Mega Man will air on Cartoon Network in 2018

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i heard that this wasn't making it outside of canada well that sucks


The Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures of our time?

We don't have CN in Canada.

Yet another shitty show for this shitty channel


Capcom really has to twist the knife in Keiji Inafune's side, doesn't it?


Correction: Mega Man will air on Cartoon Network in 2018 and then the promptly shoveled onto Boomerang to make room for more TTG


Feels good man.

So is this going to be like the new Ben 10 reboot where it's more about comedy and jokes instead of action? did they show Roll or the others yet?

>sonic boom is great if not god tier at times
>gets shoved to boomberang
>this happening after giving it a fuck 6/7am time slot
I'll never not be mad

Did we ever find out why he left Capcom in the first place? Oatmeal Cookie-san left Koei after some bonus disputes, but Inafune just seemed to have left on his own accord.

i hate how modern animation means even in a universe with decades of history and original characters, this show has to look exactly the fucking same as everything else

>more about comedy and jokes instead of action

This is why I will never get into Sonic Boom.

Probably got bullied

The saddest part is that I was willing to give this shit a chance.

the only advantage to being in a major software development company is he gets access to the studio's IP, which doesn't mean much after they shitcanned legends 3 and universe

I'm sure he just wanted to do more than Megaman at that point. Right after he left he announced that now canceled King of Pirates game which he dropped after he realized he could rake in some easy dough rebooting Megaman as his own Original Series on kickstarter, Twice.

This. It'll play once a week at like 6 or 7 AM on Saturday before getting dumped to Boomerang or canceled outright.







That's every cartoon reboot/remake this gen. Sonic Boom, Teen Titans, Powerpuff Girls etc. It's an awful trend and I hate it

Which is why Samurai Jack is fucking awesome

>Leaves Capcom to work on something other than Mega Man
>Spends the next few years making more fucking Mega Man
Yeah okay I doubt that's the actual reason for his leave

>more than Megaman at that point
Capcom has one of the biggest stockpiles of unused vidya IPs next to Sega, and actual competent developers on staff to boot.

Other producers were hitting the crowdfunding circuit at the time as well, but most of the industry vets that wound up there were pushed out. This guy just seemed to show up thinking it was free money.

>no new MegaMan Games until 2018
>new game is Sonic Boom tier made by Americans

I miss Inafune so much.

That's a lie. It's not even gonna make it out the door

just meganize my shit up sempai

>Mega Man will air on Cartoon Network in 2018

So it's airing at 5am

Show is dead before it even had a chance

He was a boxart artist who took credit for stuff he didn't do
When he actually took over the series it started going down hill.

>I'm sure he just wanted to do more than Mega Man at that point.

He didn't do shit with Mega Man for years. Legends 3 was the only project he had any actual involvement in after years of just having his name slapped on as producer, and he bailed on that shit almost instantly.

He stated why he left. It's not even a fucking mystery. He wanted to start his own studio while still being part of Capcom. Sort of like Kojima with Kojima Productions or back when Clover was still around. Capcom wasn't having any of that shit after how much of a pain in the ass it was to work with Clover.

I don't feel like doing a proper edit


That's not exactly it. Capcom always allocates some money for prototyping of game ideas to see what is worth doing. When Inafune was making Lost Planet, they didn't believe that game would sell, but he kept holding the game in "prototyping" stage until it was essentially complete until it was so far along Capcom would just have to release it because it was practically done under their noses. He evidently tried to pull the same with Legends 3 but then he left midway and Capcom was like "nope we don't wanna make this right now and it doesn't look very good" so they shut it down.

Once a con man always a con man I guess


you mean every episode will air within a month and then they'll never show the cartoon ever again

None of that had anything to do with what I said.

>Did we ever find out why he left Capcom in the first place?

Got you senpai.

This is probably the biggest fuck you Capcom can give to Inafune.

Pretty much the entire 360/PS3 era to get anything he wanted done he had to go behind people's backs and do it in secret or blackmail other execs, and he got tired of it

Well, except for encouraging all the disastrous western outsourcing, he and the execs were on the same shitty page on that

>tfw I know what thats for
Get out of here fag

Sonic Boom is great though.


what did knuckles do to get this character assassination

>modern Cartoon Network
I'm so sorry
