If not you have shit taste in personality. Hinoka is the perfect woman for Corrin to marry. Always caring, always loving, always there beside you. This woman trained and waited for years. She suffered for years, blood sweat and tears, even had sleepless nights thinking of you.
Only a heartless empty shadow of a man would vote for cowtits over her.
I'd rather fuck Camilla and I really hate Camilla.
Jayden Hill
I'm voting for Minerva. I might switch to Hinoka if I roll her whenever Minerva likely loses to Camilla
Kayden Foster
Why aren't there any 1-star and 2-star characters, Sup Forums?
Cameron Taylor
For those that may not know: On April 7th every player will be receiving a special package of 10 orbs and 5,000 feathers thanks to a community quiz taken place on the official FEH twitter page.
Angel Gomez
But there are
Jayden Lopez
You get them as rewards for the "special maps" rotations of the most basic characters.
Camden Scott
>voting for shittiest Fates royal It's okay, user. Someday you'll mature and get some decent taste
Jason Jackson
I just married Hinoka in my first Birthright playthrough. Did I make the right call, Sup Forums?
Thomas Nguyen
Should have gone with Sakura instead.
Nathaniel Davis
Hinoka please.
Hudson Collins
>Birthright playthrough You've made a ton of wrong calls and topped it off by marrying a dude
Parker Myers
>only 10 orbs gee, I cant wait to roll robin star 3 for the tenth time
Jacob Diaz
Should have married Setsuna.
Levi Ortiz
Only the feathers are confirmed to be shipped on the 7th. Seems like they'll be waiting for a new banner to boil over, lol
Aiden Wilson
Yeah, you're fine. She's a good unit, don't let Camillafags get to you.
Luke Wood
I have this thing so I guess I'll vote for it.
Angel Rogers
>crying about free stuff You're wrong, retard
Asher Bailey
>Not Oboro >Not Kagerou >Not Setsuna
Jack Sanchez
I still don't have a decent robin, of like the 8 robins I've rolled all of them except one has been -speed
Jason Perry
What's the level range for earning SP?
Nathaniel Watson
>You're wrong, retard
It appears I am! Who shit in your cereal?
Jackson Rogers
>level range Elaborate
Juan Davis
within 3 levels of your unit.
Camden Miller
>say something stupid >get called out >WTF IT WAS JUST A PRANK BRUH WHY SO SERIOUS XD
Samuel Robinson
>not marrying objectively the best girl in Fates
David Russell
+/- 2 levels of your unit
Brody Anderson
I didn't claim I was trolling, user. I just wanted to know why you decided to be so rude about pointing it out.
Jeremiah Robinson
>getting offended at the word retard
Ian Garcia
Asher Carter
I like this picture, it really captures Oboro's nice but strange face.
Kayden Garcia
It has already ended.
Aaron Parker
What's so great about Oboro and Setsuna? I got both to B level with Corrin and neither really stood out to me, and I haven't had a ton of use for either since Takumi joined.
Caleb Stewart
Well, I suppose if you didn't mean it as an insult, I won't be offended by it. Just consider choosing your words more courteously next time.
Levi Wright
are you shitting me user
i've been checking the gauntlet page every day for the past two weeks and it's always been nothing but the ephraim 'you lose' screen
Carson Jones
Do more of Oboro's supports and use her more. Give her a Guard Naginata and slap her in the front lines of every battle.
Brayden Perez
no idea about oboro but setsuna is just that she is so dumb that is charming and cute.
Cooper Evans
I'm not him, faggot.
Lucas Ross
'twas all a ruse, user
Ian Robinson
oh shit rinkah looks so cute when she is mad/confused
Connor Cooper
Is a +def, -spd Robin worth raising? or at least better than +hp, -att?
Asher Lopez
Whoops, sorry! Honest mistake
Nathan Torres
Easton James
Great taste my man, enjoy having objectively the best looking Kana.
Putting aside that the story is far more enjoyable, not playing BR means CQ makes no fucking sense. Some of the things in CQ are only explained in BR. Really, you should play all 3
Aiden Young
I just killed a level 36 Camilla with my level 40 Eirika, so it must be +/- 4.
Setsuna is cute, innocent, has an always positive attitude, an easygoing personality, consistently good/not bad supports, she's dumb and bullyable, except that she won't realize she's being bullied, tries her best in matters she actually takes an interest in, and despite her dull exterior, also has worries and fears that become evident in some of her supports/dialogues. Also, cyclops.
Carson Hill
>married Hinoka It's like you navigated a sea of quality to safely dock in Shit Harbor >Birthright playthrough oh it was b8 all along
Levi Wood
Oboro has some great supports and an awesome personality. I'm not a fan of Setsuna myself, she's got some okay supports (not with Corrin though) but I'm not into the dopey dreamy kinda girls. She does confirm that Hinoka is best girl though.
Bentley Nguyen
I did NOT vote for her. Because the gauntlet hasn't even started yet. She's my choice though :).
Ryan Perez
Voting Cordelia, the best pegasus redhead
Jack Walker
>YWN be able to post about Rinkah without being memed to death
I miss the days before Fates came out, when everyone loved her design and was gonna marry her.
Justin Gomez
>It's like you navigated a sea of quality to safely dock in Shit Harbor That's pretty good user. I'm going to write that down for future use.
Blake Sanders
Benjamin Gonzalez
I'm going to find you and murder you, faggot
Jaxson Lopez
>I loved it when we didn't know the truth
Kayden Perez
>Wants a waifu who cannontically cheats on him
Can NTRfags just go already?
Angel Barnes
Way better than the latter for sure.
Ryan Hughes
More accurate depiction of Rinkah given her stats
Hudson Johnson
Rinka is pretty cute tho, a fuckin good desing and personality. Is it wrong to want my amazon girl buff and tsundere?
Jackson Russell
That's okay. When's she's knocked out early, the superior nee-san will welcome you with open arms
Jonathan Brooks
Excuse me, is this game any good as a FE game or android game?
What, that she's a strong defensive unit lacking in offense? Damn, that sure does suck. Better make sure to spam the same meme over and over anytime someone mentions her.
Meanwhile, the moment someone points out Camilla is crap in Heroes
>F-Fucking anti-Camilla memers! You just hate her! She's good, r-really!
Asher Reyes
Hinoka is a goddess compared to Camilla the slut. First of all, physical apprearance. Hinoka has the better breast size. The cute tomboy look, the awesome hair. Camilla has the shitty cowtits.
Second, personality. Hinoka is a girl who would genuinely love you and all her friends, for better or for worse. If we look in the story, Hinoka is fighting for Corrin to come back home. She's literally been waiting for this day. She's been close to him/her since childhood only to be taken away by Garon. Camilla is a seflish bitch. She would kill anybody who gets between her and Corrin, in the most forced way. She's plainly a terribly written character personality wise. While Camilla let's Corrin sit on her lap all day, Hinoka has been suffering, training hard every day, thinking of Corrin's well being in Nohr. She doesn't even know if he's being tortured, or he's even alive. Yet she tries to have faith that he is. A noble cause, if I say so myself. Camilla is a cold, ruthless killing bitch that has never experienced suffering like the long wait of your loved one's uncertain death. She's dumb as a post (see the Niles support, literally cannot keep up with the conversation) and everything she does only revolves around her and her selfish, childish need to be loved. People talking about marrying her, did you even read her supports with Corrin? She literally talks over him and ignores him the entire time, she couldn't give less of a shit about anyone else, only about making sure people love her, so she can finally feel validated.
She's also a big annoyance in Birthright. Camilla explicitly said to Niles that she's clingy to Corrin exactly because she wants Corrin to never feel alone. But when she saw Corrin not alone, with Hinoka, rather than join them, she tries to kill Corrin. After failing to kill Corrin she just runs to the castle and cries all day. What a selfish asshole. Worst girl, without question.
Lincoln Watson
It's a good time-waster. If you're a big fan of the hardcore FE games, this might not be for you.
Evan Gutierrez
John Morales
My Hinoka's -atk so fuck her
Jeremiah Wright
Hello Michlan.
Luke Perry
Kevin Bennett
She is buff though, she's got decent defense stats. She's just average at offense on a route where you don't need her for offense.
If you wanna talk about wasted design, look at Beruka. One of the best designs in the game, wasted on one of the most boring characters since Kjelle
Elijah Williams
>you will never have this loving family
William Perry
Well I can't just abandon my true family, right? At least Robin didn't just throw Morgan into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for 15 or so years.
James Stewart
The problem with Camilla is that she's so desperate for love/attention and so self centred, that she'd cheat on you without a second thought.
Then she'd have absolutely no idea why that would be wrong, she wouldn't be able to understand it.
Jaxson Stewart
Austin Rivera
Nice armchair psychology, fag
Angel Bailey
this this this
Carter Sanchez
thats not how obsession works dude
Asher Hughes
>the story is far more enjoyable Not really. It's just merely boring compared to Conquest's comically bad. Conquest is still the better game and the Nohrian half of the cast are far better than Hoshido's, especially the royals
Henry Smith
>marrying hoshidan scum
Adrian Gutierrez
Eli Cruz
Make way for better family
Nicholas Fisher
Hey, if I was in a war where nowhere was safe except a magic pocket dimension, I wouldn't mind hiding my kid in there
Aiden Ramirez
Jesus the second generation stuff was really badly done in Fates. At least it sort of worked in Awakening.
Lucas Richardson
In retrospect, it's funny how off some of these are.
William Cooper
Nolan Robinson
Caleb Williams
I gotta get more art.
Kevin Edwards
I can help with that
Sebastian Richardson
>Couldn't do flier or armor tenth stratum quests Goodbye, six orbs
Gavin Carter
how's that Psych 1 class going?
Cooper Young
Yup, read that, sat back and realised "Wow, she's completely in character here."
Except she's not obsessed with Corrin specifically, she cares about him and feels bad about him being locked up (while she gets to lounge around, ignoring her work and taking advantage of the suffering/starving peasants that provide for her extravagant lifestyle- her own words if you care to argue that point).
But mostly, she's just obsessed with being loved and being wanted, she's practically Yandere how needy she is with this stuff. If she was married to Corrin but wanted to get closer to someone else she would absolutely sleep with them, without a second thought.
She wouldn't even see it as anything wrong. Her whole lifestyle is built around getting what she wants, and she did. It's normal for her.
Xavier Hall
Thanks Oborofag.
John Thompson
Matthew Bell
The only thing I think is kinda funny is that you can be a confirmed pedo in Fates.
>oh hey Corrin this is my 10 year old daughter that lived in another dimension >nice, by the way we're going to get your 10 year old granddaughter that's in another dimension
Cameron Martin
>Especially the royals
Anthony Cox
Yeah, I saw that youtube video too, faggot. Are you capable of coming up with an original thought, or will you forever be led by others like a cuck?
Jacob Moore
>Her whole lifestyle is built around getting what she wants I'm sure most lifestyles are either built around getting what is wanted, or infinite suffering.