>Nintendo Treehouse is bad at localiza-
Nintendo Treehouse is bad at localiza-
conquest was the first FE game I had to skip through every single cutscene... it was just so cringe
Left is really fucking wordy to say very little.
Also, a couple of flowery embellished lines doesn't make up for all the horrible rewrites. Some characters had their personalities completely changed by Treehouse just because they felt like it.
That isnt treehouse's fault, that is the devs who wanted it to be a chinese cartoon
>more words = better
You must love meaningless modern art
no point. These fucks would rather go through mental gymnastics to convince themselves why pirating the game would be more fulfilling than learning japanese or accepting the english translation
They didnt help either.
>Some characters had their personalities completely changed by Treehouse just because they felt like it.
Sometimes japanese characterization doesn't make sense in the context of western culture and needs to be rewritten.
Left gives you the idea that he's proud of his dragon blood and looks down on those without it, right is just him stating a fact.
Nailed it
Here's to (you) user
You picked one of the places where they did an all right job. That doesn't mean they aren't typically terrible.
>shy girl changed into meathead
Yeah man, great characterization there
Why? What's wrong with just having Japanese characterization?
One on the left is pretty funny though.
Personalities are universal, not region specific.
Funny doesn't make for a good translation
You have to be 18 to post here
>>conquest was the first FE game I had to skip through every single cutscene... it was just so cringe
>He didn't play Gheb FE or MK404's Fire Emblem hack
The text is supposed to be comedic so yeah, it does make good translation.
Were those very bad?
>reverse image search your image
>it's porn
But it isn't supposed to be funny. The NoE translation is near 1:1 with the original Japanese meaning, which didn't carry with it a comedic presentation.
All it did was show a sense of excitement that the explorer would get to look around the ruins
If I enjoy it it's a good translation.
Fates is just as bad as fe7 mods.
fuck off OP
>Tumblr memes
That dog is dead by the way/
That translation is pretty cute though.
Does anyone have that one where the guy is just acting completely retarded in the localization, and in the translation hes acting subtle about it.
it's not a Nintendo game I think. maybe dissidia.
I remember it being the worst localization I've seen.
I'm honestly not really sure what you were expecting
The good or bad kind of dead
*glomps you*
*sniffs your bum*
user-kun, let's touchy our peepees!
*stabs you in the throat*
Kyuuuun kyuuun
Like he passed away a little awhile ago.
A translation is supposed to be just that. A fucking translation. The translator shouldn't be taking creative liberties with it.
much age. so dead. bury lots
I don't follow. You're being ambiguous.
Fuck off, let the translator have their fun, it's not hurting anybody.
I very much prefer the loquaciousness of the translation to the plain and dry original and I wish more games attempted a more elevated form of translation.
The quality of a translation has little to do with your enjoyment of it; it has to do with how accurate it is to the original script as well as how well the intended meaning of something is carried between languages. Changing the tone of a scene is not a good translation. A good translator will carry the tone of a scene present exactly as it was presented. It is not a translator's job to change games to make them what they think is better; its not their game. They didn't develop it, even if they do publish it.
>who gives a fuck if they're not doing they're job properly?
Professionalism is dead
western culture is so weird
which girl you talking about?
The living animal dog is no longer alive. It is rotting and is a corpse as it no longer has a heartbeat.
shhh, this thread is a safe space
fuck you
they're not the fucking writers, if joe smoe says "i'm gonna put hot peppers on this burger it'll taste better" while making a fucking cheese burger at mcdonalds. I'm not going to go "oh it's just fun"
I want my fucking burger.
>A translation is supposed to be just that. A fucking translation. The translator shouldn't be taking creative liberties with it.
That's true but entertainment is supposed to be localized not just translated. Half the enjoyment of a story is how it's told and what's the value of a story told badly?
why are americans so afraid of boobs?
Their job is to make the game fun to read, they achieve that pretty well in the end.
In that case, I would prefer a better localization that actually improved the writing than a more accurate translation. By this logic of saying localization has to reflect the original in every way, the dub for Resident Evil would have to be one of the worst of all time because the Japanese voices were so bad, Capcom decided to release it in Japan with the English dub. Now, the English dub was that bad, but that doesn't mean it should have been.
Except it's not a translation. It's a localization, which is literally nothing but taking creative liberties to make it a better product for the region in which it's being released.
>skipping the story in hacks when laughing at how bad they are is the best part
Because women are pure and anything sexual on them is something to be shamed until it is covered.
you can localize if no one will understand an ancient chinese joke.
but putting in fucking memes?
No, there job is to translate it, you retard. What you consider "fun" is completely subjective.
>Company who exist to translate japanese hates the japanese
Why the fuck do Treehouse even exist at this point?
This is like reading the first draft and final draft of a high school book report. Nothing new is added, but every sentence is twice as long to up the word count.
Somebody should have definitely lost their job for that ellipses shit.
Just absolutely no fucking reason for it.
Okay, so why even bother with localization? Why not just release the game without translation so none of the intended meaning is lost?
You see they put extra testosterone in our burgers. This is so we can get HUGE and work super hard and make even more burgers.
but this also comes with the side effect where when you turn 13 and hit puberty you turn into a sex drived mad man.
seeing any sign of skin on a women will make them pull out their dick and jack off without any thought.
all women here understand this.
but you also have some women that are turned on by this so you get those really hot blonde chicks in bikinis that want to get fucked by 13 year olds.
>I'm not used to being so casual
>""""""""""""""""""""""""better product"""""""""""""""""""
Once you dig into all the changes, there is no excuse for what happened with FE: Fates. It's one of the worst hack-jobs to happen to video game localization in years.
FE: Fates in general was a mess of anti-consumer bullshit, what with the multiple games, and DLC stuff, but the way it was handled in the west was baffling. No one should give Nintendo their money for it, and it's saddening to know it sold well.
The reason was that they're lazy and unprofessional
I liked it, you just need to grow up.
shhh m8, you'll anger them, this is a safe space.
You're bastardizing the meaning of localization and turning it into a dirty word, because the definition you're giving is just making it out to be a bad thing.
Localization is about carrying the meaning and tone of dialogue and things present between games so that people in different regions can experience and understand them. This is different from a direct translation in that a direct translation just turns everything into English, regardless of how readable and understandable it is between audiences. What you're definining is neither localization nor translation, but simply "bastardization"
Is this supposed to be a rhetorical question, or b8?
It's a dumb joke, but it's still 1 of multiple hundreds of supports that's only even possible in the 3rd DLC campaign and always pushed as representative of the localization as a whole.
Not an argument
>entertainment is supposed to be localized not just translated.
Well, I disagree. If you can't handle Japanese cultural references and quirks, maybe don't fucking play Japanese games then?
Also, how does stuffing a stupid doge meme into Zelda improve the story in any way? If anything, it pulls me out of the game.
I would argue that Tokyo Mirage Sessions had it worse since a whole dungeon was changed
what the fuck are you talking about?
Not an argument.
You can like the base product, but the way it's marketed and handled by people who barely touched the core development is an entirely different aspect.
It's the opposite of polishing a turd.
Is there a problem with what was said?
>I like something so you're wrong to not like it
Too much fluff. It sounds like a fanfic.
Was anything in Fire Emblem: Heroes changed? From what I've heard, it's fairly 1:1, right?
Unfortunately it's a 1:2 translation.
The dub is ass. other than that, idk
Because it's an utterly idiotic question and I feel like an idiot because I'm explaining why.
The reason why there's localization is so people in other territories can broadly understand the games, primarily by changing the language to that which is most popular in those territories. You asked incredibly stupid and obvious question and got an incredibly stupid and obvious answer.
If your question was rhetorical and had some intelligence to it, (while still being misguided), the implication that just because liberties might be taken with the translation, there shouldn't be a localization, which doesn't even make sense as a fallacious argument. If anything, that's an argument those who are pro-liberties would use because it might be asked if no changes whatsoever can be made to the meaning or tone of content in localization, why even bother localizing at all?
It's 16:9, asshole
Retards these days will blame SJW but the real reason that has always been prevalent in America is super prude conservatism where anything sexual is disgusting and violence is amazing.
Still, if there's no outright, censorship and wild cut content, maybe they heard people's responses?
I'm just crossing my fingers. 2016 was godawful when it came to localizations on Treehouse's part, but 2017 seems awfully quiet so far.
You didn't really explain why translation is really necessary though.
SJWs and conservatives both hate sex. I don't really understand why you'd point at one and not the other.
America is fucked because there's always someone actively working against sexual content, be it either for the sake of children or because its deemed offensive
>we're fine with hyper violence
>but talking about how murder is bad is bad