Your GOTY so far?
Your GOTY so far?
fuck off retard. no one cares about your shitty bait threads.
don't have fucking retarded opinion and like games that are complete shit.
I just got BotW and it's insanely fucking good. I haven't played many other new games so far this year because at this point in my life I'm a fucking casual, but I hope Horizon is as good as so many people say it is. I take issue with the aesthetics of the main character being ripped wholesale from GoT, but just because game designers have incredibly hack taste doesn't mean the games themselves aren't great.
>no spotify support
Fucking trash can tier
>Stop liking things I don't like
I'm not telling you to not like things I don't like, I'm telling you you're brain dead.
It's only April nigga.
Persona 5, and I haven't even played it yet.
I sold my PS4 in the hopes of getting a Pro later, but with Splatoon 2 on the horizon, that might not happen for awhile.
Nonetheless, I'll be playing Persona 5, Nier Automata and Red Dead Redemption 2 before the year is over.
Certainly not Horizon garbage.
Terrible game fuck you OP
Mine is Nier Automa
Though I am having trouble making it past act b, 2b honest
My GOTY was Zangeki Warp. After the blunders of Horizon and Zelda, I can't stomach AAA games anymore. Too much focus on graphics and voice acting and cinematics, not enough non-gimmicky gameplay.
Pic related shows all my runner ups though.
>That shit grammar
>Accusing anyone of being brain dead
> Too much focus on graphics and voice acting and cinematics, not enough non-gimmicky gameplay.
Wanna know how I know you actually haven't played BotW?
>I want a circlejerk
>3 games that aren't even out
Console Nintendo babies everyone
Well, user. Consider this:
>my favorite game ran at 60 FPS
>the one I don't like can barely maintain 30
Therefore, one game dedicated more of itself towards gameplay.
There's not really anything wrong with his grammar, user.
based fucking retards.
Not him but this game is the definition of pretty graphics with a shit game
>wrestling chick dressed up as Aloy during a match tonight at Wrestlemania
It's okay you like to get high and play video games, user, but please play something good.
It also defines what druggies play. Pretty graphics in a game were you follow an arrow
I don't even think you can count it as having good graphics since the environment doesn't react to anything and the animations are slapdash.
wubba lubba dub dub
Season 3 is my GOTY