Nier: Automata

When will plebs learn that an ass is nothing without a skirt?

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can i get a sauce for the 2nd pic?

Use fucking tags on a booru you stupid inept redditor cunt newfag dipshit faggot FUCK OFF AND GAS YOURSELF

booty shorts or tight dress that being said your statement is now invalid go remove your os chip

Source on 3st pic?

Literally google images

When will pleb learn the thigh is hottest when separated from the body?

its also nothing without a fancy walk


don't be such a fag like last time, gib sauc

Hi! Looks like you are new to Sup Forums!

richfag here, just dumping what you get from donating to that italian cosplayers patreon.





Hey thats pretty THICC

I understand wanting that sometimes. But to never want to see a naked ass ever?

That's pretty weird, dude. That's like footfag level.

Mon Niegro.

she's pretty nice
stays in contact, and is providing a body signed pic when she gets to it

yeah. unless the underwear is like little shorts.

I prefer shorts desu


Thank you, patrician.

Reminds me, I downloaded that Lana Rain video her trying to role play was cringe as fuck and it really wasn't that great of a performance but fuck the outfit made none of that matter

Truly, the mediterranean race is the best

>Lana Rain
Newfags get out

Goddamn shitfuck good cameras are not all that expensive REEEEEEE

>no nudity
Get a refund.

Cry more faggot

>no bush peeking out

shit tier

Have fun with a downie cosplayer, friend

That's all for now, I'll keep dumping while they come out

I'm doing this for you.

Get a room you two.

He's right tho

Ok? I just watched that one vid of hers for the outfit guess I'll go kill my self since some guy on Sup Forums doesn't like that

post the fuck machine video, someone.

Do it

Whatever, don't stop.

you're doing good work in the name of erection

> ywn roll in her scattered mess, rut against her warm guts, and grind against her bloody femur.
why even live

Honestly I wish all cosplayers/models/associated whores would start wearing blindfolds. The best part of all these 2b cosplays is that the blindfold covers most of the face, meaning they can have ugly af faces and you'll never need to know.

I've never played this game but I'm disappointed that it probably doesn't end with a long cutscene of the main girl and guy android banging each other

Can't that guy might get mad at me again :(

>androids with entrails

you gore fetishists just don't care, do you?

Bless you

Who is this? Just seems a little to perfect. Usually the cosplayers who are too perfect have serious psychological issues.

I need that sauce nigga

When will plebs learn that an ass is nothing without SPATS

oops forgot spoiler


pretty cute


Meanwhile in Persona 5...


too much ass

I agree.
Skirt>no skirt.
Also want pantyhose for 2B.

I prefer 9s over 2b.
What intelligence level does that put me at?



is that a man

post again somewhere i didnt see it in time

Trust me, you do not want to see that

>not using 4chanx



>tfw using firefox
Just drop a name, senpai

He's more feminine than 2b

Nines is very cute.

I want to pamper 2B and make her feel loved. I'd give anything to make her feel like she wasn't just another disposable android. She's the one I love the most, and it's important that she realizes that.

I believe it works for firefox as well

Just type 4chanx github into google Forums-x

>Not using appchan x

I'll research it.

>tfw I've been on Sup Forums for around a decade and still don't use 4chanx
I've installed it a couple times, but uninstalled it right after for whatever reason.

>revved-up machine
Mah nigga.

Speaking of which, everyone posts about best girl, but who is best "name" machine? I think it's Revved-Up Machine or Too Playful Machine.

4chanx + Oneechan you fucking pleb

>dem lips

Same here.

I want 2B to ride me in amazon position!

Why? It literally provides the best Sup Forums experience.

I wish I could have enough money to pay for one of these asian whores cosplaying 2B.

more please

La donna indurire muh dick.

When will fags drop this shitty brain meme?

She could at least flip the reversible cover, basic bitch

This is a man, isn't it?

appchan x has failed me. Now Sup Forums X is my best friend.

I dunno, idont even get hard from pics of naked ladies cos its so boring

machine on a break is an inspiration
he is just always on a break
no matter what
always on break

Gross, you can see her pad.

I can't tell if that makes it better or worse

need more ass nigga

I'm glad someone else gets it

Yup, at that point you had might as well fap to a biology text book.

A man needs a name...

lana rain or some shit i think

The "pick the cheap coin" machine.
or the one who gives you the forest kingdom treasure quest.

no he doesn't. nothing needs a name

Needs the dress. Bless this mess.