WoW nostalgia
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5 damage straight to face
Yo, what up G?
Don't worry babe I've got blessing of protection!
Hi ho
Did someone say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?
[Overlinked Chain Armor]
Heh, greetings.
got a ring in dere last night
I miss my rogue shield.
Opening locks on top of Org bank
LFG Hogger
So there I was... the Silithus desert....
>Somebody post a Tales of the Past link
WTS [Feror's Compendium of Dragonslaying]
hey guys, hobbs here
Is looking for new members. Need to be able to take a joke. Alts/levelers welcome! We may start doing pvp or raiding soon!
>pro tip: they never do
LF2M DM need healer and tank
Man they really need to make this a setting and not a potion. It looks so much better.
>see thread
>instantly think to his SM cath video
>hear this in my head
>scroll down
>see this
bad ass
[The Nicker] stole my mount.
>implying those are the healing pants
... illegal danish?
Did someone say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?
>tfw when they removed swirly ball
Tiberium FUCK OFF
Anal [ ]
>mfw i was an edgy 13yr old
>mfw i forgot and now remember the "let me reaquait you with death" undead bit made me play undead for the 1st time
>mfw its the reason I've played an undead since vanilla
omfg I remember when I first learned about that after starting a druid and getting to lvl 12
I remember thinking "there's gotta be an easier way, they wouldn't design the game like this right?"
Evicerate is static damage
Yes, I believe said [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker].
[3. LocalDefense] The Crossroads is under attack!
>didn't know tram existed
>swam from westfall to dun morogh
>finally get there
>it's an impassable 90 degree angle 10,000 foot cliff
I did find some random shack with a dock inbetween swimming there, shit was weird as fuck.
Part of the adventure bruh
Most of my WoW nostalgia comes from open world PVP encounters with a couple friends.
>My name is Mankrik
>All this time I've been calling him Manrik
I've been playing this game since 2005.
I used to call him Mankirk, so no worries.
>first time going on the run, some undead rogue piece of shit camped me, had to logout for the day because of it
>doing same run on alt
>think fuck it, must be another way
>end up finding youtube video on how to wall jump into ironforge airstrip
>jump up to strip, fall to my death on the side of the harbor
>do this for every new character to avoid the gankers
this image embodies so much of the leveling before the cata revamp
its good, but in a painful way
Who /warrior/ here?
>that one guy who chose the sword
>run me thru sfk one more time pls
N-no I got stuff I have to do
>proceeds to gank noobs and wpvp
>picked the sword over the axe
Partition taste right?
>tfw I was that guy
>Resub recently
>They give you this appearance on all of your current characters if you ever got it on any character
Already unsubbed but neat as hell
>tfw the warrior in all blues logs off for the day
The flood Gates to South shore just opened.
>That guy who chose the maul
I swear it was rarer than the sword.
a classic
>be warlock
>jump to my death and then get back up
This shit was the real cataclysm
what are you memes up to
dead anathema ex-nost rep
this shit is also a goddamn
Waiting on legacy servers
You think you want them
But you don't
>almost level 40
>get to do scarlet monastery
>literally everything this dude drops is pure sex
>get your mount right after if youre not a poorfag and played the market
>play hunter in vanilla
>get to roll need on two handed weapon drops
>Either the warrior or the paladin loses his fucking mind
Yo bro, I need it for my mend pet.
I never played WoW, is it worth going to a private/legacy server to play the game?
Anal [Cuse]
what potion?
Your main is Retry Paladin.
Is there any way to just download vanilla WoW and play it solo on your own computer? There was so much I missed dicking around in Goldshire, the highest level I got to was 30
Absolutely not. Youll be a confused bab in a sea of autistic veterans playing a grindy mmo with a small community.
Try Prot Paladin
The one which make nights darker added with 7.2
old Sup Forums hated wow and wow threads were spammed with gets. we used to have standards here, now the tasteless plebs have run amok. sad!
At least you get to watch porn
waiting for AQ
Wetlands was chill
> That Noob guy, who's trying to solo dungeon, because he doesnt know about groups.
+30 points to anyone who remembers this shitshow of pvp.
>tfw listening to this late at night as i plod along the great expanse of the barrens because the quests send me fucking everywhere while i stare extremely jealous at all the level 20 shamans speeding around in their ghost coyote form
> Middle of Dungeon
> Hunter out of Arrows
> Dont worry guys, I will melee.
>recruit a priest
>they don't leave shadowform, ever
> Deep down inside you are a jew.
> Each time you log in, you look for mages and beg for food/water
>paladin for a healer
>druid tank
>play nostalrius for a bit
>roll warlock because ive never been one and i want to dotspam and fear chain
>in the barrens, farming mob drops
>lose my voidwalker and dont have a soulstone
>oh well, lets go turn this quest in at ratchet and then head to crossroads to kill some easy mobs for stones
>in the time it takes for me to walk from ratched to the crossroads ive received 6 messages asking for food/water because a petless warlock looks like a mage from a distance
I loled > a little
>enhancement shaman
>healer LFG wailing caverns
best raid coming through
>spend two hours in WC
>finally ready for the final boss, big moss man
>forget about the jump you need to make that puts you back at the start of the dungeon
>the rest of the party either sees you do it or actually remembers so you get to sit there for the entire trip back up feeling their judgement because you forced them to wait for you
the rogue and warrior tears after world of roguecraft and the weapon normalization shortly after were delicious
>hope you have 5 hours
Did anyone ever actually do that from start to finish? Youd always skip to where you want to go
A full clear is fun until you hit the Lyceum.
the first time entering that room before emperor thaurissan after hours of getting there was truly epic, straight out of lord of the rings
My first ever run was a lava run, with a rogue that knew his way around the torches, and it still took us 2 solid hours. I understand it was supposed to be its own zone rather than an instanced dungeon (which is why it connected to MC) but jesus.
Yes, they called them quest runs or full runs, and yes that did involve dedicating 5 hours of your day with 4 other randoms doing the same.
99% of people just did the various skip runs though.
watch the whole thing
>play vanilla
>there is only one viable spec for each class