This game is an artistic masterpiece. The music, the atmosphere, the simple yet functional story. I haven't felt this way about a video game in a long, long time. Anymore I work day in and day out. I have a mortgage, multiple car payments, have traveled to the other side of the world by myself, and this game brought me back to my childhood feeling of wonder. This game was something I sorely needed.
But I have to go more than 30 seconds without being bombarded with an epic score, how can I enjoy a game like that?
Ryan Powell
But that's the thing. Maybe it wasn't intentional, but the effect it has on you (or had on me) when those few moments where a song really made itself to the forefront were meaningful. The game wasn't just hero horns and triumphantly galloping around. The whole game is about recovering from a loss, and just kind of being there in the melancholy nature of it. There hasn't be a game this in touch with itself since the symbolism in Majora's Mask.
Josiah Parker
Jason Flores
I asked my friend, a professional musician, what he thought about it and he said the score is pretty close to genius.
Wyatt Lee
The general consensus from a purely musical standpoint is that the score is very, very good. I can understand that to the average person they don't really care about composition, chord structure, or theme and just want something cool to beat some asses to, but I'm so so so very happy it was done the way it was.
Liam White
You really feel the despair in each of the beast songs. They perfectly capture the haunting feeling of being trapped inside a semi-sentient giant mechanism after being slaughtered by an enemy no one even understood.