Ok I'll admit it...

Ok I'll admit it. I completed the first playthrough of this game a couple weeks back and didn't bother continuing it after being really disappointed with how empty the ending felt.

I went on Sup Forums and bitched about it with other people. Then someone in the thread said the game really picks up on the third playthrough and I rolled my eyes.

I gave it a chance, I sped through the second playthrough, skipping the cutscenes I had already seen, just to start the third.

Beat the third playthrough today and got the true ending. God damnit that was worth it. This game is fucking incredible. If anyone else stopped playing after the first ending, KEEP GOING.

10/10 so many feels. Also A2 is best girl.

Other urls found in this thread:


the game sucks

You're still a faggot.

I don't believe that this happened, I think you're a huge fan of the game and played it all through to completion and you just wanted an interesting way to create a thread from the perspective of a reformed shitposter.

*shrugs* Sup Forums rats love weeaboo-jap trash games with obscure, meme endings

This. People who dislike the game for the many valid reasons will not be changing their minds.

Just finished route A tonight and looking forward to seeing how things shape up. I enjoyed Route A already but am not thrilled about having to play the entire game again.

Route B is the fucking worst.

Nothing changes until the very end of the chapter, and the little extra cutscenes they added do nothing to justify playing through the whole game all over again. Not to mention that 9S is a terrible character to play as, he only has a single attack button with no combos, and he keeps his sword about 2m ahead of him, making hit detection annoying.

I'll take the Triforce quest from Wind Waker over having to do that again, thankfully the story picks up with A2.

Just skip all the sidequest bullshit and skip through the cutscenes. Route B will only take you a couple of hours if you do that, if that.

>valid reasons

The point is to really get to know 9S before they shit all over him in Route C. Also you're not really meant to fight with him. Just hack everything and oneshot them all. You can also kill all bosses with 3 or 4 hacks.

Is 2b human after all?

Don't even get me fucking started on the hacking, so incredible monotonous and repetitive.

The only legitimate complaints are the fucked up difficulty settings and the mediocre boss fights, the rest comes down to personal preference and viewpoints. However most shitposters just say it's weeb waifubait trash and call it a day.

Route B is horrible. Should have taken it out.

You forgot about the Invisible walls all over the overworld.

fucking underage faggot get out this board go back to the shit hole you came from

>mediocre boss fights
Let's be real here, Hegel is far from mediocre and just downright awful. I also did not find the recovery unit at the flooded city to be fun in the slightest.

I actually laughed when the game gives you the Arcade mode, as if anyone would actually enjoy playing the hacking mini-games outside of being forced to.

I hated Route B,
Pushed my impressions of the game from a 9/10 to an 8/10, almost a 7 if it weren't for the Route C

>Ok I'll admit it. I completed the first playthrough of this game a couple weeks back and didn't bother continuing it after being really disappointed with how empty the ending felt.
It LITERALLY tells you the game isn't done yet.

Route A and B could've been merged together like how you bounce between 9S and A2 in routes CDE

Making them two entirely different things was cumbersome and unnecessary.

>I'll take the Triforce quest from Wind Waker over having to do that again

That's ridiculous, there's a limit to exaggeration.

>I liked hacking and thought Route B was pretty cool
I guess I just have low standards

I can see why they didn't. 9S' visions before big events wouldn't have flowed as well as they do if you switched between him and 2B during the first run. As things stand Route B is a real drag though. Especially since 9S gets so many new sidequests to do.

Route B is generally better than A because 9S is an actual character and you get to hear more of his internal thoughts

2Bs route is basically a boss rush

>the fucked up difficulty setting
fuck me
>play through the game on normal
>decide to play through it again on hard
>the 40 minute grueling checkpointless tutorial
>die in one hit from bosses

This shit is fucking impossible

For me it comes down to 2B being more fun to play than 9S. I agree with your point though.

You know how I know a game is good?

Spear, charged light attack, crit+, weapon damage+

So D ending is with 9S and C ending is with A2. What is E ending? After you hack fight in the credits? When it asks if you want to save someone in exchange for deleting your save file?

You get both endings, and then when the credits roll you can stop the data wipe to get the E ending

Route D is almost as bad as B. Way to totally destroy the weight your choice at the end of C had.

route c still has way too much shitty 9s gameplay. if they were gonna lean so heavy on having him playable they should have actually made him fun to play.

The factory is probably the best casual filter I've seen in a game.

Gives you a lot of materials though, no?

There is a big plot twist near the end of B before C. 9S is fun to use as a long range fighter.

2B is more of a proper character if you play with nip audio.

>I gave it a chance, I sped through the second playthrough, skipping the cutscenes I had already seen, just to start the third.
Kill yourself, fag.


Holy shit if this isn't a shill post I don't know what is. Giving the "I'm a gamer like you" setup, following up with the "I was also cinical" association attempt, then telling you the game gets good ON THE THIRD FUCKING TIME AROUND. Also that redit double-spacing holy shit bruv.

9S with even a +3 heavy weapon and combust is nuts though. Throw in an anti chain and he's just plain invincible. Other than the fuckin malfunctioning pistons in the factory.

Oh fuck off, there's barely any difference other than your personal preference. Stop trying to act like japanese language holds more emotion.

being completely broken makes him less fun, not more.

Hense why I said:
>Nothing changes until the very end of the chapter.

It is a big plot twist, but it doesn't justify having to do everything all over again.

It is designed to the character. It's all in sync. Dubbing ANY language will lack original feel. You need to hear it.

Yeah it's not bad. More time to do quests.

Why do people keep saying this? They aren't playthroughs. They are segments of one single complete playthrough.

Not the language itself but her script certainly does. I actually think English 2B's voice acting is good, it just doesn't suit the character and ruins any chance of the player becoming invested in her.

Nah, the open world is implemented poorly (too small, takes too long to go places even with transports, obviously segregated areas that don't really flow into each other, invisible walls EVERYWHERE).

Personal preference and viewpoints are also valid reasons to dislike the game. They just don't make it a "bad" game.

2Bs voice acting is irrelevant, how the wrote her in the game is the biggest disservice.

>no real insight into her character until the very end
>all for a twist detail that, while mildly tragic, dosent really justify gimping a character for 90% of the game

The game might as well have been all about 9S for all the real character we see from 2B, she's a glorified sidekick

I disagree. I've played in both languages, and I feel both are more than suitable.

The intro to B was fucking great though--9s just observing the machine bros. It's a pretty meaningful commentary on 2B and 9Ss relationship.

This. I don't get it. Just because the game flashes the credits on the screen and brings you back to the menu doesn't mean the game is really over.
The word playthrough (to me anyways) implies that the game is done.

>TFW got Ending G three times and had to replay as the robot four times

I really wish they had more with A2. She's by far the most satisfying to play as. Having a dedicated taunt button alone is a ridiculous improvement that should just be default.

>Also you're not really meant to fight with him. Just hack everything and oneshot them all. You can also kill all bosses with 3 or 4 hacks.

Quality Platinum Gameplay

>Especially since 9S gets so many new sidequests to do
He pretty much gets all the best ones including the secret boss fight with Emil

You can use A2 for that

W-why is this so arousing?

I'm on my second playthrough and I have to say I really don't like how 9S plays. I want 2B back, I wanted to get more sidequests done with her to extend my time playing as her but I didn't realize shit was gonna end as quick as it did.

>the trifecta point is le reddit-spacing

neck yourself, friend.

Really? That's good to hear. Glad I didn't delete my save so I can go back and fight him as A2.

The game also looks like complete trash and every Taro story is essentially the same

9S is weird but you'll get used to him. Shockwaves help a ton and he can do heavy attacks by holding dodge before attacking if you haven't figured that out yet. Don't worry about sidequests either since there's a chapter select after beating route C.

Not true, especially Nier 1 and Drakengard 1

Its only after Nier did people start spamming the "le sad ending" meme and Taro himself bought into it.

9S has better combo potential than 2B and if you think he's worse you're playing wrong.

I usually just switched to spear and fucking chucked them at niggers all day. Boring but the range on it is fucking incredible. At least they had the decency to give you A2 for route C. Just wish you got to play as her more.

I felt that way at first, but switching back to 2b for some sections made me miss hacking, it just makes things a lot more convenient.

Nier also takes place after what was a joke ending.

Yeah but it's not as flashy. His aerial rave combos are largely just playing fucking patty cake in regards to his hand movements. And in these sorts of games, if it's not flashy then what's the point?

Same, rotated my save for that reason also to get ending Y

Every single Taro game has the same exact mood and aesthetic, and then you get similar themes as well

You can do better than that.

Fucking guarantee that Route C wouldn't have half the momentum it had if you didn't play as 9S in Route B; considering all the shit that goes down you need B to establish 9S enough as a character to feel invested in him so that C has impact. It's not something that can be shoved into Route A and expect everything to be coherent and flow properly; suddenly switching to 9S during his key moments during Route B in Route A would be disruptive.
The recordings, the Machine Network, the Backdoor, and N2 showing up are pretty much things that can only be done on a separate route, detached from 2B.
>no combos
So you're admitting you're just complete shit and didn't even bother experimenting and finding out he can do heavy attacks by delaying his attack or out of dodge? I'll give you the disjointed hitboxes though.

Yeah, but with Drakengard, they were all just godawful(for the world anyways) endings.
If i could have picked any cannon ending, it would have been riding a dragon into modern japan/woops.
That or the Caim gets his voice back severs the pack with his dragon. Kills her. Then runs out into the world as all the dragons are being birthed to kill as many as he can.

The big implication is that 9S is the actual story

So one would wonder why so much focus is placed on 2B. We can call it "character building" but she's barely a character and the best parts of her are revealed posthumously.

>'s not something that can be shoved into Route A
They should've just put more work into making 9s enjoyable to play. I wouldn't have even minded the hacking if they would've went all the way with it and actually made good bullet hells but instead you get the same handful of simple bullshit ones with time limits.

I agree they could've done more with 9S and his gameplay and Route B isn't the most fun to play because of it, but to say that "nothing changes" or Route B isn't needed or necessary is dead wrong.

Friendly reminder that there is a review on metacritic that stopped playing after ending A and gave it a 50.

So can Taro I'm sure but he doesn't

Looking back at things, 2B really just is one glorified plot device.

No one cares.

>2B is a plot device
>A2 had no budget

feels bad.

The only thing that could have made this thing better was giving A2 the story she deserves.

She is, she doesn't even have a believable reason to like 9S

A2 should've just been DLC.

>can't stick the A2 wig on 2B

Might have wanted to tone down on the exploration autism, given that you can just visit those areas of the factory again later on.

>Nah, the open world is implemented poorly (too small, takes too long to go places even with transports, obviously segregated areas that don't really flow into each other, invisible walls EVERYWHERE).

It's a JRPG overworld you mongoloid, it isn't an "open world" game.

I didn't think to kick down the ladder so I went straight and to the right, straight and to the left to push the button and then straight and to the left before I figured I was doing something very wrong.

That was also the only joke ending I managed to get.

Imagine being a resistance member who's going about his day when he stumbles upon bits of 2b littering the aftermath of a boss battle.

I ate the fish, it was delicious and worth it

I liked the green eyes better on 2B.

>insane yandere female 9S
>male 2B overpowering 9S, holding her arms down and slitting 9S's throat and watching her pleading eyes lose their light for the first time
>2B watches her die every time so as not to avoid his own sin
>9S develops an eventual fetish for being killed and teases 2B more and more about her own degeneracy, knowing what his job is in the end and giving suggestions of how to do it the next time

>Self destructing removes her skirt

I was under the impression she was just a red herring. Her impact to the story largely was on 9S, whereas 9S was something like the linchpin to the story as a cohesive whole.

Give me that spicy jump tech for max height

Remember you can solo ending E
