Can we finally settle this once and for all before p5's release?
Which is better
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I liked p3FES way more but I'm not going to pretend P4 golden wasnt a better game.
>which pedophile simulator is better?
Get a life
The one with Yukari, obviously.
I prefer P3.
>can wield any weapon
>cooler Personas (Messiah, Thanatos, Orpheus)
>cooler setting
>cooler final boss
>better music
That said, I understand P4 players and don't hold anything against them or their game. P4 is great in its own right.
thx doc
P3 was better, and more iconic
those suicidal motions TRIGGERED a lot of people
Gameplay-wise clearly P4G
Story, base P3 without The Answer.
They're both great but I prefer Persona 4 over-all as I played P4 Golden first.
I absolutely love P4 because that game saved me from suicide, but Persona 3 is IMO the better game because I liked the theme and setting more. The entire series is to die for