Can someone please explain the appeal of this shit?
Can someone please explain the appeal of this shit?
battle royale game that shows more promise than the ones preceding it
It's fun?
People enjoy different types of games mate. Im sure theres game you like, that others wouldn't.
Pretty much one of the worst titles to come across without any context, what were they thinking?
Dude you shoot people in an open environment LMAO
All my friends want me to get this but the whole concept just seems so shit to me, how can anyone find this fun?
That fucking stupid ass title makes me irrationally angry for some reason.
how can you not see the appeal of a battle royale game
I think it's the narcissistic way he put his name in the title as if anyone cares.
I bought it blind to give it a shot, played a few matches and refunded it.
It's not inherently bad, just janky and bland. It's really not that much fun. You get a few encounters / stalkings that raise your heartrate a bit but that's about it.
It's just a fast paced DayZ without zombies, nothing more.
>game gets popular
>"why is x popular?"
Except this isn't popular.
>DayZ happens
>Twitch loves the all-or-nothing thrill of the engagments
>H1Z1 removes the hiking and grinding and base building and surviving of DayZ to produce a condensed mode: Battle Royale
>Super successful
>New companies jump on the Battle Royal bandwagon like they all did with DayZ for a while
it is
He was the original creator of the Battle Royale ARMA so it's not like he's a no one in that community. Just like tim clunkys and sid mayors
Its fun to shoot and its fun to loot.
>original creator of the Battle Royale ARMA
literally what/who
Prove it.
The game is shit but I still enjoy watching Northernlion playing it
I mean, battle royale is recognizable at least, this guy is just a fucking nobody to 90% of the people that even buys/plays this type of game.
Looks like bethesda should already copyright that, so much money on the loose.
Currently the top selling game on Steam and has been one of the top streamed games for a month now.
50k+ people currently playing with always at least 50k people watching.
Here's your (you)
Yeah, but anyone who knows who he is already won't need his name in the title to know about the game.
Because even thoughi it's far from flawless, it largely performs better than H1Z1, and overall feels like a better mixture between H1Z1 and ARMA BR
Fun with friends
It takes the idea of the gameplay that was so appealing about it's predecessors (Like DayZ) and it does something that those games failed to do.
Condenced the amount of time it takes to experience what you came for.
People find the thunderdome style survival game appealing because it can be very tense. Older takes on the game like DayZ could accomplish this nicely, but carried the downside of potentially lengthy times in between with nothing much at all happening.
This leads us to this stuff. Games that are massively condensed versions of the exact same player scenarios. The sub-genre has been trying to refine itself down to its base elements for a while now. They've removed nearly anything that gets in the way of the tension of meeting your next set of players.
Ironically, one of the victims of this process of refinement is the entire idea of having to survive. Eating and drinking and similar mechanics got in the way since it was easier to condense matches into a certain average time with the kill-wall mechanic that shrinks the map and forces people to close in on each other.
This sub-genre is the Call of Duty of the Survival game genre.
game would be 100x better with no third person, prove me wrong you can't
nigger ive played every single arma starting with ofp
just because i dont play your silly warcraft 3 custom map doesnt mean im baiting.
in a game where you can switch 1st and 3rd person, 3rd person is always superior because of the field of vision it grants.
would be nice to have a game mode where it's 1st person only.
indeed. cheesing corners/hills/rocks/trees via 3rd person is garbo
also 100x better if it were optimized and had better servers
Agreed, third person just leads to such cancerous camping. There would still be camping with first person, but not where somebody can just sit up on a rooftop and look down at everything with no risk to themselves.
It's a stupid KoTH game. It constantly forces you into a deathmatch. Pretty much inspired by the Cherno/Electro kos deathmatches in old DayZ
>Condenced the amount of time it takes to experience what you came for.
For norms who want to make Youtube videos.
"Hardcore" servers are coming near release. It will only have the crosshair removed and no 3rd person. All other elements will be there according to playerunknown
To be fair Battlegrounds improves on the formula in a way with that energy wall mechanic that forces people into smaller areas over time so you don't have people who just sit on a hill in the woods for hours on end on a map the size of a country.
Shooters are a boring genre these days so people will play anything.
Kill yourself into the nearest grave.
Anyone who will ever play this shit will be aware of his involvement, so the name only serves as a symbol of narcissism.
>tfw years of insurgency and arma 2 made me a beast at this game
I don't really get it either.
>Anyone who will ever play this shit will be aware of his involvement, so the name only serves as a symbol of narcissism.
Not true at all.
You think everyone who played H1Z1 knew he was involved? Nope.
thats in every fucking battle royale game
arma shit got bombed constantly or some shit
h1z1 the area gets nerve gassed or some shit
thats not a new way that improves the formula its the same shit
and one more and probably several other battle royale games do this
>find RNG weapons and shoot at other players again and again and again and again and again and AGAIN on the same map, again!
How fun.
hey bud what game do you like?
>post picture of facebook frog and shitpost on a board about video games again and again and again and again and again and AGAIN on the same website, again!
How fun.
The fact that you're putting his work in the presence of Civ makes me want to fucking beat your face in with a hammer
>find RNG weapons and shoot at other players again and again and again and again and again and AGAIN on the same map, again!
>buy items, kill creeps, fight players again and again and again and again and again and AGAIN on the same map, again!
>set a loadout and kill players again and again and again and again and again and AGAIN on the same couple of maps, again!
This could be said for LITERALLY any shooter you cock sucker.
Hence why they suck ass
This game is actually incredibly fun. Grab a mic and team up with people. It's coming to consoles too
>it is so satisfying to make heads roll in this game
>heart actually races
>servers are incredibly easy to join, matches start very quickly with little waiting
>go from 95-100 players and end with 1
It's literally the best battle Royale game available. Not even memeing here
Literally has nothing to do with my point.
It's something that needs to be experienced to be understood. I had $30 so I said fuck it I'll try it and now I can't stop playing it. I've got all my friends hooked on it now too. We team up in the games squad mode and fuck everybody up. It's so satisfying and intense when shit hits the fan
Hi shill.
Camping is part of any battle Royale game you fuck wit
>doesn't like people enjoying things
This is why you don't get invited back to parties, user.
Squad mode is like smaller-scale ARMA engagements. Turns the game into more of a co-operative experience than a competitive one.
Nice projecting, shill.
Your trivializing bullshitpost insinuated that the post you were replying to was invalid in the point it was trying to make.
So yes, it was relevant you fuckass shitstain ledditor.
Its fun,
Sorry that you're a jaded fuck and don't enjoy things anymore
And the award for most tryhard reply of the night goes to...!
congrats autist
People got bored of h1z1 and all those types of games.
Duo is the best. You get to know your buddy and ask where their from and what's going on while surviving for the small amount of time that you will be with them before you both either die or win togerher.
It's amazing. I've had so many cool interactions with people and you build insanely strong bonds with your teammates.
THAT is probably the best part of the game.
Except all the battle royales are by the same guy, just across different games.
Its still shit
Imagine DayZ with no zombies, and instead of running for hours the entire game is distilled into 30 minutes and your palms are sweating
thats the appeal.
Why the fuck haven't we gotten a battle royale style game based on battle royale? include less long range guns and less giant open fields. Make it so most of the shit is just people running into eachother in a forest and needing to immediately react. Instead every game is just looking at towards a field and waiting for someone to run across so you can snipe them. Make 50 unique characters and have everyone of them unique with different stats and items that you randomly start with. Include win conditions other than just killing everyone.
>items that you randomly start with
This makes for a good movie but isn't fun to play.
This. That would be imbalanced as fuck, nobody would want to play that.
>tfw they kill your buddy and you have to avenge him
The only people that hate these games have no one to play them with.
DayZ with no zombies is wasteland. So this game is wasteland in 30 mins minus the tanks and stuff you'd find in the typical Arma wasteland mod.
two player co-op will always be the best, in any game
Nah, actually just playing with anybody in general, squad or duo, is fun. It's so cool to coordinate and plan and strategies with your group or teammate.
Solo is fun but it's much better to be with other people and chat with them too
that's already how every one of these games works. Except instead of starting with it you walk to the closest place that has items and hope for the best. Starting items would be fine as long as there isn't a massive powergap from rock to sniper rifle. If the best thing someone could have is a pistol with limited ammo then it's not impossible to stop them.
This actually happens, and you say your actual final goodbyes to your complete-stranger-turned-friend-turned-best-pal-turned-fallen-solider right before they disconnect forever and you literally go on without them
Battle Royale games like this are as old as ARMA 2 and ALL of them that have come out are by the same fucking dude. Did the mods for ARMA 2 and 3, as well as H1Z1. This is identical to the ARMA 3 version minus some of the clunkiness of that game and it's terrible engine.
DayZ and ARMA were too hard for normies, so they came up with King of the Kill to casualize it down.
It was still too hard and they went even further and you got this.
What else is there to say?
reminder that if your top 10% is under 15% then you need to uninstall the game
who /chicken dinner/ here?
But this is actually fun. Op is a raging keyboard warrior who is sad nobody wants to buy Arma 3 and painstakingly install mods instead of having a seamless and fun experience wrapped into one
>it's coming to consoles because of the massive success it has achieved
>it's coming to consoles because of the massive success it has achieved
Pretty sure that's all that needed to be said.
Why even bother starting in a big field and whittle it down over time? Just have everyone start in a football stadium and have hitscan weapons.
I'm glad all the wasteland/BR people are leaving and hopefully get out of ARMA and DayZ and make Bohemia double down on appealing to milsim groups and players.
Excellent marketing team.
Oh my god. I've never felt more satisfied from playing a video game in my life when I was the last man standing out of 100 other motherfuckers armed to the teeth on an island. My heart was gonna explode from the stress. I only killed four other players in that successful run and looked like a juggernaut by the end of it.
>better than sex
Kek, following your line of reasoning, this shit will literally just loop back around on itself to being Call of Duty. And the casuals will truly have come full circle.
If you need an explanation as to why you should buy this game, this is it.
Who gives a fuck? It's fun as shit and the world sucks right now, so people want something cool to play and this is probably the hottest game around. Fuck you user go wallow in your own self pity and filth
>this knee-jerk defense mechanism over a fucking shitty dime a dozen early access game
Holy shit, you're pathetic. Fucking leave. Go outside. Stop this. You've lost perspective.
So what do you call this? False flag shilling by some buthurt user or actual shilling? Either way, consider suicide. You are a cancer on this board, this coming from someone that has the game.
How about the cheesing then?
Could be better if the servers weren't garbage
Good luck trying to shoot someone early in the game because of the starting lag
Out of all the terrible game communities out there (CSGO, Dota/LoL, Overwatch, etc) this kind of game's community truly takes the fucking cake. I've never seen more concentrated cancer in my life. Furthermore, the game has no depth and terrible shooting mechanics. Every match is the same.
so it's 10x better than counter strike because you can actually flank people instead of running down stupid suicide corridors.
It was fucking weird to see this suddenly jump to the number one spot on twitch one day with that weird ass name that makes it look like some chinese knockoff fps or some shit. They must've spent a lot on twitch partner deals.
Its another wonderful step down the road of fucking terrible game designs created by fans rather than professional developers. After Dota created its own genre and showed that people will play any old fucking shit even if it has some of the most backward awful decisions and completely bankrupt creativity, its become popular to just sit around and waste 10+ minutes of peoples time before things happen.
Waste 20+ minutes doing the samething in every match before you die having achieved nothing. Repeat.
Waste 20+ minutes doing the samething in the same place with the same character on the same map buying the same items from the shop because you don't want to gimp your build before you release that your team is terrible and your going to lose anyway.
Why do all the games take place on non-descript Slav looking shitty towns? Why do all the player characters look the same?
Imagine if people were playing Titanfall 2 instead of this and grapple hooking all over the fucking place at Sanic speeds. Imagine if fun was popular instead of tryhard survival bollocks.
Nah, I figure I just skip all the middle shit and play Overwatch KOTH maps.
Like why even bother if that's what it's ultimately drawing down to anyway. Just pick up Overwatch and be done with it since it's clearly what these people really want from each and every design decision they're making.
Get ready for those to be patched out when the casuals can't deal with the idea of flanking. Half the reason this genre even exists is because casuals couldn't get the idea of teams and coordination, so it's every man for themselves.
I was with you until you said Titanfall 2. That game is a 0/10 COD clone, as generic, stale, and bland as can be. No better than this trash.
>Imagine if fun was popular instead of tryhard survival bollocks.
It hasn't been survival for a very long time. Like, it's been years.
This isn't a survival game, neither is KOTK, ffs, even DayZ only after a year started getting mods to remove the survival shit from the game (Epoch)
I watched NL play it.