nothing but hate for it. I honestly liked it but my only gripe is it actually dragged on for a while. Never really get that feel in vidya but this one kinda did it.
It wasnt a bad game but i sure as fuck liked it more than re 6 and to an extent 5. I feel if the stealth and the city assault paets got removed, it wouldnt feel like a random mess.
meh bloodborne's plot is okay-ish I guess, I wouldve raised the first silent hill plot instead, Its a game that combines horror and symbolysm perfectly, TEW tries this at the beginning but then it feels like if the writers just gave up, maybe cuz the deadline, and delivers a half assed story with a bad pacing
>Thanks for the laugh, jackass.
yeah because this clearly was an irrefutable arguement
still not an argument
It was an utterly mediocre and in some respects staggeringly incompetent game, but for some reason, about a dozen people really liked it. It's weird.
Call this bullshit if you want, I don't care, but I'm going to drop it here. If it can't stay outside this thread, make sure it stays inside this board.
The next game in the sequel is going to be titled The Evil Within: Second Coming. In Japan it's going to be called Pyschobreak 2: Darkness of the Past.
There are two storylines in the sequel. One is Sebastian Castellanos from previous, and the other is a girl named Marta Martin (I think she was that girl that the Keeper had to rescue in his DLC. I believe she was his niece?) Seb's gameplay is the pretty much the same except his melee actually stuns the enemies a lot better. Marta's not as combat heavy as Seb's, it more puzzle solving, and has kind of a TLoU kinda thing to it.
Either way, you play back-and-forth between the two after each of their chapters. They do encounter each other briefly at times, but their stories don't completely intersect until the around the end of the game.
Joseph is a boss. He was experimented on by Mobius to make some kind of "Super-Haunted" (I'm only using that wording because he is not like the regular haunted, but a special one, which is said in-game.) There is an entire chapter dedicated to Sebastian trying to allude, and eventually fight Joseph as he mutants throughout the chapter. He dies. He begs Sebastian to kill him.
those seem like easy fixes.
And this is when things start getting crazy.
Ruvik we've been seeing isn't real. He's a haunted based on the real Ruben manifested by his sister, Laura. She's the real antagonist. (And final boss.)
She isn't dead, but in coma in the deepest pits of the Mobius HQ ( Where she was moved from Beacon.) STEM was first used on her to reach her consciousness on the whim of her parents. This is when Mobius comes in.
Most of the stuff in Sebastians and Kidman's campaigns were fabricated by Laura. (Which I guess explains some of the conflicting details in their campaigns.) She also seems to know Sebastian and is extremely hostile towards him, but he doesn't know her strangely.
I don't want to go further to really spoil the game. (I'm a big fan.), but all I will say is Sebastian isn't who he says he is.
Done and done.
Those are examples of someone being terrible at resource management and survival horror games.
>62 posts
>22 IPs
Stop shilling this piece of shit every week, you fucking autist, nobody likes you.
>shilling a 2 year old game
Get a load of this retard
That's why I called (You) an autist. If you like it so much, just go back to playing it.
It was okay. The constant dreams got annoying, it's hard to care when bizarre dark dreams become the norm. Also lacked enemy variety.
if you don't want to discuss video games, kys retard
My only real issue with it was the engine.
alright turd, if you insist, when adjusting a story for a movie/videogame the story should plot its prot on a linear path that extends toward the horizon. And in both the game and the film the layout is claustrophobic, the lead character confined by walls of opposing jungle foliage or cave rock. in this stage the protagonist must make a choice of its next course of action, in the case of TEW its not a sandbox game, you are not in control of what the MC can do, just like in movies where you can only watch how the story weavers itself, following this line both the vidya and the movie advances in their respective plot, and while the vidya plor is slower because between scenes you are playing, it is still a story, and every aspect of the game should get you in the head of the prot, just like in movies you are reasoning "what would I do in his palce", these immersion is where vidyas and movie are similar, and this is why you can judge plots, and strictly plots, of movies and vidyas alike
The first valid criticism of TEW and that's after 69 comments. Well done, Sup Forums. You are worse at criticizing a product of your medium than Sup Forums.
haha good one :^)
>melee was a waste
>every boss is one hit kill on collision
>have to watch the cutscenes after you die to a boss
>later bosses even have different phases that are pure try and error
>running for too long makes your character stand in place and breath for a few seconds
>the story is even worse than resident evil
>weird presentation of enemies. like they they quotet the very first zombie scene from resident evil 1 but much later in the game after you already encountered zombies already
>cliche insane asylum with classical music playing
>unlikable chracters
>edgy villian
and so on and so on
Anyone got a magnet for this and all the dlc's?
way too much gore. no subtle horror at all
What is your definition of "subtle horror"?
>Sup Forums isn circlejerking TEW
>they have plebian taste
>why can Sup Forums be more like r/theevilwithin
nigga there has been good arguements about how the pacing, the story and the gameplay arent that appealing yet you choose to ignore them instead of discussing why they were good, if somebody doesnt now how to criticize is you
You've got shit taste.
>Headshots are supposed to kill in 1 hit
They do if you land critical. You can upgrade critchance for weapons.
>Thinking the director of fucking RE4 would allow 1 hit headshot kills
normally I would consider this shitposting but this user is in no ways wrong has a shit taste
>81 posts
>29 posters
still more posters that your average /trash/ thread
maybe not subtle, but not everthing was a full blown gore fest. Being stalked by the safe heads in the apartment building or the freezers was pretty great. Also the invisible tentacle face things in the hospital.
>Regular bosses were traditional.
>Final boss was a QTE.
How exactly was this allowed?
Better Survival Horror game than RE 4/5/6/7/REV1/REV2.
Capcom should hire Shinji Mikami's team for another RE game.
I can't believe they didn't saw how lucrative were traditional RE games with the sales of REmake/RE0 HD remasters. They keep trying to force shooter shit in my "horror with rpg/puzzle elements" franchise.
What happened to Mikami anyways? He just disappeared after this game.
>reduce gore to a minimum
>dont fill the game with unrelatable corpses everywhere
>do not turn me into an invincible killing machine
supposedly retired and voicing a robot in Fallout 4 but maybe he is coming back for the sequel.
He should do a remake of Dino Crisis like what he did with REmake desu.
I just started RE7 and so far it's a better survival game than TEW was. Maybe that will change but so far it hasn't.
It was a horrible failure and exposed him as a talentless hack.
When's The Evil Within 7: PsychoBreak?
After Mikami directs Divine Fist, the spiritual sequel to God Hand
>when adjusting a story for a movie/videogame the story should plot its prot on a linear path that extends toward the horizon.
Wrong. The style of storytelling depends on the themes of the story being examined. There is no one style that has to be used, though for simpletons, a straightforward narrative would be beneficial to not have them confused by the 5 minute mark.
>following this line both the vidya and the movie advances in their respective plot
Indeed, to continue the narrative and get closer to the closure of the story, you need to progress through a predetermined sequence in most games, including TEW, and every movie. That still doesn't mean that storytelling in video games and movies can be judged the same.
> just like in movies you are reasoning "what would I do in his palce"
Again, wrong, though understandable for children who can only immerse themselves in a story if they can project themselves into the protagonist.
There is two big reasons why video game storytelling and movie storytelling cannot be judged in the same way and those are TIME and framing. Though there is possibly no upper limit to the lenght of a movie, an average movie is somewhere around 1.5 and 2.5 hours long. For most stories more complex than a love story, this is hardly enough time, which requires careful editing to still create a compelling and coherent story, to set the mood, and bring across the themes.
In video games, there is no such timer, unless you play Dragon's Lair. The time is in your hands, so you have the power to take your time, soak up the atmosphere, look around, search for details, basically having the power to change the storytelling from a Bay explosion movie to a Kubrick cerebral movie on the fly.
How would have made The Evil Within good?
Remove the entire plot device about it all being in peoples minds. Once you realize it's all in the head, then it loses it's horror effect.
Then who would the horror be properly produced then? The STEM thing was the entire reason why the crazy stuff happened.
dont make every area a damn horde mode