Did Smash 4's pre-release and character announcements create the greatest asshurt a video game has ever made...

Did Smash 4's pre-release and character announcements create the greatest asshurt a video game has ever made? so many people getting BTFO

let's take a moment to sit and laugh at the man children who had their dreams crushed by Bayo and the FE gang and reminisce

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What's up with Rosie's retarded face here.

Yes, it was glorious.

I'm still salty about AT's, but that's about it, bayo got me hype after corrin so i didn't care like the others

You should have seen the initial wii fit reveal, people were mad as fuck


*blocks your favorite character's path*

At least SOME people wanted Bayonetta, I seriously doubt that anyone voted for corn

Making Nintendofags hurt isn't really a big challenge.

I'm really fucking sick of people shitting on Corrin. Fire Emblem Fates is a fantastic game

The problem was that there were already 5 fire emblem characters, if Corrin had replaced Lucina, Robin, or Roy then no one would care

thats a blatant fucking lie

>one of Nintendo's longest running IPs
>Recently garnered huge success after a sales slump
>"too many reps"
So are you a Roolfag or a Ridleyfag?


Oh yeah? Try me

I was a Wonder Redfag

Not only what this user saidBut the fact that they have consistently added a new Fire Emblem character into Smash while getting rid of other characters ie Wolf, Young Link, Pichu, and Ice climbers. I can already hear you say
>but they were shit clones
Sure but they all weren't from the same fucking franchise. They removed Roy from Brawl for Ike but they added Roy back in Smash 4 along with Marth, Ike, Robin, Lucina, and Corrin.

>mfw Sakurai adds Camilla and some other fucking sword character into next smash game while removing Mewtwo, Lucas again, and Dr. Mario


But they were shit clones faggot. Quit crying.

I'm playing conquest hard right now and the dialog already makes me wanna vomit

oooh dragon veins so new and fresh! more like stupid gimmick just like pair up, and yet despite the "nerf" I still see that block "no damage" bullshittery. Least it has different objectives but that should be fucking standard and not a impressive feat. Seems like the difficulty so far is a stacked deck like an enemy having a wrymslaver or a skill, not " if you move here in this phase, you fucked up". I'll see if it gets better though, I'm giving it chance despite the story being obvious 5 chapters in. I swear if it's not the "best fe to date" like you people parrot im gonna tear you fe fates fags a new one that will make marth copypasta guy blush. I'm writing down every flaw and pro so far. Autistically studying every chapter and map. Oh and lastly, corrin is the biggest fuccboi holy shit, lyn isn't this forced (after first 10ch not actually forced at all) and I believe I never seen michiah get her do no wrong dick sucked as much as corrins. One more thing, the ch. 6 "if you don't have this cartridge you can't do this route :^)" is gay and so far there's no way im playing this 3 times, but we'll see


It was more fun than the actual game.

>mfw Krool autists got btfo by chinese cartoon characters

>Not lyn

Hi Sakurai

tl;dr but I'm guessing the game sucks

Can't for the Ridley train to start up again once Smash 5 is announced.

Camilla is the waifubait cashgrab here. Lyn falls under "some other fucking sword character"

thank you based user

Conquest is good other than the dialog which is about as bad as you can imagine. He is just autistic

Lyn is also waifubait and more popular

I hope they add in another Lucina just for you.

This. Everything about the game except for the dialogue and story are good. God it is as bad as it can possibly can get. The concept of choosing two sides was great but they supremely fucked it up.

It's good if you've only played a few FE's, it gets you ready for the older games later on but it certainly isn't "best to date"

Ignore this user, unlike him one has to study a game carefully instead of praising it blindly just to fit in, it isn't just the dialog that's a step back and you know it

Only because classicfags and gbabbies dedicated their votes to her while 3dsfags split their votes into a million characters.

im so glad that haphazardly designed mess didnt get in holy shit i was so enamoured the day i saw the mii costume

dont do this

>Only cause...

You know that IS and Nintendo will only see that #1 and believe it to be true, they don't care about your stupid newfag and snes hipsters vs gbabby and telliusniggers

Plus if you think classics weren't being split either you are massively retarded, classicfags didn't vote lyn 13 times, only actual lynfags did.

>no snake

>one has to study a game carefully instead of praising it blindly just to fit in, it isn't just the dialog that's a step back and you know it

>being so cripplingly autistic that you play Fire Emblem for any reason other than the gameplay
>claiming someone is praising a game when they merely called it good
>being another fucking dickrider who never actually played or bought the old games
Kill yourself

What did Japs think of Corrin? I've seen plenty of people say they were ecstatic, but never any actual comments.

The older games are easier than Fates.

its more of konami's fault

No one bothered voting for them more than a handful amount of times beause they had literally no chance.
They were trying to make a statement just, to put it bluntly,to troll fe13 and fe14 players, literally a conspiracy(not the tinfoil hat kind) against lucina winning. They did not want her shoved once again as the face of the series, you would've known if you were on the threads. After all, pretty much the only meme pick that got some result was Dorcas.
And, of course, lynfags, who were just as annoying as lucinafags, making the whole voting stuff literally unbearable.
At least the male poll had nothing of it(with the exception of roy being high as fuck because of smashfags).

>Lyn is also waifubait and more popular

True, but I get the feeling if Sakurai were to choose, he would put Camilla in over Lyn simply because Camilla has much more potential for a unique moveset (axe-wielder, magic, rides a dragon), while Lyn would just be another Marth variation.

same as with Brawl. Shit's a shame, man.

I know, I always thought Soccer Eye could've easily asked Kojima for him back but that whole shit with Konami was happening.

But I voted for him before we knew his localization name

I've been in the threads and you are tinfoil pants on head retarded, they voted for their favorites regardless you fucking buffoon, you are that one autist that keeps popping up in fe threads saying how all the oldfags are against you. You are THE most annoying user I've ever come across, glad reality doesn't reflect your idiotic delusions.

Maybe it was for the best. I figure Konami would had pushed Big Boss/Venom instead of Solid Snake. Imo BB is pretty boring, at least SS is somewhat more interesting.

>Ignores everything and assumes the only flaw is story
>fates defense force is always around to defend like it's the same 3 autists circlejerking each other in fates threads
>Put fucking words in my mouth and keeps assuming shit because I kicked the hornets nest


I'm just a bit sad she's never coming back is all

Sakurai has the model already from lyn and Camilla rides her wveryn, she ain't a beserker. Lyn has all the factors at this point, popularity and yet has a fresh moveset with some ease of creation. It's all lined up for it.

>axe user
>maybe riding a wyvern

I'd play the fuck out of Camilla