Was this a mass effect Andromeda reference?
Was this a mass effect Andromeda reference?
no, but I'm sure the show is made for the same audience
I fucking hate the art direction of these contemporary cartoons. Fuck that looks like trash.
Also, this isn't videogames.
this show is fucking stupid
I don't know, I don't watch Reddit.
I couldn't find that cartoon funny. Why is everyone so obsessed with it?
>a show made by an autist for autists
>reddit and memey
>we got reddit and memey instead of a new episode of samurai jack
>for autists
Then why does Sup Forums hate it?
I don't really like the show, but could you guys be specific about what you don't like in it ?
Not somme blurry arguments like "It's for reddit", I mean, explain in details why you despite this cartoon
Because it's funnier than anything else on TV right now. Just because it's popular doesn't mean you should automatically hate it.
>Hate it because it got popular
That's the Sup Forums I know!
different kinds of autists
>Because it's funnier than anything else on TV right now
they took an actual funny show from us so probably
>Samurai Jack was cancelled for this
The thing is, I find some low-brow comedy fine (like Workaholics or BoJack), but I just don't like R&M for some reason. Also, Morty's voice is super annoying.
No one played that game so you're gonna have to be more specific
I like it. I don't like the fanbase that thinks the show is deeper than it really is.
I dislike it because the mutliverse theory taken to it's logical conclusion renders all life without dignity, also the main character is a author insert who basically trolls you for even bothering to watch his show.
I've seen it and it isn't bad. The primary issue is that the big fans treat it like the best cartoon ever and it has some uber deep meaning, when in reality it's just a guy fuckin' around making a cartoon.
Also and, SJ was scheduled to come on last night but instead Adult Swim preempted it for a week to show the same Episode for at least 4 hours. I heard it went even longer, which means Toonami as a whole got Preempted for hours of a single episode of Rick and Morty on repeat.
It constantly flips back in forth between "Oh we're a dark show, please take us seriously and look at how deep our characters are" and "LOL SO RANDOM XDDD HUMOR"
The newest episode was a prime example of this, having serious topics like Beth and Jerry's divorce and Rick's dramatic backstory while at the same time having shit like LOL MULAN MCDONALDS SAUCE.
cartoon network always does something like this for April's fools.
You samurai jack faggots have been annoying as hell this last week.
what show