How do we cure the elitism on Sup Forums?
How do we cure the elitism on Sup Forums?
Remind everyone they can't get a girlfriend because of their shitty elitist attitude toward life.
If you fags just fucking took thinks less seriously and tried being a little relatable you would all get a nice gf.
kys peasant
Why cure it? S'kool
Go jerk off to Evola on some obscure forum. Sup Forums gets something 20+ million unique visitors a month last time I checked, you aren't better than the plebians for visiting a popular site.n
elitism is a practice
you have to dedicate yourself to the event, it doesn't magically happen
>you would all get a nice gf.
That's not what we want though
Did someone in a FE thread make you cry? awww poor baby, get over yourself, if someone has a valid criticism they are allowed to say so. Otherwise it turns into a discord dickriding circlejerk over said game.
Make Sup Forums more like /vint/.
Fuck off you fucking dense faggot
>OP mentions elitism
>some faggot instantly assumes he's a waifufag complaining about le old FE
Kill yourself Telliusfag.
wow dude i'm fucking your waifu right now, look at how incompetent you are now that other people have sided with me dude, duuuude
otherwise known as elitism
Why is there so much Yuru Yuri here lately?
Fuck off nigger, you fates and snes hipsters ruin FE threads everytime someone mentions anything bad about your precious golden goose, take your own advice
>Implying overt waifuism is good and healthy
oh i am laughing, fe threads are reddit ones at this point
>everyone on Sup Forums is a virgin without a girlfriend
>pretending you aren't just to get them to agree with your opinion on interactive movies
this is only going to convince them they don't try as hard as you do, user
But yeah, Sup Forums would be million times better if faggots like you gone to reddit instead of discussing they favourite zelda and souls games here.
Stop being a mangina.
That's racist
>implying GBAbabies and obtuse Telliustards aren't literal redditors
I've heard /r/fireemblem thinks just like you, you should go back.
>using they like that
People don't like AAVE on here.
I know why but I think you know why as well
I've never been on reddit but I do know that the people there shut down opinions like you faggots do. Also TOP KEK all the fucking fates information like supports and shit are from fucking reddit. Oldfags go on SF. But for some reason I'm a stubborn asshole that needs to come here arguing with reddit and neogaf expats along with /vg/ cancer. /vint/ was a blessing, now that the faggots are back I'd rather get banned and play vidya again instead trying hard to fit in by directing people to their secret home site.
Some people are really into video games and have passionate opinions about them. Why do you care so much?
>waaaah elitism
grow up you underage shitter
Because for some reason I see the same people over and over spouting shit without fact and attacking others for it if they reply calling them out on it, so I jump in. Seems that now I just run into those people.
If anything, it's underage that think elitism is cool. Older people are less narcissistic.
Fuck off Leaf
You don't develop strong opinions until you're older though so that makes no sense. Also, elitism is something that just happens. Nobody wakes up one day and decides they want to be an elitist.
There is no true cure for cancer.
Maybe they should just make better games.
Elitism made Sup Forums what it is. I'm an elitist when it comes to video games. I am an elitist when it comes to politics. I an elitist when it comes to music, literature, movies and television, automobiles, weaponry, anime, etc. I am better than you and I have the taste and mentality to show it. I am better than you reddit. Elitism is what makes one strive to be the best of the best in a certain field of interest. It forces you to go out of your way to get better taste, learn new better things, adopt better strategies, grow your knowledge, and become an esoteric and enlightened elite. I am elitist because unlike others who claim to be better, I am better and can back it up with examples of all walks of life, branches of knowledge, entertainment, culture, philosophy etc. I'm fucking better than you faggot. Git gud.
Leave the site and join IGN forums.
free dickings every friday?
A lot of people do develop strong opinions when they're younger. Young people are especially vulnerable to thinking that their opinion is better than everyone else's because they learned it from their role model. People also get less narcissistic with age, so older people are more willing to admit that other people's opinions are just as valid as theirs.
das gay bro
post more angry anime girsl
it would work
would also shut up trapfags
t. trapfag
Does that bloody read left to right, I'm not quite sure and I want to know
>Expecting people to be mature and rational on Sup Forums
left to right?
why do you even care????
>get a nice gf.
>demands attention and money
>literally seething with rage if you seem to be enjoying yourself playing vidya
>rambles shit non stop
no thanks
>why do you even care????
A very good question.
>Sup Forums
If Sup Forums had even half as much elitism as Sup Forums, maybe this board wouldn't be infested with shit eating faggots from plebbit and tumblr.
The hugbox this place has become is the fucking source of the downfall in what """quality""" remained in this shithole. MAYBE IF WE HAD MODS THAT GAVE A FUCK AND TOLD PEOPLE TO FUCK OFF MORE LIKE Sup Forums HAS THAT WOULD ALSO HELP ALLEVIATE THE PROBLEM
Accept the fact that you're a cancerous weeaboo shitposting on a board about video games, and therefore have little reason behind the existence of such an ego.
Then go back to Sup Forums.
I just saved pictures of cute anime girls without watching their animes.
Having any weebshit saved on your computer willingly is more than enough.
why cant we just ban faggots who try to shun taiwaneese child drawings like
me in the middle
By killing yourself.
the most insufferable and autistic people on this board are the weebs
doesn't matter how "relatable" they try to be, they're too socially stunted from having zero social experience outside of anime and weebshit and probably too ugly and fat from refusing to take care of themselves to have any chance of attracting another human, let alone a 'desirable' female
>Sup Forums thinks they are elitist
>can't even name one good game
Fucking kill yourself.
You can't stop losers from taking pride in trivial and insignificant things.
This. If you don't act like an obnoxious MAL tier faggot at all times you don't belong on this website desu ne~
Also meant for
>People also get less narcissistic with age
Wishful thinking, it doesn't have an edgy teen flavor but it definitely can persist.
>older people are more willing to admit that other people's opinions are just as valid as theirs
Hell no. Youth are generally capricious. Older people tend to be entrenched in their beliefs and ways.
>reddit invader triggered by chinese pictograms on chinese pictogram site
woah.... really tingles the brain
With the day of the rake.
What was the OP just talking about?
Never gone to reddit, thought the concept of voting ala forum posts was cancerous. Thought the community was way too circle jerky and focused on drama.
But the second you don't like anime? WELL FUCK ANY ARGUMENT OR FACTS YOU'VE MADE REEEEEE.
Ironically makes you guys even larger faggots than the reddit you're bitching about.
nice reddit spacing
Sup Forums is one of the most casual/normalfag friendly board on Sup Forums. It's no wonder it would hate 'elitism', being an over-accomodating shithole. Cry for as much change as you want, split the board a dozen times over, but it will never get any better because the problem is you.
>How do communities work
>Let's assume Sup Forums as a whole likes anime even though activity results show that all the anime boards are hilariously the minority
Yes, that's how FORUMS usually work as they typically do have a defining feature. Sup Forums has no focal point. It's just an image board with a massive variety of topics with no overlap. No one goes to a forum about guitars to go to the off topic section and complain about guitars. There's plenty of people that go to Sup Forums and never spend any time on the anime boards (which are also a minority of the range of available boards).
This retarded image macro has been refuted so many times and still you faggots cling onto it.
>cure elitism
Whoo, ha, oh man, look, you (and I) may as well leave this imageboard now, because there's nothing here but a bunch of autistic and/or jaded trolls and an ever-growing number of young people that have no taste (because they either haven't had enough time to develop said taste OR have no inclination to do so). And both of these audiences are competitive by nature. You want a change that won't happen in our lifetimes, and probably not for countless years.
>Sup Forums has no focal point.
>wanting a gf
Went down that path for 10 years user and I can honestly say that no one should want a gf. Being the master of your own time and money is far, far, better than occasionally getting your dick wet.
>anime boards are the minority
>anime boards are the minority of activity
Again, are you really this fucking daft?
Sup Forums needs more of it.
"What should I expect?" threads are cancer. Who asks that when they're about to play something?
>muh "hobbies"
Elitism isn't really a problem on Sup Forums desu
Don't take it seriously. People don't mean what they're saying. Banter and all.
Just don't care about what anyone says and keep discussing.
About a quarter of the board are Japanese-related for a reason. It is without a shadow of a doubt the dominant 'culture' of the site, which makes sense given its origins.
>being this dense
Keep ranting though, this site won't change because of you
Elitism doesn't bother me, its the fact that its not funny.
There was always elitism here but it always had a tinge of humor in it, that's not the case anymore, its just perpetual shit flinging and wish side can fit the word nigger in a sentence the most.
>This site won't change
>He still bitches the second someone calls him out for being a cancerous shitposting weeaboo
>Still can't put two and two together
Your delusion is exquisite.
I guess you literally have no idea what having boundaries even is.
your not welcome here
People should post this more often
>Sup Forums
modern Sup Forums is filled with nothing but casuals, agenda-pushing sjw/pol pundits, meming consolewar shitters, and obnoxious subculture groups like furfaggots. None of these aforementioned people actually play video games. If anything this board needed to be more elitist and push back against the tides, but it's too late now
This is why you get a boyfriend instead. Just came back from mine and we were playing battlefield 1 and then he fucked me in the ass.
Comfy as fuck.
kill all the brats for a start
tfw no bf
Rangeban everyone that doesn't use Starbucks internet to post.
>look what my girlfriend made me
This is the most accurate image of reddit I've ever seen. You literally can't go 2 minutes on that shit without seeing "So my SO made me this" and my wife this, my wife that.
>complain about weebs
>site was created by a weeb, managed by weebs, and is now run by a literal jap
Get a clue.
i guess you're literally whipped as fuck and don't have any freedom left
Start working out and putting yourself out there even if you're afraid of it. Try not to overthink things because that will only make you afraid of doing anything. I had to basically tell my brain to shut the fuck up but I kept going at it and now I landed on this relationship completely out of the blue. It happens when you're least expecting it so you gotta make sure you're ready by then by taking baby steps, one at a time.
>weeb threads on Sup Forums generally devolve into faggot discussions and sissy shit with no general talk about video games
Wow... It's as if weeb threads AREN'T good on Sup Forums...
Sup Forums isn't elite enough, have you seen the kinds of games the underage redditors here spam threads about?
>tell yourself to be stupid and stop thinking
huh.... why do i think this is ACTUALLY good advice?
I'll reply to you only because we can tell you're an ignorant fuck, Moot made Sup Forums to be able to discuss fucking LOLI and ANIME because the fuckers at somethingawful were being little shits. That's why we came here, everything that happened afterwards hasn't changed the fact that Sup Forums is japanese culture centric and by correlation, anime centric. If your dumb ass can't understand that, there's a site that works the way you want Sup Forums to work and you're more than welcome to stay there you piece of shit. You can't call anyone out for posting anime, anime is allowed everywhere in this site, otherwise the fags in the moderation team would have copied the pony rule to anime. But hey, no one gets banned if they post anime in /lit/ or /biz/, so what now wise guy?
No, it just means you're too good for Sup Forums. Leave this shithole and be happy.
board culture