Post shit games that get too much praise



Breath of the Wild

Fallout series in general

And yes, I mean the originals as well


The only people who hate Dishonored are Skyrim babies who can't into stealth

Sorry, but it's true.
>muh music
>muh story
>umm .... muh characters
>muh game--never mind, even they know it's shit

You start OP

But... Skyrim is a stealth game...


>just saying "muh" in front of the things people like about the game

nice one

Look, if people defended this game in a better manner, it wouldn't be that easy to mock them.

>tfw only abject retards who can't into Cause & Effect hate Dishonored.
>this game makes me feel like a bad guy for killing everyone, I HATE THIS GAME



How does it get too much praise? Outside of here no one even knew there was an original before Automata.

These 2 are the only right answers in this thread

The rest are being contrarian niggers

Not really, plenty people knew about Nier and it received much acclaim in its own time. It was just slowly forgotten about because the story was all there is to it.

Automata became a big deal because he's partnered with Platinum, plus the lewd character designs that border on being cynical.

final fantasy 7

You need to die
You need to die
You can die too
You honestly need to die

FF 7

You first

>How does it get too much praise?
Because reviewers gave the praise it deserve and normies did as well by not buying it, but there's an inexplicable cult of people, especially on Sup Forums, who have an absurd love for this game, more than I can comprehend even making the strongest allowances for bad taste.

Why do people hate Dishonored? I enjoy it, but then again I got it for free each generation.

>thinks Dark Souls' praise is worthy when the game is one of the fastest and most praised games of the decade

>thinks Dishonored is overrated when hardly any mainstream audience doesn't even know it

Get better fucking taste

Anything published by Atlus.

squeenix didn't try to market it as much because final shit hallway 13 came out.


Why were people freaking out about this game so much? It's not terrible but it's one of the blandest co-op games ever made.

fuck you
i liked dishonored

5/10 at best

sound track is nice

You said it. Thank you lad.
>second wasnt better

People had a hard-on for nearly everything Valve made back when they were a game developer.

>i liked it
>youre not allowed to have an opinion

this. fucks sake, one of my friends thought it was the second coming.

its just a really fun zombie game
I think its one of the best
single player is decent too

Terrible bait. Apply yourself.

Dishonered is the best stealth game to come out in years. It gives you the one thing stealth games painfully have been lacking in: creativity. For any one stealth situations, there is a huge variety of ways to tackle it. Other stealth games feel like it's more trial and error until you find the right approach the game shoehorns you into.

You don't even need to go stealth. You can play it as corvo's murder spree and it's completely canon, enjoy your high chaos ending.

The only flaws the game has is it's story. Too predictable, and characters weren't fleshed out enough, so assassinations never really felt impactful. The endings were an afterthought, low chaos ending feels forced and high chaos is a mess, though I suppose you could enjoy it for that.

Also the art style is kind of bad, wanders between being too cartoony, but also not cartoony enough to fit a cartoon aesthetic so it's in this weird purgatory.

All in all a great game with amazing fun and replayability though.

don't really think l4d gets that much praise, i don't see people going out of their way to praise it like practically every other example in this thread
zero end game, comfy for the first twenty hours. probably gets too much praise but it's good for what it is.

>the evil within
>resident evil series
>dying light
>dead island
> dead rising 1 and 3
>best one my ass

This shit.

it was the best thing for me because I hosted a server that people would randomly join through the queuing system and turned all the cheat commands into admin commands and went into spectator and messed with people.

Oh you think i'm baiting?

>consistently get seen around corners/shot around corners
>no dedicated stealth walk button i have to pull out my gun to have my footsteps muffled
>to grab somebody to interrogate them you have to be one inch from touching them which often gets you to accidentally touch them
>the crosshair isnt accurate of where you fire
>if you get alerted, foes heads take 2 shots to kill instead of one which is dumb af

a lot of little other things that make the experience not that great, for the most part the level design is pretty decent however the gameplay isnt doing it for me as i highlighted above. Do love the soundtrack though.

you first op

>solo games with shitty multiplayer are better than the best coop game of 2008
Really no

because it's hard :(

Everything after leaving Midgar felt painfully generic and by that point you realize how much the materia system saps the uniqueness of party members


>dead island


This is what happens when you have one (1) big exclusive per year. Undeniably mediocre game is getting this much applause and being perceived like manna from heaven

>Considers evil within, dead island, and dying light as better games

Opinions discarded

It felt like a Serious Sam mod more than Doom but it was still enjoyable

PC never got the best zombie co-op game, Resident Evil Outbreak. They had to do with this.

It's one of the only decent western games to be released this year. People are going to latch on to this shit until red dead redemption 2 comes out, at least.

Most of the western games releasing this year haven't even been announced yet due to a new approach to reveal games 5/6 months before the release


>what if theres more to the world than skyrim
>whens skyrim 2 comings
>lets have a game where we go to argonia
>why is the entire world snowy
>all things ive heard

Dishonored - 8/10
FF7 - 9/10
Breath of the Wild - 9/10
Bioshock Infinite - 6/10
Skyrim - 2/10

Shit game, shit community

I made the mistake of assuming people just bashed it because it was an indie. No it's a fucking pile of dog shit

Fuck you guys it's no better than any of the dark souls. I even liked Ni OH more than this. Every fucking Sup Forumstard loves it because it is an exclusive title and exclusive title=good game. Pcbros not getting to play it gives you guys some kind of autistic pleasure and inflates your ego of being superior

>do you like armor?
>oh, you dont parry?
>hey, you wanted dynamic areas?
>did you want a nice assortment of different weapons?
>you like games with good story?
Well fuck you, you get none of that

>do you like armor?
Dark souls has armour
>oh, you dont parry?
I'd rather parry than farm to kill bosses with one hit. Git gud
>hey, you wanted dynamic areas?
What the fuck does this even mean
>did you want a nice assortment of different weapons?
Everyone uses one or two weapon throughout the whole game. And you know I'm right about this
>you like games with good story?
Playing souls games for story?

>implying there isnt an actual interesting story behind dark souls
Bloodborne relies entirely on dodging and any "armor" you get changes absolutely nothing, therefore making it cosmetic only.
I can agree with you that im just a faggot for not parrying.
Dynamic areas as in an actual difference in scenery
In sould you get townships, deep forests, snowy regions, lava covered regions, actual changes of scenery.
In bloodborne you get nighttime, fog, more fog, the color black, more cobblestone, fog, and more stone.
You are right, but i would like an actual choice or change of weaponry at some point, because using your starting weapon the entire game is literally not fun.

>oh but it gets good once you mod it to hell and back in order to change just about every aspect of it.
It's an awful game and becomes a bad game after mods.

A while back I was posting WebMs of how dogshit the gunplay in this supposed "masterpiece of gunplay" actually is (like how clicking on a guy's head with a pistol LITERALLY did nothing, how it was impossible to kill a dog with a knife), and the Slav squatters got buttmad like you would not fucking believe.