What controls do you always rebind?
What controls do you always rebind?
none, I have skill, can adjust to about anything and I don't have little manlet hands.
Truth is, I'm a proud black male, fluidity is in my genes. Whites have no rhythm with anything.
Run is shift, not space. Space is jump.
Crouch = Shift
Sprint = CapsLock
I always gotta rebind jump to Page Up and crouch to Page Down. Stupid devs can't comprehend my playstyle.
always make c to crouch
I always make good use of Q and E.
Then just dick around with sneak/jump etc. Depends on how many commands the game has and how often these things are used.
>crouch is default C
>toggle crouch
walk/run = shift
crouch = ctrl
jump = mousewheel down
I change right click to primary fire
Melee to V.
unbind whatever mmb click is.
hold aim instead of toggle.
sprint to shift
Mate you should be a comedian.
>arrow keys to move
Crouch to shift, run to alt, and whatever is too important for keys on the mouse side buttons
melee should be Mouse4
I've started just playing on default for singleplayer games. Less hassle tha having to rebind everytime, and it's good practice.
>unbind whatever mmb click is.
Yeah I do this too, it's uncomfortable, I usually bind it to the side of the mouse.
>toggle sprint
Always bind c to crouch
Fuck games defaulting to Ctrl
>muh genetic rhythm developed by my ancestors in a cotton field under the crack of a whip
None I can't rebind controllers.
Jump = Shift
Crouch/Sneak = Ctrl
Sprint = Space
All of them, except WASD. I have a Orbweaver and Scimitar, so my left thumb has access to 6 buttons and my right has 12.
>toggle ironsights
>toggle sprint
>toggle crouch
The only fucking toggle I can stand is prone, since I don't want to hold the fucking prone button.
I use ESDF instead of WASD
I bind jump to Mouse2 and aiming anything to Mouse4
Crouching is spacebar and if I can, I rebind everything beyond 1-5 on my numkeys above me to be around my ESDF so I can quickly switch to it on the fly
wasd to the superior esdf with a set to crouch
Melee and crouch to my side mouse buttons
Change fov to 110 anytime I can
>IJKL for camera
Why don't games do this by default? WASD blows
>push to talk
>anything but V
Z to crouch. Fuck that.
you use your pinkie to press crouch, ring, middle, and index fingers to control every single direction with WASD, and thumb resting on space. when you need to quickly sprint out of crouch your pinkie simply lifts itself higher to shift and you can immediately jump sprint out of crouch as well since your thumb was already on space.
you are the cancer killing games
I don't need my pinky to do more
Jump with space, crouch with ctrl, run with shift, action with E.
>Plebs using anything but ctrl to crouch
>Run is shift, not space
Name one game that has ever done this.
Rebind arrow keys to WASD.
Items to Q, E, F, Z, X, C
Abilities to 1-9 so I can use them on the side of my MMO mouse.
Dota 2
You mean the opposite?
I know Mass Effect 2 and 3 use space for sprint (and everything else)
Forward - Up arrow
Reverse - Down arrow
Strafe left - keypad 4
Strafe right - keypad 5
Jump - keypad 2
Crouch - keypad 3
Use/interact - keypad enter
Reload - keypad 0
Works great for simple control games, but I use wasd for games that use a shit ton of keys like ARMA.
Mass Effect 2 and I think 3 also
meant to quote
Rebind everything one key to the right, rebind shift to A
>tfw I spent so much time playing ffxi that I bind everything to the numpad
Auto-walk / run in ctrl. Usually the default is on Num-Lock.
Push to talk in left alt
I like wasd to be the 4 directions and Q/E to rotate left and right. Sometimes people want to do wqes with A and D to rotate and I can't get into that at all.
In MMOs I like to map walk to mouse3 and auto-run to middle click or mouse4. Also I'm not super comfortable reaching past 5 or 6 and the F keys are really out of the way so I map a lot of spells to alt+ qwerty. These days a lot of MMO have controller support for like 40 hotkeys right under your thumbs in exchange for being unable to type but everyone is so anti-social these days that it's not such a big drawback.
E must be the use/interact button
disagree but cod4 was the first pc game with a dedicated melee button that i played so I stuck to that.
in most shooters it's either grenade or melee and i just end up pressing it by mistake. i never bind it to the other keys because it almost always has a key on the keyboard as well.
This so much, why the fuck would I move off of home row to play a game and back to home row to type to people? It makes no sense to use wasd.
interact and inventory to mouse 4 and 5 (h1z1, pubg)
I put my entire numpad on the left side of my keyboard
scroll up for to switch weapon and scroll down for whatever is the most useful in the game
if more than 2 weapons, then i usually bind them to each gimmick button of my mouse
Crouch to X, toggle
If it takes your fingers off WASD(or ESDF) it should not be that important, especially not combat important.
>push to talk
>on right hand side of keyboard
Fuck you.
>not bound to a mouse button
MouseB 6 to Melee
>toggle aim
using a G502 so it's the front rebindable button
Run is trigger sensitive rather than toggle.
Yes it might be less comfy, but it also makes your movement harder to predict
Bind scrollwheel click to Taunt/Annoying voiceline
Morrowind had E for jump.
Pic related forgot to rebind. Remember where that got him.
so did Oblivion
The GTA:San andreas had jump on shift and run on space, so I always rebind that
That made sense because you have to tap space to sprint more often than you have to press shift to jump
I always rebind crouch to capslock. I don't even care that sometimes I end up shouting in chat, caps crouch is max comfy.
Mouse4 = melee
Mouse5 = interact
>Disable aim toggle and set it to rmb
>If there's no prone then disable crouch toggle and bind it to Ctrl else bind it to control and leave toggle on if it used for a change stance button
>Bind melee to f or e if it's not used otherwise leave it at V or other default
>Shift for sprinting always and in any game
>Space for jumps
>Period for all chat, comma for team and forward slash for squad chat.
I like mapping jump and dash to the triggers for 2d platformers.
>Game has a toggle-able thing, like 'walking'.
>It's on Num Lock
worse than satan
but you get a convenient light that tells you when it's on!
Crouch should be CTRL, not C.
Quick melee to Mouse 4 instead of V.
And in racing games I hate using the trigger to go forward, I always bind that to the right bumper
>Use Num-Lock to auto walk
>Light is on
>Use movement to cancel the auto walk
>Light still on
>Use Num-Lock to auto walk again
>Light is off
>I always bind that to the right bumper
fucking why
>crouch: c
no. crouch is CTRL
Shitty console ports always do this.
E = Jump
Space = Interact
Most games come with these controls reversed for some reason so it's usually a quick fix. I usually end up rebinding a lot more than that, but that all depends on the game since I play many different genres.
>melee to mouse4
my nigga
Tab is always journal or quest list
im lefthanded so i just bind important things to [,],delete, r ctrl and r shift
W for jump, spacebar to move forward.
I map it to Q. What do you think of that,
tough guy?
The only game I can accept toggle crouch in is MGS, that's it
what about deus ex.
swear I spend 90% of those games crouching
Why does the passenger have a steering wheel too? And why is it a cat?
UK and JP have driving controls on the right of the car, not the left, due to how their roads work.
Shift = run/sprint
Left Ctrl = crouch
Mouse5 = melee
what about Mouse4?
Push-to-talk if the game has voice chat.
Reload to mouse4 because R is my mic button
Melee to mwheelup
Sue me
Literally a perfect example of why niggers are failures. You don't make things change to better suit you, you just sit there and take it. This is why African kids live in mud huts and walk hours to get water and it's also apparently why they don't rebind their keys.
Wait so in UK and JP the passenger drives and the driver just sits? Doesn't that confuse new drivers? Or I guess I should say new passengers? What do you mean by how their roads work? And why is it a cat?
Mouse 4 melee
F interact
make use of q and e when the game doesn't have leaning
I always rebind melee keys to one of the side buttons on the mouse
Microphone = x
This is all.
How long do you have to use WASD controls before you stop getting an awful cramp in your wrist after an hour?
It's the only thing keeping me away from PC gaming.