What are some good hack and slash games like this?
What are some good hack and slash games like this?
DMC4 nigguh
Already have that. DMC3's a lot better. The action just feels way better in 3.
Pls respond? I knew I shouldn't have made a thread about video games on Sup Forums....
Ninja Gaiden Black and 2
Most of Platinum's games that's not Vanquish
bayonetta. thats it really
Of course DMC3 is a lot better. Especially so with the DMC3 style swticher mod. DMC4 is worth a play through though. Also play Jedi Outcast series.
Does Nier Automata fall under the same category?
Killer is Dead is not very good, sorry
God Hand.
It's technically a beat em up. But it is on a similar vein to DMC, and is just as good, if not better in some regards.
Kingdom Under Fire
No game has better hand to to hand combat than God Hand.
Hardly, Automata is the gameplay of the first Nier just much better done but really I got through most of the game mashing square.
Fairy Bloom Freesia, bitch.
DMC4 has a higher skill cap and unrivaled aerial mechanics
DMC3's options are much superior though
Post more cuhrayzee webms.
>playing a dead genre
Also, Mirage Rainblood if you're looking for cheap, semi-janky but ultimately satisfying 2D Hack n' Slash.
Where can I watch a full playthrough of someone with this skill?
It can come back.. Right?
Here's a BP playthrough
Anything made by donguri.
He has combo videos, mods, full playthroughs and all sorts of crazy challenges.
Killer is Dead's artstyle and boss fight is pretty legit, though that's to be expected of a Suda51 game
If there was a game similar to DMC you would have already heard of it and played it. The only game ever compared to DMC was God of War and then Bayonetta.
Suda didn't direct that game, he was just a writer from what I see.
>God of War
Also you forget Ninja Gaiden
God of War is boring and easy
I don't know about Ninja Gaiden, but the guys who created God of War admitted that DMC was their inspiration and that GoW was meant to be a casualized version of DMC. I don't ever remember what his face saying anything about DMC other than it being easy compared to Ninja Gaiden.
meant for
I've seen this before; what game is it?
Kritika. It's coming to the west very soon, published by guys who made TERA Online. You can sign up for the beta right now.
btw you're making me look like a shill
DMC1 pretty much create a whole genre while DMC3 create a subgenre within it
As good as NGB was, it's sad that it wasn't as influential as DMC3
Didn't we just get Metal Gear Rising? It's waaayy more similar to NG than DMC.
user, it's nearly been 5 years since Revengeance was released...
Now this is my kind of thread
What's your favorite boss and why is it Vergil?
I miss him.
Ok. that's pretty recent.
MGR's gameplay is pretty simplistic compared to NG. The most depth you can get is parry timing and Sam's charged moves
It's a great game but its greatness mostly come from god-tier presentation
The Cerberus, since I just started playing this game today, and that's as far as I got. (Very recently getting into this genre)
I've been trying to develop a Vergil combo for a long time now...
Why is that whenever you have a conversation about these game you get bait like this. All I said was MGR is similar to NG. I never said MGR was better than NG.
Got damn.
I'm not trying to bait man. I just mean that MGR isn't really like NG compared to something like Bayonetta to DMC where they are equally great
But well, it's Sup Forums
They share the same blueprint ideas. They're not combo oriented games like DMC and Bayo, they're efficiency focus games.
My biggest wish for DMC5 is that they drop all the bullshit "puzzles" and the awful and finicky platforming sections and just shove the combat in my face. For once. That's why God Hand is such a better game. It never wastes your time with Resident Evil stuff that makes you go "why".
What makes Super Vergil combos always look so good?
Reminisce to when Vergil was actually balanced.
Blame MvC3
Devil Trigger duration allows for more creativity. Regular Vergil in DT while trying to summon swords is far too taxing on the DT bar..
I feel like Bayonetta doesn't scratch the same itch at all as DMC, I know that sound weird as fuck. Despite being literally the same genre, it feels incredibly different and I can't get into the game at all.
He was pretty broken in DMC3 too
Witch Time
Dial Combo+Dodge Offset
They are fundamentally similar, but very different when you get past the initial skill floor
This is why I don't like Vergil in DMC4, and even worst... this is considered the meta. Anything less is apparently unacceptable as a DMC4 Vergil player because of how easy it is to pull off.
Non of Platinum's games do. They're flashy and fun but none of them are close to DMC because DMC may as well have infinite combos that are cool as fuck. MGR and Bayonetta barely have any inspiring combos, if any.
Broken how?
I really like his motivation bar, but I miss his teleports from DMC3.
I just don't know what it is. Some things are literally identical to DMC, but it's still not what I want for some reason. MGR is way different too, but I at least got into that. I'm thinking it's because I'm a scrub and Bayonetta is actually just a harder game to get into and play in a fun way/
Probably because it has too much visual overload.
Maybe broken is not the correct term but i do think it's easier to breeze through stages with Vergil and SS ranking them too
>Bayonetta barely have any inspiring combos
DJ B-13, one of the first Bayo players came out with some top notch Bayonetta combos that I still like better than what comes out today from Bayonetta players.
DMC has twitchier animations and combos are easier to pull off because attacks are easily executed. Bayonetta combos are like, long long trees of button presses and none of it looks cool. So it's just kind of eh.
This too.
It's just a shame. I got into the genre recently but in my attempts to play Bayonetta, I just want to go and play DMC3 or DMC4 again. There is objectively a good game in Bayonetta, just not thinking it's for me.
Bayonetta's dial combos pretty much just depends on the Wicked Weave at the end, which is why most people just do PKP and be done with it
Like this just makes me think Bayonetta was a parody of DMC. It's just comic compared to the non-ironic *teleports behind you* "im a literal god come at me bro" gameplay of DMC.
i think platinums games are made that way to create distinction between their games and DMC. If they make games to similar to DMC, then what would they truly offer thats different besides cosmetics and story
Bayonetta is FAST, like fucking insane crazy FAST.
I would really want to like it because the games ooze with style and inspiration, and Bayo has to be one of my favorite female designs.
But both Bayo 1 and 2 have several design choices which heavily bring down the games for me.
And I don't even mean that they're bad, but no matter how much I try, I just can't enjoy them on a fundamental level like I do with other action games.
>Bayo has to be one of my favorite female designs.
how do people think this
>people have weird kinks
oh noes what a surprise
The best Vergil gameplay video in the universe coming through.
That fucking Greyon fight... HOLYSHIT!
AND... the best DMC Dante gameplay video in the universe coming through.
The creativity....
It's all about the clothes, the style and how they all mesh together to convey her character and her role.
Although I prefer Smash 4 Bayo
But other than the giant legs, I think Bayo has an excellent design.
People have opinions
Although I feel like Kamiya overdesign her to one-up DMC4 Dante
The one thing I always wanted to have in the bayonetta 2 was 4 weapon slots intead of 2 and give juane her own style of fighting.
It would be nice if Capcom actually made DMC games for a change.
They nailed a great engine which runs, looks and plays great, but they rushed DMC4 to hell. Then they made a totally different reboot that no one asked for.
And now the series is on life support.
>see first trailer
>sexy leg
>gun heel
Yeah and I would like Team Ninja to make a Ninja Gaiden on their own
Seriously the genre is pretty much Platinum's own thing ever since DMC4
Platinum will probably make the next DMC.
Imagine how crazy they could make it.
Do not taint the Itsuno
Razor's Edge is good. Don't believe Sup Forums when they say it's bad. It's just butthurt NGFags who were made fun of for vanilla NG3 which is a piece of shit game. All the problems were fixed in RE.
another thing is that bayo is much lighter than dante when it comes to gameplay, so much of the attacks bayo does have that weightless hit feel to them.
Razor's Edge was too late especially with Ninja Gaiden Z following after
Team Ninja still deserved a chance at a NG4, unfortunately they will probably just be doing Nintendo musous and Nioh DLC and even sequels for the forseeable future
Did Nier Automata and Nioh save Japanese action games? If Taro can do it, Itsuno shouldn't have any problems making another action game even if it's not DMC.
They already confirmed that Ninja Gaiden isn't dead and/or taking a back seat. But when that article came out I believe it was before Nioh release. They probably jumped shift when Nioh sold out.
I think that's one of my problems too. I can still remember that glorious sound of the sword swinging and hitting enemies in the DMC games, Bayonetta feels like it's like and too fast, in a weird way. I just don't get how I can play through DMC1-4 and enjoy them, despite them being pretty different from each other, and then just not get into Bayonetta playing it immediately after.
It was like a month before Nioh came out or something, it was really close to release. They probably still want to push Nioh for a bit and then give it a minute because fucking Musou All-Sars is coming out and has Ryu and William and everyone else, and then after THAT when people are ready for another Ninja Gaiden they'll probably return to it.
Thanks soulsborne for killing cuhrayzee, truly /ourgenre/, right?
Of course he wouldn't.
The man is simply a very talented director who can make good action games, good fighting games and even RPGs.
But Capcom is too busy trying to avoid bankruptcy to make games that aren't guaranteed top sellers.
Which DMC5 could potentially be, but it has been quite a while, DMC4 left a bad impression to normies with its unfinished state, and the DmC shitstorm made things even worse.
NG is pretty much their least profitable series
DOA will sell as long as the asses have enough textures
Nintendo licensed musous will sell because it's fucking Nintendo
Nioh sells good enough that a sequel is pretty much guaranteed
Meanwhile you have NG3 and NGZ
>instead of a new mainline Ninja Gaiden game
>we get a dated as fuck looking Souls clone pandering to the west with a literal ken-sama
>souls babbys eat it up
rip genre
Which reminds me that Nioh got such a lukewarm reception.
I expected Sup Forums to implode based on all the hype I read from the beta trial threads, but then the game released and the general opinion was that it's just meh.
It had nothing to do with Souls, thank shitty business decisions. DmC: Donte May Cry and Ninja Gaiden Yaiba both respectively shut their franchises down for a while and Bayonetta sold like shit because lmao Wii U. The entire genre stumbled and is trying to get back on their feet again.
those final hits to any combo, including guns, in the DMC games, have a nice animation and the hit creates a 'lag', for lack of a better word, which also leaves you vulnerable, but gives the player a sense of the attack having a lot of weight thrown behind it. Bayo lacks that even with those charged attacks. Compare Dante's drive attack to Bayos gauntlet charges. Bayos seem to lack punch.
I'm not knocking bayo by any means, its just the way i see it.
Quick, Sup Forums
How could Vergil come back for DMC5?
Should he?
Hitstop it's called.
Nioh feels way more of a homage to the Onimusha series than the Souls series. A lot of the attacks with the basic katana, including that attacking at the right moment thing to do critical damage, share common grounds with Samonosukes attacks. The setting is stupidly similar as well.
Eh, I'm fine with Vergil being gone in a canon capacity. Just make Nero more like Vergil while maintaining Nero stuff like the Red Queen and EX shit with the grapple mechanics and we're good. Nero and Dante ride into hell together and take care of the unfinished business in DMC2. Wrap it up.
They killed themselves.
A fragment of Vergil's soul was inside Yamato, and he comes back after Nero puts the sword inside some magical pedestal or some stuff like that.
Of course he should.
>how could he come back
If Kojima can use nanomachines magic to bring back Big Boss for a 2 hours long exposition, then Itsuno can pretty much just say Vergil's alive after DMC1 and pad it up with some soul/body with Yamato magic stuff
>Should he
Why not? Vergil's pretty much my favorite rival because he never "accept" Dante's points unlike Jeanne and Vorkken. Him continuing with his own path for the sequels, especially with a son, would be fun
wish I had known this while doing the intro on hard and being bad at video gam