Yo Sup Forums, GBA time. What's your favorite GBA games? Whats your favorite memories? How did you prefer playing GBA games? On a TV with your gamecube player, modded AGB, SP, AGS-101, micro, hell, even the DS? Got any good memories of playing this shit at school hiding it from teachers? Loved doing that myself.
The system may have had a short life of just 3 years, but the games lived on for 7 years before hardware support was phased out.
Elijah Turner
Wrong board kid
Parker Peterson
the system may be older than you, but this is certainly the right board for it.
Have you ever played Ninja Five-O? I emulated it years ago since it was with some big ass rom pack and the name really stood out. It's actually a really solid game! Really justifies the use of a GBA flash cart too, considering the retard prices the game attracted.
Kevin Johnson
golden sun
Jayden Garcia
Playing Rhythm Tengoku right now.
Pretty funny game but I'm stuck at clapping mini game.
Benjamin Sanchez
loved the class system in this one. made some of the optional boss fights really interesting once you started spreading out the djinn and got some wicked classes like Protector which made you a super healing tank warrior, spamming wish well and just brutalizing with melee.
Isaac Sanchez
I actually started collecting gameboy stuff a while back. I have about 48 games right now.
Kevin Perry
that's pretty awesome. Did it cost you much? What's the condition?
James Hall
Still have my original cartridge.
Kevin Adams
GBA isn't allowed on /vr/ newfag
James Turner
>short life of just 3 years Software didn't give the second the DS came out either. Mother 3, Pokemon Emerald, and Drill Dozer all came out in 2006 for instance.
Nolan Young
is there a translation for it
James Torres
Hajime no ippo the fighting Tactics ogre the knight of lodis megaman zero 2 megaman battle network 3 fire emblem 6
Really recommended Hajime no ippo. It's like punch out with multiplayer and lots of different characters.
Adam Phillips
Played SS all through grade 7 with a bunch of friends. We all got stuck on the final boss on the same week. The down syndrome guy Dane was the first guy to beat Cackletta's ghost. He wrote down on paper all his damage and healing that occured and calculated the boss' exact health. Pretty bro move at the time.
Christian Butler
this is very true, but it's hard to deny the DS became a replacement despite Nintendo's insistence that the Gameboy brand would exist along side the DS. It's weird to think about how it was released just after the GBA debuted.
Nathaniel Lopez
My nigga
Boktai 1-3 are some of the greatest GBA games I've played. Check them out OP if you haven't.
My GBA of choice is a modded AGB with a 101 screen. Trying to track down the official rechargeable battery pack released in Japan is a bitch.
Gavin Mitchell
you don't really need one.
William Edwards
why not
Carson Long
There is, check GBATemp or Romhacking
Anthony Thompson
shining soul 2 was my favorite action rpg for gba, tons to collect but never had anyone for multiplayer. full of cool stuff to collect like sega letters and classes to unlock
Juan Robinson
I never knew what the good GBA games were as a kid. In fact I just got a bunch of games like the Mario remakes and shit like that. Wasn't until just recently that I discovered Metroid Zero Mission and Castlevania Aria of Sorrow.
Hunter Murphy
Got it on launch. Came with a bunch of goodies like stickers and a keychain. Favorite game is advance 2.
I thought the player was ok. But some games didn't look too good on it
Liam Peterson
yeah, the software side of the GBA player is pretty poor, nintendo's emulation standards have always been shit. There's homebrew that has a really good solution to be paired with the hardware that many argue is the best way to play GBA games. At least, when not on the go.
Kayden Morgan
Justin Perry
best way to emulate GBA?
William Gray
mgba, original hardware is still the best.
Brayden Long
The only thing Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is good enough for is wiping my ass with the instruction manual.
Alexander Garcia
My best GBA memory is playing Shining Soul II with my cousin.
Mason Diaz
Hatena satena and guru guru logic champ are awesome puzzlers that never came west.
Aaron Brown
It's my favorite handheld of all time. Nothing will beat that glorious feeling of being able to take a "portable" SNES anywhere. I remember my local Toys R' Us having a playable demo unit like 2-3 months prior to its June 2001 release. I probably spent like a good 2-3 hours (in combined in different visits) playing Super Mario Advance and being so amazed at TECHNOLOGY.
My favorite was the GBA SP definitely. Too bad the L and R buttons stopped working. I got myself the Micro on eBay around 2009 for 50 bucks in mint condition but I can't bring myself to pay over 50 dollars for a shitty used SP. Maybe one day.
John Brooks
Joseph Nguyen
Advance Gaurdian Heroes Super Gunstar Heroes The FF ports Shining Soul Dragon ball advance adventure
Sweet mother of fuck did the GBA have gems
Noah Powell
It's a rhythm game with no plot. The 3DS one has plot and it's easy to play without it too.
William Jones
Onimusha Tactics was pretty boring compared to FFTA. But Tactics Ogre was the best SRPG for GBA.
Hunter Taylor
>4th grade >pokemon blowing up again that year >tradin, battlin after class >coats and bags kept in an unlocked, unwatched closet in every class >sneak back in during recess and steal gameboy games out of other kid's bags >sell shitty games to gamestop to buy good ones
Brandon Clark
Undoubtedly M&L: SSS. Mother 3 is a close second though.
Jonathan Scott
I still can't beat Polyrhythm 2
Nicholas Roberts
On a hacked 3DS imho.
Bentley Sanders
>8-3 >you're stuck on 2-4
Liam Bailey
That one really kicked my shit in on my first couple of tries. Ironically, it's now my second or third favorite game.
David Bailey
sorry we don't talk about video games here
Connor Lopez
GBA isn't retro faggot. You should be auto banned from /vr/ for suggesting it.
Wyatt White
why not emulate it? curious ti know
Asher Kelly
PSP has a pretty decent emulator that runs. Only issues I ran into are 2.5D games like Duke Nukem or Driver (which run slow anyways).
Kevin Perez
I wish there was a report option for sheer idiocy
Samuel Perry
Never been big on emulation on anything after the SNES and Genesis.
If I'm going to emulate GB/GBC/GBA, I'll do it on a Nintendo handheld. Maybe get a decent used GBA SP and a flash cart, sometime soon.
I play on my Micro from time to time, as I still have all my GBA collection with me. However, it gets a little uncomfortable to hold after a while. Plus, the battery doesn't last as long and I don't trust shoddy Chinese knock-offs. Either way, it's hard to get a decent and near-pristine battery for it these days.
John White
i bought a mint condition micro with 3 nintendo faceplates and an ez-flash iv, really enjoying it the GBA has a shit ton of good games.
Logan Morgan
I know what you mean.
Julian Morales
Robotech: The Macross Saga
Ethan Kelly
I love this game so much. Bowsers Inside Story is good yeah, but the lack of gimmick in this makes it hold up better for me
Jordan Evans
Nice dude. Consider upgrading to an ez4 deluxe or an everdrive at some point. Flashing 32 MB roms to NOR all the time sucks
Hudson Butler
Yeah it's kind of a pain and literally takes forever to delete and add new roms to and from the NOR.
Jack Garcia
this was pretty fun
Gabriel Lopez
I'm having fun with fire emblem 6,Roy Is a shitty lord stat and personality wise,but the level design Is very good. It's also fun knowing what happens past FE7.
Also,AGS-101 Is a patrician taste. 001 Is fine,but there's no going back if you ever use an AGS-101 5 minutes and can afford one. Micro is for ants and if you have a modified GBA 101,you either fucked yourself out of money's worth,are an expert grease monkey or fucked your $80 GBA and are weeping.
Jacob Foster
When i got into my preteen years i had a lame ass stepdad that would ground me, bored and looking through my room for things to do and found me old game boy with this cartridge in it. Got me through many perilous nights haha.
Jeremiah Parker
I remember there being a really good yu yu hakusho game. Anyone know the name?
John Diaz
Hamtaro, Ham Ham Heartbreak
Logan Wilson
without this no collection is complete
Adam Young
The gameboy micro's headphone jack is laughably shitty, with static out the ass. Is the AGB or AGS models any better?
Gabriel Richardson
>all the rapemachine legendary weapons that you're afraid to use in case one of your units gets rushed and it breaks
David Ramirez
Don't have a pic, but you should definitely play Mario Tennis: Power Tour. It's a Tennis RPG. Story is super easy and cute, gameplay is fun, has a lot of unlockablr super moves, and the sprite work is beautiful. Made by Camelot, so you know it's good. I play through it about once a year and I still find new dialogue from NPCs I've seen a thousand times.
Andrew Smith
You did played the trilogy right user? and yes, that includes the 3rd untranslated game.
You did go to the post game content and faced the super bosses did you?
Sugar will be sad if you didn't, you don't wanna make Sugar cry right?