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calm down, son. its got like a pathetic list of games right now.

>My local gamestop has big signs out front and in the Nintendo section
>Shelf is full of unsold boxes and games

Really pathetic

I walked into Walmart and bought one no problem today.

Just use nowinstock.net. I found one on Amazon the day after I started using that site. Haven't stopped playing the switch since.

Yeah but Breath of the Wild is literally the best game ever made so one game, which is also GOTYAY, isn't actually that bad.

You realize that those boxes don't actually contain anything, right?

aaaaand is also on wiiu

>Empty display boxes are unsold units

Kek, stay delusional. The Switch is going to be sold out every shipment until May at minimum.

Yeah but only 13 million people bought a Wii U. It's one of Nintendo's worst selling consoles of all time, only selling better than the Virtual Boy.

Most people don't give a shit about the Wii U, so it's not really a problem.

Unless you plan to buy a lot of average games aside from Zelda, Fast RMX, and Shovel Knight, I'd wait till either Summer or Winter to pick one up. Wait until you have 5 games you think will be worth getting, and until you can physically buy those 5 games, just hold on.

Get it on Wii U? There's honestly no reason to get a Switch right now. When the games come out for it, a lot should be in stock by then. Just be patient and stop getting things you don't really need at the moment.

Really satisfied with BotW thus far

I've heard snipperclips is good. My family, we all live in the same general area so once a week we meet up for dinner, then go to whoever lives closest to have coffee and chat. I was thinking about getting that game so I could let my bro play instead of just showing him BotW gameplay or letting him try it.

Would rather they would port Rhythm Heaven though, best party game, bitches love rhythm games

That's right, they keep the cartridges and console in the back locked away

When you make a purchase you take the box to the counter, and they take it ot the back and place he games/consoles in the box

But the point is, that while some stores may be low in stock or actually sold out, many have not sold many switches

So its funny seeing the signs placed by corporate warning of a shortage

Why would anyone want a Switch is beyond me.

Maybe its the design that looks like a plastic toy that is so appealing to these Children, after all, Nintendo IS a company that makes games for Kids, with the exception of the large portion of fat manchildren that buy every console because they worship Nintendo. Despite the fact that Nintendo has been shit for a long time and has been ripping them off at every single opportunity they have. But you really need to look at the mindset of a Nintenbro to really understand why they keep falling for the same tricks.

How many threads about BOTW being the best game ever have you seen? i have seen plenty, they circlejerk over the game like its the messiah of gaming, when its nothing more than Open World meme with zelda slapped on it, totally worthless and stale, but since it IS Zelda, it got really good reviews because of the brand, and because its the only game thats fairly valuable on the Switch, that piece of fucking shit has gimmicks up the ass, and underperforms on both sides, as a console AND as a handheld, its pathetic, but these idiots need to justify purchasing such a useless machine, thats why you see so many circlejerking about BOTW, just ignore them, these children are pathetic.

In short, Nintendo is shit

>Breath of the wild is the best game ever made

It's good, user. But, it's definitely not THAT good. Don't hype up user only to disappoint him when he spends the cash. Let the game speak for himself if it does and let the game shill itself by its own merits.

Those fucking kike ninjas need to start ramping up production greatly.

And also offering more variety for the Joycons. I want a lot of variety, like with the N64.

>Sonygaf says that no one has a Wii U
>Sonygaf also says that Breath of the Wild doesn't count for the Switch since everyone already has a Wii U

I'm just shitposting about it being the best game ever made, but I do think it's easily in the top 20, up there with Terraria, Super Metroid, and Xenoblade Chronicles.

Guys help I don't know what system to get next

>PS4 Pro
Like it's multiplats and I wanna try out the PSVR. I've never had a Sony console before

I like the brand and it has Rare Replay which I really want. and multiplats. Does it perform better or worse than PS4?

I got fucked in the ass by the WiiU and am skeptical if Nintendo can perform this gen. Unlike the WiiU the Switch actually looks like a good idea.

The Switch will be great if Nintendo actually puts all their eggs in one basket. Imagine how many games the Wii U would get if Nintendo didn't split their resources between it and the 3DS, or vice versa.

Plus, the Switch is breaking sales records in Japan, which means all the animu games that would be on the PS4 are going to be on the Switch.

just wait for a revision to get all the kinks ironed out, maybe holiday 2017

so i have a switch, a wii u, a ps4 pro, and a computer with an i7 and a gtx 1070 AND i'm poor, whats your excuse?

those are the exact games I have, plus Snipperclips to play with my gf

they will last me until MK8 comes out

after that it's Rime, Yooka Laylee and hopefully Hollow Knight until Mario Odyssey

if Spelunker has an English option I'll probably import it


You're genuinely retarded aren't you? Those are empty promotional boxes - they were on the shelves something like a month before launch. There are no actual units in back, unless you happen to get there within a few minutes of a shipment.

You don't want it, remember? It's a tremendous failure apparently.

Neon are the only ones i've seen sold out

So get those

in my gamestop they take the games/ consoles out of the boxes that are left on the shelf and put the stuff in the box you bring to the counter

>Yooka Laylee
You're better off not buying it. Not because of the controversy, but just because of how empty it looks from the 2 levels we've seen (the mountain and capital cashino).

>Hollow Knight
Play it right now before you get spoiled.

Stores restock on mondays, try tomorrow.

You're just green with envy. It's ok. We understand. Someday you'll be fortunate to play a game as incredible as BOTW.

You just to buy a Switch to play it on.

Of course you're poor, you bought all that shit.

I'm going to follow your path. Built a new PC last year with an i5 and a 1070. Thinking of using my tax refund on a Switch and a PS4 pro. Talk some sense into me, Sup Forums. Please.

You're gonna have an easier time finding neon, but if you ever intend on getting new joycons, you can just get gray and use those as the main ones for your console.

my walmart just got a bunch in, I'm sure yours did too

Hollow Knight looks a great game for a portable, I'll wait...I can abstain from watching gameplay vids and reading about it

What if Nintendo has a bunch of secret games for the Switch planned out but haven't released that knowledge to the public yet? I mean I know we're getting Xenoblade, but what if we get like some good stuff that people will want to go and get a Switch for? I don't know, I thought Skyrim was confirmed for it? Or maybe they'll give us some fun shit? I don't know.

>Already had Zelda on WiiU
>Just ordered my Switch
>Realize I have basically nothing to play until Puyo Puyo and Mario Kart
I was gonna get one no matter what for Splatoon 2, but man I feel like the early DS days all over again. Gonna end up getting Binding of Isaac I guess. I played the original a good deal, never picked up all it's sequels and DLC, but least it would give the easy 4 controllers a good use.

>buying a wiiu
lol, I picked up Zelda and Shovel Knight and I'll be fine until the holidays.

They've already doubled production user, Nintendo is not made of magic

Fire was quite patrician.

What's up senpai hope u good.

Post your switches fellas.

damn you're a faggot


If you want to play in single platform the answer is ps4 because its got every relevant games + good exclusive.

Wiiu if you like nintendo games, switch doesn't have game yet.

PC if you like mmo and shooting.

No reason to get xbox at all.

No they don't,
That's against GameStop regulations

Just enjoying the sunset on top of Tal Tal Peak in the Ploymus Mountain range. Only 7 shrines to go before I go make my way to kick Ganon's lily ass.

Same. I've been ignoring the threads and thus have no idea there even was anything to spoil. I'm just sold on the art and the world and the want of a good new Metroidvania after Ori and the Blind Forest was such a disappointment.

Clearance Isle

Might as well buy an xbone to complete the shitposting trinity.

He has a point. I milked BOTW all march. Now my system sits in its case while I play Nier

Is the game not just boring now that you have that many hearts and a literal monkey couldn't die playing it?

Anything I want on xbone is also on PC.

I walked into Walmart today and they had quite a few gray consoles in stock.

Is English your first language? That sentence structure is piss poor.

Not even that many hearts can save you from a silver Lynel if you're bad

Thanks, but that doesn't answer my question.

Looking around for those Memories now, then gonna work on quests.

>boring empty world
>best game ever made

There was a question inside of that jumbled word salad?

Jesus christ that rock texture

You can walk into any Australian store and there's dozens sitting on the shelves. Didn't sell out in one shop on release and more are just clogging up the isles now.

Why are americans buying this trash?

Wait a minute, the color of those hands...Are you in fact a monkey playing a switch?

Yes, why don't you google some basic sentence structure on one of your three web browsers.

Do you just go into a store randomly and ask when you can do research before hand? Use this link to check your local walmart whenever it updates at around 12am-2 am each night (basically, right now). Just replace the 4 #'s with your local store number (usually found when you put in your zip code to make a store your home store).

This is the official walmart site so if its there when it is updated, then it will be there at that very moment. (However, keep in mind that they dont update till midnight so even though it may say its in stock at around 7 pm, that just meant it WAS in stock when they updated at midnight)


I got mine at 4 am last week. If you go right after it updates, make sure you talk with someone that has access to the lockbox in the back just in case it isnt on the shelves. If its ON the OFFICIAL website that they themselves updated, they cant say they cant sell it to you since it's in stock ready to sell.

Walmart gets the switch randomly throughout the week and it goe sunder the radar cause they dont brag about it like Gamestop.

Bookmark that fucking site and enjoy your Switch findings anons.

where did you live lad

Best Buy North McAllen, they are infested with them...

The gong. Shellharbour to be precise.

Why do you lie faggot?

Actual Aussie that went to a midnight release and watch every single switch get pulled off the shelves and sold within half an hour.

>have to arrive at 4 am just to buy a product

Jesus Christ Nintendo.

Pretty much sold out in Sydney on release day. In saying that I just got a copy the day after release day at the JBHIFI near moore park. More stores are either out of stock or have 1 or 2

I honestly could've gone at 7 or something. But considering sites like fucking Toysrus update at 5 am and immediately sold out, I didn't want to take my chances. I thought I was too late in fact, but I was actually a little too early

How do I lie? My friends a manager at JB. Why wouldn't you just order one from a retailers online store if they sold out since they never ran out of stock online anyway.

>they take the games/ consoles out of the boxes
So you're paying full price for an open box used item?

When is Hollow Knight releasing for the Switch?

I am waiting to get it on that.

So I guess that is BOTW and Hollow Knight? How is the new bomberman?

Why even buy one now?
They're fucking bending.

You said shelves user, now you're going into online? I have a friend a EB Games that had said all of them have been sold out from the store along with carry cases and tons of controllers.

Fake news.

That was fake? Damn.
Oh well, docks still melt and the screen still scratches super easily, right?

> Where
Get a fucking dictionary instead. Fucking nigger.

If you live in burgerland and have a friend in the military have him buy one for you from an exchange

Gameplay is alright. It kinda reminds me why I get bored of bomberman so easily. Was never a game with much meat. Coop mode was fun with the significant other but holy shit the cutscenes are so god damn awful. This coming from a guy who watched kids cartoons, their constant jokes are just so terrible.

I played Zelda the other day for 10+ hours when I had no work or class and nothing happened to the dock. Also I didnt go near the dock till I put a screen protector on my switch. Now I have tempered glass and it doesnt scratch, or at least not show

I was like you too but once I got it, it was nice

They weren't sold out on my local shelves at all, your claiming they where on yours and you couldn't get one maybe our cities are different who knows?

Then order one from their online stores instead since they've carried stock since day 1.

Neon are in shorter supply and more sought after

It's easier to buy gray joycons than it is to buy the neon joycons

In the US anyway

The multi controller functionality is great for coop

I just want Nintendo to release one where I don't have to buy a screen separately, and also has at least 500GBs of fucking internal memory for fucks sake.
I got 2.5TB in my PS4 and my PC has over 7TB of storage. 32GB is a fucking joke.

I agree with the storage, but It WOULD be a problem if the games worked like the PS4 where discs are just "keys" and the game actually downloads as if it WAS the digital version.

With the switch, all the data is on the cartridge.

I get physical games cheaper from Best Buy too so there isn't a point in me having to upgrade storage atm. Only time I will have to is when companies start releasing localized games as digital only, such as Capcom has been doing with Ace Attorney

I don't see why 32 gigs is a problem unless you don't like physical.

Docks melting: No
Screen scratching: Yes

I'm curious what is causing the scratch. Hasn't happened to me but I don't doubt it's a thing. I get the feeling it's the 3DS scratching issue all over again, where people would flip it shut and be baffled that the lower screen would leave a mark on the upper screen after enough times doing that. Maybe it's a case of people dropping it into the dock. It always does baffle me watching how some people treat their expensive electronics but I'll still qualify it as a defect in this case.

I primarily buy games digitally. I've been doing that since like 2011.

>tfw Walmart that I work at has 8 switches in stock as of today, 3 colors and 5 gray
What happened to artificial scarcity?

Eh, to each their own I guess. I like having the boxes and paying 20% less than retail is always great

just play it on PC with better graphics and stable frame rate, not to mention free

Cases are better fag stop buying digital.

I honestly wouldn't have the free space to fit my PS3 and PS4 games, plus physical copies eventually just fucking get lost for me. I have no idea where like 70% of my PS2 library is, missing like half my NES games....

Grape was best

>Cases are better fag stop buying digital.
Nice try Gamestop, your ass is going out of business.

>Got a grey system because it was in stock
>Want a neon pack of joycons to make it more distinct
>Neon Joycons are sold out far as the eye can see
Does nintendo not realize people want color? If you produced those joycons in a buncha different colors, people would be all over that shit.

You realize it takes minimal effort to paint your cons whatever color you want, right

Will it fuck up the system like the stickers do?