What is Sup Forums's favorite last gen console? What's your favorite game from the last gen?
Last Gen Celebration thread
I guess you mean last half-gen.
For me, it's the Wii U.
>actually has exclusives
>free online
>backwards compatibility (you can add GameCube BC as well)
>Wii U Pro has GOAT battery life
Hardware was weak as shit, so it didn't get third-party support. But that's why you just play multiplats on PC instead.
Wii U easily.
>has games I can't play on PC (at least not yet until cemu starts getting better
>best controllers
>best controllers
Which one? There's literally over half a dozen different possible controllers.
current gen, niggers. i don't even know what to make of the wii u's classification
The PC and the 3Ds had the only games worth playing during the time period that constitutes 8th gen.
Wii U was best up until this year, but now that the system is dead and the PS4 is actually getting games I'll go with PS4.
Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that the gamepad was stupid?
The only games that come to mind that couldnt exist without it are starfox 0 and kirby rainbow curse which weren't great. While it did make some games a little better (I think mario maker is the best example) the console would have benefited more from better hardware instead
you forgot
>intelligent, nihilistic with a WICKED sense of humour