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I've never owned any Xbox.

What games should I be looking forward to with this new hardware?

None, because they'll all be available on PC anyway.

I mean, I guess you get Halo 5.

Its all on PC so it doesn't matter

>I mean, I guess you get Halo 5.
I assume they're going to patch it to add Scorpio support... right? Currently the more powerful hardware would at least get it to 1080p thanks to its use of dynamic resolution.


Scalebound will look amazing on the Scorpio

It's xbox integration with windows users .

Windows has a HUGE update coming next week for gaming .


Might come with Boost mode like PS4 Pro. Anything that didn't get a patch would just use this new mode which gives some frames.

Why do you lie on the internet? Its the "creators" update, and it has nothing "for gaming".

>4k console gaming
>At the low low price of $1099

Let's also ignore the fact that most people don't own a monitor or TV capable of 4k resolutions.

Nah, Phil's already backtracked on that thing from last year, saying that MS are now producing both console exclusives and PC exclusives. I guess they figured they needed at least SOMETHING exclusive to launch the Scorpio with.

Question is, are MS actually sitting on anything worthwhile? Undoubtedly not.

Its going to be

As someone who prefers PS over Xbox I hope that Scorpio is very successful.
Sony has gotten so lazy after the last 2 gens.
It's like they feel they can do whatever they want.
I hope the scorpio project has a really strong lineup revealed at E3, because at this point things could stagnate if we keep going down the current path.

Then it's not going to do true 4k at 30FPS, and 60FPS is just a dream.

You're a fucking idiot.


Can you show me a pic of your scorpio devkit?

>You're a fucking idiot.
No, you are if you believe that disabling some services will do shitall to give you more than 2 frames on games, you read too much kotaku.

That does literally nothing FYI. That guy is correct, it's doing nothing for gaming. Just because the word "game" is in there doesn't mean it is in any way relevant.

I'd unironically rather buy an Xbox than play the multiplat games on PC, because they are all Windows 10 store exclusive.


It's called common sense user. You cannot get parts with that performance at such a low cost. It's like you've never shopped around for PC parts in your life.
My week old, $1000 PC cannot run games at 4k and 60 FPS unless I drop most of the settings low as fuck.

A console, which is always less cost effective wont be able to do it either.

Same. I blame Kinect for the sad state of Xbox

Down the line they come out on Steam.

You don't understand at all the economics of console hardware.

By that time it's already apparent that the games are shit.

It's a lot more than just the Kinect. Just look at many of the games Microsoft funded. Many of them were either outright cancelled or just failed abysmally.

Ofcourse he's gonna say the hardware SOUNDS impressive, he's got no games to play on it.


Isn't that the nigga that got Andromeda early and said the story and animation was excellent?

>ps4pro is rumored to run 4k

>PCfags say it's not possible at $400

>it comes out and runs games at 4k for $400

>Scorpio is rumored to do it

>PCfags once again deny it's possible

You know , for being master race you sure are a bunch of idiots when it comes to consoles.

No, you are the one who doesn't.

Equivalent hardware always costs significantly more when it's in a console. To get a console with hardware comparable to what is in my PC, you'd pay $1500+ at the least. And that still wouldn't be capable of running games at 4k with 60 FPS.

who cares this is like buying a 4K TV before any 4K consoles exist

only way this thing is worth a shit is if developers go "hey you know that current-gen console that's by far the worst as far as customer satisfaction and installed base goes? should we devote a significant portion of development time optimizing the game for a higher-capacity version of that platform that only has a fraction of the installed base?"

not a difficult question to answer

>No, you are the one who doesn't.
No, you are.

You are comparing pc hardware to console hardware, im amazed you can even resolve the captcha to post.

Scorpio will be, at absolute best, half a Vega.
If Scorpio can do 4k half way competently, Nvidia is fucked.

It was the beginning of the end. It's a shame too, since the OG Xbox and 360 for the first half of its lifespan were legitimately good.,

Don't forget that Mattrick shot down Bungie's pitch for Destiny because he figured that them working on anything that isn't Halo wouldn't be profitable enough.



>it comes out and runs a ps3 remaster at 4k for $400 while failing at everything else
You had a mistake there bro, but don't worry, I got your back.

>inb4 600 US Dollars



Give me a reason why I should give a shit when it has no games and could never hope to live up to the PS4 library?

He's right though?
Consoles haven't had proprietary hardware in a long time, they all use variants of existing PC hardware all integrated into a single PCB, when you're looking at the cost of RND and production, an all in one solution will always cost more than a modular one.

Look at the list of games the PS4Pro can run at 4k.

Here is a screenshot of one of about 6 games it can run at 4k/60 FPS (with frame rate drops).


PS4 Pro doesn't run shit at 4k. It upscales. On PC, someone who is upscaling to 4K (which is possible and a lot of modern games support it) will never say they are running 4k because they aren't retarded enough to think it's the same thing.

But the Xbone is just running Windows 10... Which can also be run on PC...

You call him an idiot. I don't think you understand the meaning of the word optimization.

Optimization improves the performance, it doesn't magically create it out of nothing. Its an important step but its not a be all end all of performance.

no, he''s right

think about it, if console optimization means that consoles can run games more efficiently on equally specced PC hardware, then why does EVERY SINGLE console on the market perform worse than equally priced PC hardware?

sure, they CAN buy a million boards and chips and put them together and sell them at a loss and you'd probably wind up with something better than a PC, but that hasn't ACTUALLY HAPPENED in over 25 years.

Yeah, and in the case of Halo 5 that would mean it's got a basically locked 1080p/60 since it uses dynamic resolution currently. Other games like DOOM would also benefit and would now match or maybe even surpass the PS4 version even without a patch. (not sure if DOOM had any other advantages on PS4 outside resolution)

Gears 4 would also have a very slight benefit although it actually maintained it's 1080p resolution the vast majority of the time on regular Xbox One.

so you confirmed you're wrong.


Here is another game the PS4Pro can run at 4k/60FPS (most of the time).

If you want an actual AAA game, Skyrim runs at a silky smooth 30fps at 4k resolutions (and by that I mean frame rate drops frequently).

>then why does EVERY SINGLE console on the market perform worse than equally priced PC hardware?

I don't know who this twitter guy is but I doubt this actually passes as an official announcement.

i've seen like a million examples of FO4 and the like losing frames while looking shittier than something running on a 750Ti

>i've seen like a million examples of FO4
Yeah, bethesda is a trash developer, big shock. Find a $250 PC that can run DOOM as well as the $250 PS4 slim.

It's true. Xbone and PS4 can struggle to run games at 30 FPS when they're running on what would be low settings on a PC.

For $250 you could build a PC that can run these same games on the low settings and get 20-30 FPS.

I think most people, specially on the console side don't understand what optimization is. It's possible to get out a tiny bit of extra performance from hardware by tailoring the code to run precisely on that hardware, but since modern hardware is very universal and doesn't rely heavily on ASICs, hardware specific optimization is very very limited.

Now you have the other kind of optimization which most people don't mean when they say that word, which is to downgrade visual quality for performance. Almost all optimization is of this nature. Less visual quality, more performance. It's that simple, and consoles heavily use it. Even if it isn't apparent without pixel peeping.

It gives you the illusion that a console can run a game much better, but the reality is that it just runs on heavily optimized settings which trade visual quality for performance without being easy to spot by the player.

See these

yeah no. Try building me a comparable PC to PS4pro that can run 4k for the same price factoring in the OS, monitor , KB+M.
Protip: You can't.

It's estimated that the Xbox Scorpio will be roughly 30% more powerful than the PS4 Pro... which isn't much at all.

The difference in power will be barely noticeable, it's mostly just a list of specs people jizz over. Realistically the comparison videos will be tiny, this isn't some generational leap in graphics.

You can if you're okay with fake 4k. Potato Masher Pro is literally that.

How are they going to release a console capable of 4K, 60fps at $500? I mean if it achieves it then cool but holy shit they'll lose their ass.

>A console, which is always less cost effective
Literally the opposite is true.

it'll probably be similar to the difference between PS4 and Xbox One, although maybe even less noticeable as people aren't going to see the fine detail difference between all the shit like checkerboarding. Even when comparing 900p and 1080p a lot of people didn't notice and as you get to higher resolutions the returns are certainly diminishing.

If all it has to do is play games like these at 4k, then you can build a PC for $400 with ease.

Also factoring in stuff like monitor is hardly fair, unless you want to factor in that $1000 4k TV into the price of the PS4pro, because you sure as shit aren't running any games at 4k without it.

It's not that hard actually. The GTX 1060 which is capable of doing 4k at low settings is only around 200 dollars these days. All they need for 4k at 30 FPS is something in that performance category and a CPU that is less shit than what the PS4 Pro uses.


for consoles maybe

The real question is why is 4k gamin still so expensive?

Because this gen of consoles was made in 2010. A console whose specs and design are finalized in the current year always overpower PCs of the same price thanks to optimization and selling at a loss.

Because manufacturers are fucking retarded and decided to skip 2k to please retarded marketing teams.

PS4 Pro is upscaled, Scorpio is true 4k.
bill gate wins again

Xbox France said it's not a reveal next week

So if Shinobi is right, and France is telling the truth, then we're getting a tease or a date for the reveal.

4x the resolution requires 4x the GPU power, and people want to see other improvements to the graphics aside from resolution which will require even more.

The fuck is 2k? 1920x1080 is technically 2k.
1920 is only 80 off.
4k is 3840x2160, which is double that.

I still wonder who will buy the Scorpio. I mean I'm sure hardcore MS fanboys will get it, but will the masses want to deal with ANOTHER console release already?

My only other concern is the library for Scorpio. If it's nothing but Mountain Dew dude bro stuff then meh.

2k is 1440p

Its not full reveal, its specs+forza 7 reveal.

Console and more games will be shown at E3.

This is just a play by MS to control the cicle until then.

How on earth do you expect them to turn a profit with hardware like that at $500?

This literally hasn't been true since like... The days of the SNES.

The 360 and original Xbox were released 4 years apart.

*double that in both vertical and horizontal I mean
Not size.

And how does that compute? Why the fuck do you call it 2k for no reason? Is 1440p too hard to type?

Because as the pixels get smaller, and our relentless desire to make worlds more believable puts us one step closer to the grand simulation (matrix). It seems humanity wants to transcend this finite universe into something far more expansive in possibilities, in some ways gamers are the driving force behind such a reality.

Our desires to have better and better graphics gives momentum to technological development.

fags don't know about 144hz

Dunno, how the fuck is Sony turning a profit with the PS4 Pro? It has almost enough performance to run 4k, but the CPU is way too shit.

Wrong. The PS3 was so powerful the military bought a bunch to use in a supercomputer, and the Iraqi government was under investigation for buying a large amount of PS2s, for fear of them doing something similar, back in the day.

>And how does that compute? Why the fuck do you call it 2k for no reason? Is 1440p too hard to type?

Is 2160p too hard to type?

>how the fuck is Sony turning a profit with the PS4 Pro?
Because its hardware is no where near what you described.

>Because this gen of consoles was made in 2010
That's not true at all, the first GCN GPU launched Q4 2011 and the PS4 and Xbox One GPUs were based on the Volcanic Islands revision that released in 2013. The PS4 Pro launched the same year as the RX 480, and uses the exact same Polaris GPU albeit at a lower clockspeed.

>I still wonder who will buy the Scorpio
Phil talks about this in a extensive interview, youtube it.

And when the PS2 was released the rumor was it was so super powerful it could power a nuclear bomb (whatever the fuck that means).

The PS3 was only used as a "supercomputer" because it's processor made it good at crunching numbers. It was less a supercomputer and more a giant calculator.

>How on earth do you expect them to turn a profit with hardware like that at $500?
Do you think that microsoft turns a profit on console sales? are you 12 or just fucking retarded?

hz will be the next meme once 4k is standard.

The PS4 Pro has about enough performance to compare to a RX 470 which can run 30 FPS 4k at low settings. It is roughly in the performance class of the 1060. It's below it, but not by like miles.

>Do you think that microsoft turns a profit on console sales?
Do you think they don't? Educate yourself child.

So you are just fucking retarded, thanks for the quick answer.

The PS4 and Xbox One were both sold at a loss on launch.

Spoil me. I don't really care to hear the male prattle on. Let me guess, hardcore gaming enthusiasts ?

hardware doesn't get me better games

microsofts problem isn't their console is weaker it's that no one gives a fuck about anything they release for it

alreadyy own og xbone no need for new console untill next gen comes out. maybe will buy a ps4

>Let me guess, hardcore gaming enthusiasts
Basically, its not hard to reach that conclusion.