Did you play any fun games today Sup Forums? Anyone beat anything today? If so on a scale of 1-10 how would you rate that game?
Weekly Check In
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>female buggy
This is fun as shit, what the fuck was I doing putting it down for months when I got rekt like two hours in.
It's just "oh shit where did the last three hours go," not had that in ages
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3, its a nice time killer.
Dark Souls 3 DLC
not feeling it
Is this a one piece thread
I want to fuggy that buggy
One Piece sucks ass now.
I finally finished Dragon Quest 7 today after putting about 62 hours into it. I had a lot of fun playing it and I actually want to do the extra stuff that unlocks after you beat it. 9/10
Also, Enies Lobby Ark is best arc.
Post-timeskip is better than 80% of pre-timeskip and if you say otherwise you're a contrarian faggot
i hope the new arc focusing on Sanji is as good as Enies Lobby/Water 7
Mermaid Island was completely shit and you know it
I was asking about vidya but everyone wants to fuck clowns so I guess
>Jaya and Skypiea, the most kino arc, is pre-timeskip
>Fishman Island, the least kino arc, is post-timeskip
I beat dq8 yesterday
thinking of starting that one adventuregame i can't remember the name of with park in the title
I played Pokemon Sun. I've been trying to do a nuzlocke for a while, I keep dying mid way through to the blonde haired bitch. I would rate it so far 8/10 after 6 half playthroughs
Played Rainbow Six Siege with some friends
Played Project Zomboid some, stockpiled some more food and gas and fortified the house a little more but broke my favorite axe
Played Duskers as well, getting pretty far along two of the investigation chains but lost the most OP upgrade, stealth, because I wasn't paying attention
What did you think of DQ8? Were you playing the 3ds version?
Yeah. A lot of QoL changes were made that make the game much less slower than the PS2 version, but that's not an issue with emulation speedups. Graphics are pretty ugly but you get use to them. Morrie and Red are fun even if like none of the cut scenes have voiced dialogue for Morrie so he just stands there awkwardly glaring down the rest of the party. I like that they show a skill list now for weapons unlike the PS2 version, as well as the fact that you can save points now. Enemies in the map is alright. Pretty decent adventure. If you haven't played a lot of DQ games before, 8 is more centralized plot focused unlike 6 or 7 where you have like a bunch of small stories put together for a bigger one. Decent enough of a game and port.
Skypea has a really nice concept but the political drama (indians vs french army?) was so damn
Also you must be watching the anime if you thing pre-skip is better
What kind of soap does she smell like?
No I didn't play any games today. I was busy being a normie.
It was fucking terrible.
Beat this steaming pile of shit today.
Will be getting all endings because fuck you Yoko Taro.
The best 5/10 game I've ever played.
The anime is pretty shit tho
I beat Toukiden 2 today.
Please explain to me how a cheap koei game with
a budget of like 2 million could have a more intruiging story and better characters than Mass Effect Andromeda.
It's a 7.5/10
She's not a slut
Dressrosa is the absolute worst arc in the entire series.
WCI is a good return to form and is on part with a lot of pre time skip arcs. Fuck you, lots of post time skip is garbage. Doesn't matter anyways, series peaked with Arlong Park and it won't ever top it.
I played the free episode of that Batman Telltale thing after seeing the SBF play some. I hadn't picked up a Telltale game since Sam & Max Season 3. It was... Disappointing. And buggy. I won't be buying the other episodes. I guess I'd give it a 4/10? The story seems interesting but I'm pretty sure I can just watch it and get the same effect, "choices" be damned.
I've been playing a lot of BotW, but I'm in the last stages of the game after completing all of the Divine Beasts where I'm just shrine/seed/monster/ingredient hunting and polishing off quests, so it's sort of slowing down.
I agree with you, but even with how good WCI has been I still miss a time where the whole crew is participating. It feels like the last bunch of arcs always splits up the crew so that some aren't seen for months.
Maybe if Oda would stop introducing a million fucking literally who's no one gives a shit about. Or maybe if he stopped giving spotlight to shit characters that only fujos and black people like. Oda used to be able to introduce a good amount of characters while making them fun and memorable. Now it's just character after character after character after character.
Stop bitching about Law that was like a year ago niw
nah she's a slut
Where is Law anyway, is he with Zoro?
He went to do his own thing there was literally no reason for him to stick around anymore
i have a day left to beat persona 4 golden and im not sure i can beat it all in time. im in the middle of september
he went to wano with zoro, franky, ussop, robin, kinemon and his samurai and ninja pal in order to fight the kaido, spee d. reader