Recommend me a comfy video game I can play before finally killing myself

Recommend me a comfy video game I can play before finally killing myself.

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Don't do it user, you have a lot to live for.

What genre of games are you looking for and for what system.

Silent Hill 2

Like what?

Yume Nikki

The "call suicide hotline" game. It's great fun.

Persona 5 comes out this week. Japan is making a comeback, libs are getting BTFO everywhere, and sex robots can be your waifu in the next decade.

Rule of Rose

Play Digimon World Next Order or Dragon Quest Builders.

And when you off yourself, if you jump from a building, do a flip.

You think I give a shit about that right now mate? Just give me a fucking comfy game while I get ready.
I fucking hate Persona, I don't give a fuck about libs, sex robots are just slightly modified fleshlights.

Hotline Miami

Cave Story

Everything you just said there, like all of it is wrong.

Animal Crossing or Persona 4

>I fucking hate Persona, I don't give a fuck about libs, sex robots are just slightly modified fleshlights.
just go then
no one will miss you

Killer 7

kys fagget

indeed, Whoreline Miami is an excellent game

>I fucking hate persona

>Just give me a fucking comfy game
Play 999 then. Or PuyoPuyo. Or Mirai DX. All 3 are fun and 999 is comfy.


Twisted Metal Black

None just do it already.

Just do it already, you'll have all the time in the world to get comfy in the ground.

Shadow Hearts Covenant

Haha suicid meme si fanneh xDd
You literally can't kill yourself.

I'll give you a game recommendation if you tell me what's making you feel so down.

Hence I'm just posting fun games for OP to play and get out of the backlog

Majora's Mask

I still don't understand what a "Comfy" game is.

>I fucking hate Persona, I don't give a fuck about libs, sex robots are just slightly modified fleshlights.
Never mind carry on

Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow

Bowser's Inside Story

commit sudoku

My entire fucking life is wrong, you got any problem with that?
I know, I hurt for my parents though because they'll feel guilty and whatever, but I already decided anyways. Pain is too much. I'm about 80% ready now. Preparing the last instruments I need.
I don't know those games what the hell
I have a test next week, it's a fucking important test I didn't prepare well for, and I'm not ready to flunk that course again. I'm escaping to the other world. I hope it's an anime world.

>killing yourself because of an exam

Bro stop. Just get off and study. I've spent the past 3 years getting my MBA and working my ass off to do it and I felt this shit like every few weeks.

Just get up and fucking study.

>Recommend me a comfy video game I can play before crying myself to sleep.


Drakengard. You'll emerge a better person afterwards, compared to your current self at least.

>I don't know those games what the hell
Why even ask for recommendations if you just want to stick to stuff you already know. Please kill yourself already.


Also remember to stream it faggot

Whichever game ends up being 2037's first AAA release.
Keep kicking, user.

A test? Seriously?
What kind of test? And what's the worst that would happen if you did flunk?

>I don't know those games what the hell
wtf is the point of this thread then. You say you want to find new games to play, you don't offer genre/system you are looking for and when people suggest something you throw the recs into the garbage. This is a pointless thread.

>I'm not ready to flunk that course again
Flunking a test/course is not worth killing yourself over.

Skyrim with Frostfall mod.

Hang in there until after the test at least. Who knows, you might pass this time. I'm sure there are people in your life who believe you can do it.

I'm just going to post yurus.

Please stop acting like this. I've been diagnosed with clinical depression and institutionalized on multiple occasions, but you won't hear me complaining, because I'm grateful for what I have. More importantly, I also realize how petty most of my problems are compared to those of people who are actually suffering in the world. Instead of posting on Sup Forums, maybe you should be selfless and help them instead. You'd even gain some greater respect for yourself too.

In any case, I can almost guarantee that, even if you do flunk that test, the anticipation will be more painful than the fallout. You'll probably even feel a bit relieved afterwards. You have countless opportunities in this world to undo your mistakes, so just keep an open mind and be attentive.

go listen to Jordan Peterson

>I have a test next week
>next week
>killing yourself over that

Count them down with me: a week is seven days. That's seven days for you to study your ass off for a test, not to mention the down-time the day during where you can clarify as well as make sure you remember most of the shit, and here you are posting some shitty fucking yuri-bait shit show and asking for a game to "cry" into instead of getting down to it and ensuring you don't flunk this course that you evidently flunked before.

I don't know what the fuck you're on about to even bring your life to this assortment of mental gymnastics, but I can assure you it's about as fucking awful as your tastes for how shitty an attitude you've got with the chance you have. Tell me I'm a faggot all you want and I'm kicking in the leg of the chair before you even sit on it, but for fuck's sakes, you've an opportunity for fucking miles, and you opt to just take a goddamn seat when you've the stamina for it?

If that's the attitude you're carrying for this goddamn world, then you've every reason to be disappointed in yourself; I sure as hell would be, and the fact of the matter is is that I have been.

You want this to change without any influence from your part, but that's where fiction dilutes reality. You'll get chances of people coming around and letting you in on some things, but you have to take the effort yourself to get started on something you love. Don't fucking back down like an idiot. You've got a world left to see, and that world needs to see how incredible your shit is. No matter if it's something as small as cleaning up streets, or something big like structuring bridges, you're going to make an impact, but it's only through that work you put forward that determines how hefty that impact is.

Now, get fucking to it. I'm rooting for you. Also, watch Monster or fucking Flip Flappers instead of of this goddamn entry-level tier shit anime, you plebeian.

before you kill yourself, send me the rest of your worldly possessions including cash