Post Your Timesplitters Main and Favorite Map

Post Your Timesplitters Main and Favorite Map

best Mp map was hospital

Other urls found in this thread:


Disco best map


Mexican mission was GOAT for virus

gingerbread man
mansion I think it was


Also Mars Prison is best map, Siberia and VR tied for second.

If you main a monkey you're a faggot.

The one robot in the red cloak, forget the name.


That's the one

My man.
I wish more games had over-the-top goofy lewd character designs just for the hell of it.

This guy was my main man.

PC Remake Multiplayer


Gingerbread man

Best map was Chinese Restaurant though Scrapyard or Nightclub had the best map theme.

Clear the way, faggots. Countless childhood boners were had over her.

Scourge Splitter

Training Ground

why didnt cortez?

He went first to look up her skirt.

Also, best character was indeed the monkey. Not just any monkey, ninja monkey because speed.

The little girl (don't remember her name)

Mexican level or the snowy level. desu TS3 maps were mediocre compared to TS2 from what I remember. It's been years since I've played these games.

But this, and Super Smash Bros. Melee were the shit back then with my brothers.

This year supposedly.

ts3 maps are garbage. im replaying them both now

Ringmistress and Stone Golem

Either Mexican Mission or the Alien one

Also Virus shenanigans on Chasm was great

This ugly mother fucker.

Best maps are Hospital in 2, that chinese map and Venice.
Honorable mention: Disco club

Somehow I expect this to fall through even though it would be amazing fun to have a modern timesplitters release

Samuel Renzo

Captain ash

Mexican mission

Anyone want to play multiplayer on dolphin?

is dolfin netplay smooth?