where are the Marvel reveals
it's been FOUR MONTHS
where are the Marvel reveals
it's been FOUR MONTHS
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The first thing i'd better hear in the next trailer is this:
why the fuck is captain marvel a qt and not a dyke
Because Japan.
Obviously saving all their reveals for EVO and E3.
Just how many characters are they going to reveal?
no its
and a few events in between
post teams
So about 8 chars/4 pairs per event if they do it on every one
Based nips
now that marvel are not assmad at fax we can have x-men
Ono-san keeps mentioning Infinite in his tweets. Is he gonna drop something soon?
Give me Blackheart either on launch or DLC
confirmed shit, move along.
Is that fucking Kratos? exclusive characters makes them worse than the joke ones.
It's drax from guardians of the galaxy
They're waiting for the injustice reveals hype to die
>anything Injustice related
are you retarded
The Injustassfag got triggered, how cute. Let me know when Lobo gets announced.