This game is going to be great, isn't it?
This game is going to be great, isn't it?
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more like Boring-kazooie
Looks bland and uninspired.
No, it's going to be a steaming pile of just okay.
why is this guy giving himself (You)s?
it's gonna be baaad
I'm warning you
Whatever do you mean?
>this guy is giving himself (you)s
>there are more posters than posts
reddit called, they want you back...
Hopefully, the Toybox demo was pretty fun
Yep. Don't listen to Sup Forums
I'd like that, I try not to get my hopes up on any games now a days tho
Just what I said, bland and uninspired.
It's going to be better than people think and worse than people hope. It will not revolutionize anything or be a glorious return to form for the platforming genre. After all the shitflinging it will simply, sadly, be completely average, and likely forgotten about entirely by the end of the summer.
It's going to be decent but kind of bland and lacking in features and content like every successful KS game.
Barring some lacking content in some areas, Hollow Knight wound up pretty damn good.
You know how there are old bands since the 60s and 70s still around still making music but not as good as they used to be? Same deal goes for videogame developers.
They get the hype off their name alone trying to recapture the magic they once had but fail. Hope this will be different but looking at the developers latest works I wouldn't hold my breath.
its a real shame that people try to just rehash instead of making something new
The glass is right in the middle.
ive played and enjoyed a number oa KS games but they all have a kind of barebones stripped down featureset that comes from having a fixed budget and stretch goal checklist from the start that isn't present in traditionally funded games or pre-KS indie passion projects.
Jerma pls go
FTL, Shovel Knight, Grim Dawn, Darkest Dungeon and Undertale all turned out pretty nicely for me
It's going to be garbage. Such is the fate of game's developed by hugbox SJW dev teams; just look at Mass Effect and Dragon Age.
It looks inspired by Banjo-Kazooie to me.
Get your eyes checked then. It's bland and uninspired.
Im pretty sure its inspired by Banjo-Kazooie.
>It looks inspired by Banjo-Kazooie to me.
Which is why it looks bland.
Learn what uninspired means
It doesnt look bland, it looks fun.
Game looks 20 years late to the party.
It really doesn't.
Have you not looked at any other world?
>cherrypicking this hard
this was released before it went golden
Like pottery
Yes, and the game looks boring as hell. It's like someone made a game combining the worst things about Super Mario Galaxy with 3D collectathon platformers.
ah, but that's the point, old chap!
>bland and uninspired
this phrasing is bland and uninspired you dumb fag.
What an argument.
>the worst things about Super Mario Galaxy
Which is...what? The loading?
I'm going to buy it just to show the alt-righters that there is no place for bigotry and racism in the year 2017.
That's because when somebody tries something new, it gets hated the most on Sup Forums and sells like shit.
youre the most boring fag on the planet. stop posting.
woah this game looks great. thanks random user
i expect the game to be alright
not amazing, but decent
>It will not revolutionize anything or be a glorious return to form for the platforming genre
well you dont know that, kickstarter revitalized CRPGs, 3D platformers could also get a boost from this
granted the game is at the very least decent
>3D collectathon platformer
pick one.
Pacman World 2 and Rayman 2
Get fucked faggot
>Which is...what?
The spin attack, the sparse enemy placement, uninteresting platforming segments, and bad developer-provided camera.
I think it'll be best played on a Switch. It'll be too mediocre on anything else because it'll be compared to the good stuff available.
Pacman World 2 was barely a colectathon platformer. You could get through most of the game without even paying attention to the collectables.
>kickstarter revitalized CRPGs
No it didn't. It poorly revived a bad type of CRPG that was popular years after the golden age of CRPGs (Ultima 4-7) ended.
>The spin attack
Why is this bad. Not saying its good but what exactly about this is bad.
yet its still a collectahon
Even though BK is one of my favorite things ever I feel like they're focusing on nostalgia way to much, and I'm worried it will end up being a poor imitation of BK instead of being it's own thing that is similar to it's predecessor.
>Why is this bad.
It kills momentum and thus the flow of platforming.
Game confirmed for shit.
are there more CRPGs being made nowadasy yes or no?
if the answer is yes, then yeah, it revitalized them
You should try reading my post. I'll highlight the important part for you.
>It poorly revived a bad type of CRPG that was popular years after the golden age of CRPGs (Ultima 4-7) ended.
You seem to be under the impression that CRPGs stopped being made at some point. They weren't. Advancements in tech allowed developers to move on from the shitty Infinity Engine style of CRPG.
If you want me to think that CRPGs have been revitalized, let me know when someone makes a CRPG that's the equal of Ultima 7, or manages to surpass it.
I don't get it, what part of that video confirms the game is shit?
About a minute later he says that area he was just in was empty.
Bland and uninspiring people defending a bland and uninspired game. What a surprise.
Looks fun. Looks like the guy in the video likes it too.
>1 area looks empty
>that makes the game shit somehow
Well I guess Super Mario Sunshine is confirmed shit aswell.
Divinity original sin is great, though.
>Super Mario Sunshine is confirmed shit aswell.
It is
No, it isn't.
Around the 19th minute or so the game also freezes.
Sorry about your shit taste, friend.
Sorry you're a minority
The levels look really open in a bad way
>10 seconds in he says he loves the game and is having a genuinely good time
Sup Forums hate shilling yet again
Not necessarily, Banjo Tooie had really open levels and was still a fantastic game.
Can't wait for the reviews to drop. If they're good I wonder what people here will do to move the goal post next
The embargo is lifted tomorrow so we should find out soon enough, there was a review that "leaked" by some unkown site and it was a 8.5/10. In all honest I think Sup Forums will just cling to that one low review and pretend it's the only review that matters.
The last 3 replies in the other thread were fucking hilarious.
Pac Man World 2 is bland and boring. Rayman 2 is piss easy and boring.
gonna be greet
yep, yep
gooooonna be greet
Can't wait to see those paid reviews.
Or they could just have different opinions. You saying the game is bland and uninspiring doesn't mean everyone else should think so aswell.
Because if it's a good review it's paid, there's my answer then. I'll look out for that come tomorrow.
look how empty top is by comparison
I expect the game to be good.
Sup Forums just wants something to hate on, and they actually think the game's going to be Mighty Number 9 tier.
I think it will be okay. I'll enjoy it and remember it but won't ever make some top X list of mine.
>They removed jontron?
>Immediate 10/10
>They'll respect my opinion even though its clearly biased.
Yeah. Any good review is gonna be a paid off SJW boogeyman and any bad review is gonna be a jontron fan or buttblasted Sup Forumslock. It will be neigh-impossible to discuss this game on Sup Forums relative to its reviews.
Looking at the views and likes on that video I genuinely think the hate for this game is the minority.
>expecting nostalgia fueled game because you liked Banjo-Kazooie as a kid
>realize the genre was never fun and get bored with the game after a hour
What made you think otherwise?
Pay no mind to the autistic screeching.
I never played Banjo but apparently its similar to Spyro and DK64.
I play spyro at least 6 times a year and the only reason I don't replay DK64 every year is because my PC isn't good enough to run it at the quality I want it.
What they need to do is focus on the platforming and puzzles and less on the collecting part of it. The collecting should be the reward for completing puzzles and getting through platforming sections, not just with stuff lying around the level. The difficulty also should be increased over the traditional platformers since most people that are going to be playing these games are older now.
>shills doing damage control for their piece of shit game
nah, call me when the people that actually made Banjo good make another game
To be fair, some of the hate is also underage thinking it sounds 'cringy' even though that's the whole point since it's a DK64 parody
>Play Banjo-Kazooie as a kid
>Love it
>Play it again as an adult
>Still love it
Got the game a few days ago. About 10 hours in and really enjoying it so far, ask me anything
Retro is better at everything than Rare, even at Rare's peak.
Tropical Freeze > DKC
3d Collect-a-thons are shit, though.
God the secondary guy's voice just sounds like he has a wad of cum stuck in his throat
>really enjoying it so far,
Why are you lying?
Sup Forums said the game was going to be crap.