Got the entire series on steam sale because I remember liking the games on the Xbox Hueg...

Got the entire series on steam sale because I remember liking the games on the Xbox Hueg. I'm playing pic related right now and I think it's alright but it feels lacking compared to FPS games that came before it like Doom, Douk and Half Life. The enemy variety is sick and the guns feel nice but the maps feel very linear and aesthetically boring. What exactly made this game so revered?

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its pretty fucking bad. one of my most disappointing vidya purchases. I never trust Sup Forumsv again

idk how anyone can play this pile of this when Unreal, Quake, and Doom exist


serious sam is 3D touhou
play on serious, pretty much everyone agrees TSE > TFE, but they're both good and get better as you go

>3d touhou
You still saying that?
your better off calling it Dynasty warriors but with guns.

Alrighty I'll give Serious mode a shot. I played on normal to start.

>one of the best benchmarking tools back in the 2000s
>only game with insane amout of enemy on screens with 16player co-op
>after nearly two decades the game still sells

I swear the croats are better than the slavs or pollacks.

>TFE on Serious

>maps feel linear
Some secrets are hidden so well, that you will need to detour half a level.
Also you can go out of bounds via rocketjumping and skip almost everything on level without any penalties.

dynasty warriors
>objective-based gameplay where you bowl over everyone except a few bosses
>slow as shit

>semi-linear key-based design
>slightly faster, but enemies are designed to chip your health down war-of-attrition style

serious sam
>literally anything can kill you in 2-3 hits
>biggest threat is equally weapon reload management, enemy management, ammo management, and not fucking up your aiming

it's not a level design game, it's about killing a fuckton of enemies like a matador on speed in increasingly intricate and impressive patterns

The combat, dummy. It makes up for basic level design with one of the best combat puzzles ive played in any FPS. Serious Sam is the only game where a big empty field is really fucking exciting. No cover, all man. I fucking love Serious Sam.

Just FYI if you're not playing on Serious you're not experiencing one of the best FPS ever.

Whats awesome about SS though is the devs are always carefully supplying you with just the right amount of shit. When you have 200 armour and health shit gets real, and you can take a decent amount of hits.

Yeah what about it?

If you're not gradually moving up the difficulties, prepare for a lot of trial and error

it's going to be extremely tough for someone who doesn't know much about the game

Ahh okay. I just played the first level and yeah I can definitely see it being a tremendous challenge. Holy hell it was fun though. I get it now.

Yeah you have to play on Serious. Keep with the game. As the levels progress so do the encounters and you'll realize how godlike of an FPS it is. The Dunes on Serious is such and unbelievable fight. You'll see the shot running from all sides and think it's impossible but then manage to overcome and it's thrilling.

Make sure to get the secret Tommygun in the first room that introduces frogs. You'll need it for a following room with invisible fucks on Serious. I'm never able to pass it without it

serious is the way to play

Yeah man, stay on Serious. It's what the game was designed for

Croats and Pollacks are Slavs

I always assume 'normal' is what a game is designed for. The only exception being Halo's heroic.

This is another exception

I feel like if they just shipped with Serious as the default, it would of been too hard for most people.

Now regarding quicksaving. Encourages or discouraged?

nigga try playing without quicksaving

up to you

I usually don't quicksave on big encounters but do for the smaller, linear parts

you're going to learn to fear single health or armor pickups

Serious Sam is pretty overrated. It would be better if it had movement mechanics like strafe jumping or bunny hopping.

I think it should be acceptable at certain points, notably the frog room.

Encouraged for sure. TFE is cheap as fuck and will ambush you with things that are hardly reactable. It will also spawn shit in ways you couldn't predict and inevitably fuck you over. Use quick save a lot.

A good rule is just between engagements. I mean don't be lame and just quick save every mistake, do it between fights

Yeah I'm convinced the game is designed with quicksave as a function

Yea, it would be. But what exactly is it up against that makes it "overrated"? It is appropriately rated considering its primarily a PC title and the average AAA FPS player doesn't even know about it.

a dev did say on the forums that it's one of those games where you're meant to quick-save often.
try playing with only auto-saves at first but you'll probably start getting frustrated later on, just switch to quick-saving then

>mfw an enemy spawns right in front of me

SS is underrated

I fucking hate memphis suburbs where they spawn hitscam scorpions far as fuck. Bam 25-40 health gone instantly

TSE was much better about avoiding cheap shit

I'd say avoid quicksaving every time. TFE is a dirty motherfucker but TSE and BFE are a lot more fair and a lot more enjoyable if you don't quicksave every 2 minutes.

t. guy who beat every TSE and BFE level without dying or reloading fuck TFE

>kamikaze spawns next to you

That probably would be pretty fun but it would break every enemy design currently in the game. It'd essentially be a completely different game

Serious difficulty is literally impossible without savescumming

>try the SS3 ultimate edition thing on steam workshop
>big WARNING in the install notes
>play on serious
>my fucking face when

Shit i meant to say better slavs than pollacks.

>wanting to play kleer in Egypt the game

serious sam is just nostalgia for the vocal minority. it's nothing special

enemies have too much health on serious difficulty. maybe it was because i was still playing the early levels, but my guns just didnt feel good enough to kill some of the bigger enemies.

One thing I liked about SS on Xbox was that it included enemies and guns from the second encounter in the first half of the game

Thats not the worse. Pick up one cookie in the corner and then spawns a few units near you.

This game actually taught me to be cautious and skeptical at all times when i was a kid. I thank croateam for that.

>getting all the secrets on Suburbs

Their health is the same on all levels except for Tourist and Easy.

>not good enough

More like not enough ammo for bullet sponges. Not a bad thing but try SS2 with 4+ players with 200% increase of enemy strength with each subsequent player join in.

they have the same health (except for bosses). Serious just doubles their damage compared to Hard and changes a lot of spawns to be more rapey

hey guys what's up :^)

Enemies have default hp on serious im pretty sure

have any brave souls played this?

not only have I played it
but I have also played this (TFE for Palm OS)

nothing special

How do you switch weapons and stuff? Big fights?

This is true, I have a hard time believing that so many people in this thread actually enjoy serious difficulty.

OP here, it was the only SS game I owned until yesterday.

>how do you switch weapons
there's a button for cycling through them
>big fights?
somehow they can still pack 10 enemies on screen at a time

They actually tried to "port" the levels of TFE in a way. The themes and some stage elements are the same. In Sand Canyon (level 2) for example, it starts outside with kamikazes and kleer, then you go inside, then you come back outside, just like in the real TFE.
Funny thing is, there are no locked doors in the entire game. You can just run past literally everything straight to the end.

I do in TSE and BFE

This game was completely and utterly unplayable.

Maybe I have high tolerance for learning patterns and bullshit but I will sit there at a hard fight for a fucking hour until I can beat it with reasonable saves and I have many times. Its fun.

It feels very good being able to conquer things casuals consider impossible

*blocks your path*

desu Serious looks a lot more intimidating than it is. Once you get a good hang of what the encounters are and where the secrets are it becomes a lot simpler. Also there's the whole double ammo in TFE/TSE that makes life a billion times easier.

Serious Sam? More like serious strafing. That would be the more accurate name, but I guess if you only go forward then serious may look impossible.

>that environment

What custom map is that?

Operation Sunrise

>mfw kleers

>croteam teases new SS game
>it's VR
still haven't forgiven them


Got this as a gift and the only good thing was the co-op. Sadly everybody i played with disconnected right at the start or around the end of the first level.

Speaking of which did anyone got the fusion version.
If so any servers with a ton of people I can join.
I don't care which version of serious sam I just want to play coop or deathmatch at least.

Look forward to December, user.


They would be unstoppable

my body is ready user

Quick break their necks!

Why are the enemies so fucking stupid? They dont seem to have any clear overarching design or theme.
>a fucking bull
>naked winged women that shoots an energy ball?
>what the fuck is a Kleer even
They have to be the ugliest, most random assortment of enemies ive seen.

I'll be honest I prefer normal. There are just too many cheap moments in TFE for me to enjoy it. TSE is mostly fine but the gimmick rooms kill my desire to push through

>What exactly made this game so revered?
it wasn't revered. it was always bargain bin trash

I actually love them.
I believe the Sirian Werebulls and Harpies are remnants of the Sirian Ancient Aliens, who, in-universe, inspired Egyptian beliefs and created the Time Gate Sam used to get to ancient Egypt.
Kleers are an alien race who lived peacefully on their own, until the Major Villain, Mental, dumped Napalm all over the entire planet, and enslaved the skeletons as enemies.

>Why is a game named Serious Sam not Serious?

I had no idea the game had explanations. Im not a contrarian and I think thats cool.

Part of it is that the series is just very silly overall, but I think it's also meant to show that Mental's empire is enormous and encompasses many different species and creatures.

>He doesn't read their descriptions

Wew, don't you feel smart

Does anyone else love Next Encounter as well? It's a shame that the game is basically forgotten now.