This fucking game, man

This fucking game, man.

I just finished Resident Evil 7 and the DLCs. It's a great game. I don't know why Sup Forums hates it.

The Barker family, the suspense, the horror and survival it's all great. The only problem is that it wants to create something else or recreate the RE franchise.

Jack before and after are one of the best characters in the game. The suffering of Clancey and even Mia redemption and Zoe "help"

Let's hope Not a Hero gives us more answers.

What do you think Sup Forums? Is this the beginning of a new trilogy with this style of gameplay?

Other urls found in this thread:


I feel like you're post is sarcastic, but I enjoyed it up until the boat part.

also how the fuck are you supposed to not pick zoe. Litterally does everything and doesn't even seem mad that you would pick the other girl. Oh and that's without knowing who your Ex is.

also what the fuck was the point of the choice if the next scene retcons it..

Oh and I have to add.
did anyone else have a weird sense of nostalgia when playing this game?
I don't mean for resident evil, I mean like if you live in the country.

It was surreal how on point everything was. only thing that pulled me out of it was the accents.

>Is this the beginning of a new trilogy with this style of gameplay?
Hopefully. I'm hoping RE8 follows, using the same engine and style, but makes the same improvements that RE2 did for RE1 - basically, make it larger in scope, with more content, and more urban / sci-fi.

It's a very fun game. Was my first VR game too.

I don't like that it's first person and that the shooting is purposefully jank to create a sense of "dread" and horror.

Also don't like that there is 1 enemy type, and that the enemy is dull and uninspired on top of that.

OP, why do you care what Sup Forums likes?

They think that Switch is a luxury tier console nad BotW is a masterpiece.

>I don't like that it's first person and that the shooting is purposefully jank to create a sense of "dread" and horror.
it's to emulate the feeling of playing re1 in first person.

you could even tell they did that on purpose with enemy design.
having enemies try to get out of your vision cone and scutter across the floor or ceiling.
It's actually really neet how they did this and applied old logic to a new camera angle.

I am wondering how CAPCOM devs got info in rural USA family and lifestyle. I know there are some stereotypes but I just imagine japanese devs traveling to rural towns in USA asking questions, filming, taking pictures and making interview to the locals for source material for the game.

There is more than one enemy type. Standard molded, crawlers, fat guys, and flying insects, plus Jack if a Nemesis style persistent miniboss counts.

Sup Forums doesn't hate it

I think it should have an 88 or an 89 on Metacritic personally, rather than an 85

I just don't get why people hate First Person Games. We live our reality in First Person, you have sex in FP, you eat in FP, you watch TV in FP. It's the way we perceive the world I am surprise is not the most common style in videogames.

I actually enjoyed it, despite thinking it was shit beforehand

I can 101% guarantee that's what they did.

SH devs did the same thing, not the first ones though they just watched kindergarden cop because they couldn't afford tickets.

In fact a lot of the town is based off of pictures they take.
Pretty common practice really.

Willing to bet they went during halloween. the part with the tech guy was just too perfect to a haunted house.

the regular molded spawn with different arms too. Some of them have no arms and can only bite, most of them have regular arms, and some of them have giant arms that can cut off your leg (these ones have extra HP).

I found the crawling molded to be panic-attack inducing, Those fuckers are so fast and creepy, and they hurt so much

In the Making Of videos they confirmed that they took a trip to Louisiana. Also, the director watched a ton of horror movies to get ideas.

looks like it

Me too, it was a nice surprise. But it will reshape RE if CAPCOM will keep this style for the next games. How does people call it? soft reboot?

HOLY SHIT! That's some dedication. That's very weird from modern CAPCOM.

only some fags from the comfy RE threads shitpost about it
Overall its a very good flawed game...what you guys think the third DLC will be?

did you guys use the quick-turn a lot? I always forgot about it

I forgot about it and also forgot about the blocking a bunch of times.

>it's weird for a game studio to go to location

it's weird that you think it's weird.

So why is chris with umbrella?

>Let's hope Not a Hero gives us more answers.
It'll probably be just Chris vs. Lucas.
We won't get many answers.

First person virtual reality is the future of this franchise. Any and all games following 7 will feature these, even the remakes.

For the lazy, cheap stakes modern CAPCOM is, I am surprised.

>It'll probably be just Chris vs. Lucas.
Nip leaks already confirmed Lucas survives the DLC.
He's either siding with Chris's new umbrella or joins the other new evil organization.

Hopefully it has files in it that semi-explain what the fuck is going on, but all the answers people really want will probably be in another DLC

>he buys DLC
What a cuck.

I hope that CAPCOM give us a quick rundown of the new canon.

Racoon City incident is mentioned, Chris is exists, Umbrella exists, but apart from that we don't know much what is canon or not anymore.

Wow sauce no this?

>Ethan vs Lucas in the third DLC

Oh yes

this... first RE game I try out, and I can't get past the fucking aiming/shooting.

Don't know about the sauce but there are two confirmed trophies. One is for killing Lucas and the other is for capturing him without killing him.
The second one is the first one you get and seems like the canon option.
Lucas is most likely joining the new Umbrella.

I loved the game and it was an early GOTY contender. And then Nioh came out. And then Zelda came out. And then Nier came out. And now Persona is coming out. Still, it's a very good game despite being overshadowed by all of the other good stuff that hit.

And I don't understand how so many people hate the ship. That was one of the best parts.

>One is for killing Lucas and the other is for capturing him without killing him.
Yeah he's surviving. No point in making a trophy for not killing him if he's canonically dead.

You're a fucking moron. Everything is still canon. "Redfield" isn't Chris.

I think anything with Piers will either go unmentioned or be limited to files and Jake could possibly be retconned Resi Final Chapter style.
Resi 5 will remain canon, but the events of Wesker's 'death' could be altered so he could survive, or they'll just have a clone of him.
Or, all of what I said is wrong, and every game post 3 is retconned and Umbrella was able to fully cover-up their involvement in Raccoon City, which would be a huge retcon, as everything post Raccoon City would either be severely altered (CVX and 4 would be most likely subjected to this) or removed entirely and replaced with REmake 2 effectively kicking off the new canon (which means Dead Aim and Ark Thompson would be fully removed from the canon)

What is Lucas going to do in Umbrella.
I get that he's smart and likes puzzles, but is he Umbrella-tier smart?

Umbrella had people like Marcus and Wesker as their top tier scientists, Lucas would fit right in.
Or he'd be a test subject similar to Lisa Trevor (Resi VIII sequel baiting perhaps?)

Am I the only one who liked the boat part? I thought it was tense and stressful but that is good for a horror game. The mines were really fucking shitty though

Why the fuck are you nu-fans talking about rewritting the canon? that part too...just kinda gets too easy when you get the bombs and the bizon

and you don't have to be autistic about the rewritten. Calm down, Down

it's okay for what it is, a first person horror game, but it's NOT resident evil.

>nu-fan can't into English
What a surprise.

I found it to be much easier to aim with mouse and keyboard instead of my 360 controller. It's just you back up and strafe really slow so you usually have to turn and look where you want to go, and it's usually not safe to do that near molded enemies because they have super fast attacks that they only hit you with when you aren't looking at them

Weeb autists got buttmad because it wasn't another rehash like previous RE games.

you are still autistic, user

The Barker family

Because Umbrella and Wesker are somehow still around, and REmake 2 will likely have to retcon some of the events in Outbreak and 3, and people will wants a REmake 3 so there will be more retcons.

>Is this the beginning of a new trilogy with this style of gameplay?
What would the next game even be about? I'm sure you would play as Ethan because they tried so hard to hide his face in RE7. I can't think of a good reason why Ethan would ever want to get involved in anything like this again though.

Unless they just drop him entirely from the game and start with new characters

Both of those are easily explained without going full autist.


Game was 6/10 for me.

The Good
> Very scary
> Great graphics
> Controls felt good

The Bad
> Boring enemies
> Godlike bosses that take ages of running and shooting to finally kill
> The entire game is basically the same, find some key to get to the next area

The Ugly
> There isn't much replayability. Once is more than enough, then you put it down for good. RE4 and RE5 were both fun to replay.

It's not a trilogy, all the future games will be made just like 7. Makes sense, capcom has struck gold - 7 is the best game in the franchise so far.

Nice bait, gaylord.

>also how the fuck are you supposed to not pick zoe. Litterally does everything and doesn't even seem mad that you would pick the other girl.

Because it's his wife. Literally the reason he's there.
Also anyone without autism can see in Ethan's tone towards Zoe that he was more annoyed with her than anything.
>leaves details out
>has him do a lot of things that have gotten several people killed
>doesn't make enough of an attempt to make the cure despite having everything she needs to make it as evidenced by what's found with Mia in "Sisters" and doing apparently fuck all for 3 fucking years without much resistance from Evie outside of "I can't leave the property"

Zoe's cute and all and she did have to put up with that shit for years but given what Ethan had to deal with it makes total sense why he would still save Mia.
anyone who says otherwise is a waifufag

>easily explained
They're literally reviving a company that everybody knows wanted to fuck everybody over and a guy who was shot with 2 rocket launchers while in lava.
Also, the generally negative fan response of 5 and 6 and a REmake 2 and potential REmake 3 gives Capcom a chance to fix the series and stop it from hitting the dead end they had with 6.


> I don't know why Sup Forums hates it.
because it's fun. It takes a long while to realize, but Sup Forums legitimately has a problem with fun.

Not an argument.

i'll play it someday maybe. too poorfag and too many games coming out atm for me to play this.

>the Barker family


You said RE7 was the best game in the series, so no argument is really required.

they're even paying non-native English speakers to shill now

what a time

Umbrella could've gone underground or been reborn.

Wesker in RE5 could've been a clone, or it's possible that he regenerated - similar to Marcus in Zero.

It is.
>muh remake
>muh 4
>muh 2
>muh 3
Objectively inferior to 7

They showed tentsu as a possible next big bad...and se dont know what side this new umbrella really is...all Good plot hooks for sequels

Nips confirmed that Redfield is Chris.

They're evil, you idiot. Wesker is one of the higher-ups of this new Umbrella.

It's far more of a RE game than 4/5/6 and the spinoffs were.

Basically this.

Only autists and fags would seriously pick Zoey.

It's a shitty ruse. Any actual fan could see through this bullshit.

Because the game does legit suck until you get to the basement.

Only betas and cucklords pick Mia.

Actually, I find the classic trilogy, CV and 6 to be better due to their wealth of content and fun gameplay, and CV for the borderline-autism on display.

>umbrella could've gone underground or been reborn
All their higher ups are dead or have left, and all their funding is cut, so I don't know how they're getting helicopters with those snazzy new logos and paying all the grunts to clean up all the Bioterrorism.

Wesker being a clone is a good idea, I guess.

Here's your (you), you semen guzzler, you.

>Picking Zoe
Literally why? You went there for your wife.
Your wife who's clearly going through something horrible and needs your help.
Why would you pick a young girl you just met who all she does is tell you cryptic bullshit over the phone?

You did save Best Girl Zoe right?

this game had some gruesome deaths

There are more DLC's coming right? I'm waiting until they are all out to play it again.

I've started playing the game (just finished the second tape recording). I think it's a great game so far. I also own PSVR so I tried it out on that. Holy fuck I can not handle that atmosphere. Maybe once I've beat the game normally I'll play it again in VR so there's no jump scares.

Other than the pant-shitting fear, it's actually the best VR experience I've had so far. The game doesn't take too much of a hit graphically in VR mode, the controls make good use of head-tracking but doesn't use the shitty Move controllers.

My previous favorite VR game was Batman but even that had "Wii Sport moments" when the motion controls decide to fuck up. And the fact you're completely stationary and have to "teleport" around the environment made it seem like there were certain barriers in VR that were going to take a long time to bring down

Your wife who cheated on you, lied to you, and tried to kill you.

>durr, it makes more sense for Capcom to completely rewrite the canon
Fucking imbecile.

>cheated on you
Didn't happen.

>lied to you
To protect you

>Tried to kill you
Because the fucking antichrist bio weapon possessed her

it's because of VR you fuck

It's a lot easier that to fill in every plot hole they'll create, and it'd be easier to keep everything from going back to action while retaining the protags people actually like

Sup Forums likes it. There's just a handful of 6cucks still trying to push their discredited memes.

are you a Leaf?

Capcom needs to reboot the series; 2 decades of mistranslations, localization errors, and bad writing has led the franchise into an unfixable mess.

You mean only retards pick Mia.
Mia had already tried to kill you several times and there was no guarantee that she was not too far gone like Jack. Also zoe was the only one who actually knew how to make the serum, so she was much more important.

>Sup Forums likes it
I know Sup Forums has shit taste, but goddamn


With good intentions.

>tried to kill
You're just baiting now.

>picking Zoe
>choosing literal trailer trash
Top cuck

There is no plot hole, fuckhead. "Redfield" isn't Chris. It's literally as simple as that.

no, because i wanted the good ending.

the two choices and the outcomes were stupid as hell, Capcom has garbage writers.

I agree but boy Ethan was annoyed with everyone after the guest house

After you choose Mia:

>Mia: t-thank you for saving me

i love it.

It's just a very vocal minority of shitters that are pushing the "REVII is good" meme.

>literal trailer trash
>lives in a mansion on a giant palatial estate

Please don't use words you don't know

his VA is credited as "Chris Redfield" in the credits

>name is chris redfield
>chris redfield isn't chris redfield
Nice conspiracy theory