What are your thoughts on Ryuji Sakamoto and Ann Takamaki from Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 5?

What are your thoughts on Ryuji Sakamoto and Ann Takamaki from Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 5?

*Megami Ikeburo Persona 5

The girl on the right is most of the most attractive anime girls I've ever seen, but barely looks Japanese.

She's 1/4 Aryan

She's hafu

Makes sense. How is this revealed and does it have any significance in the game?

It's just casually mentioned and tossed aside.

Buy her game.

It actually does have significance to her backstory, yeah.

Whats wrong with their bodies?

Hmm, whom to believe?

I mean it's important to her backstory like the other user said, but her being a half-bread isn't the focal point of her SL

>Western game shoehorns immigration/diversity
>Eastern game shoehorns immigration/diversity

They're wholesome respectable teens.

Well you say that...

Makes sense. Tsubasa's game was sufficiently censored.

legit thinking of getting a PS4 just for this game.

Pro or regular?

Doesn't matter

Persona 5 is literally made for last gen tech

Persona is not SMT. The only time it got the SMT subtitle was in the west for persona 1. Fuck off cunt.

I saw on some review there is actual frame rate drops in the game.

Is that something that might be patched up?

The game came out half a year ago in Japan. There will be no patches.

So this game which looks exactly like a PS3 uprezzed can't even hit a locked 1080p30fps? Wtf? Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness had frequent frame drops, but at least it was usually 60fps while the PS3 version was 720p30fps.
I'm sure the game makes up for the technical limitations of the game pretty well with it's "style," but it's really not on par with other game of the year contenders, save Zelda, of course, which people have lower standards for because it's a Zelda game and on a tablet.

>barely looks Japanese
Is that special for anime?

Okay, I meant she looks very stereotypicaly Western. Also, the characters in Persona 4 looked very distinctly Japanese to varying degrees.

I am going to come into her mouth so many damn times none of the guys will be able to talk to her without knowing she's my bitch.

Not if I come first.

Is it still called Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 5? I thought since Persona 4 Golden the Shin Megami Tensei part was cut.

Look at the box art.

Ryuji is the Kanji of this game moveset wise and both of his Persona's are rad so I want him in my party. Ann's ultimate Persona is rad but I don't really care for her fire caster moveset.