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>Good idea
Have the Undertaker put over new younger talent on his last match, keeping the old "on your back on your way out" rasslin tradition alive
>Bad idea
Give that rub to Roman Reigns
Roman is still younger talent.
>put hat back on
>take it off again
>leaves trousers on the whole time
>Have the Undertaker put over new younger talent on his last match
he had already lost 2 years ago. there were no stakes and no major reward for the guy getting put over because he'd be getting sloppy seconds
>Roman vs. Lesnar is already earmarked to be the WM 34 main event
>The storyline will revolve around the two people who beat Undertaker at WM
I want off Vince's wild ride.
Reigns is the biggest draw of the new generation. Therefore he is automatically the best.
Why the greasy hair? I never got that
>last year they spammed this catchphrase for a month or two
>now they're gonna spam "IT'S MY YARD NOW" for god knows how long
1. To prevent frizzled looking hair
2. So your hands can slide though the hair without getting stuck.
>roman is on the lvel of lesnar, taker and 'berg
>finn, smoa joe took clean wins off him
what does this mean
Is this a spicy new meme?
That win wasn't clean.
Rollins got a clean win last year though.
Either way, it means nothing, he only got those clean losses as "punishment" for pissing hot.
Whats his name? Like cesar conquers or something?
Ramon Reinados
Ronald Reagan
Tuscan Takesover
Haven't watched wrestling in a while, can someone explain that "mixed" tag team match to me? Why was Cena's partner the Great Khali in drag?
That comedy bit they played after the match where Cena proposed to Khali was pretty funny with how straight they played it, but it was still disconcertingly weird.
IS this real?
Ray Romano
There was even a Terry Bogard sign during Dean/Corbin
Danish Dictates
Nu-/wooo/ is pretty awful. Can't take a joke.
Speaking of, Roman does a Power Geyser before coming down the ring.
Was more of a Power Stream if anything. Geyser is 1 a punch, Stream is fullscreen.
And it didn't even go all the way. Match was so botch-ridden they managed to fuck up his entrance.
It didn't go all the way because that's where it stops, probably for safety reasons.
Still looked awkward.
If there's any consolation for Roman, at least it was the 2nd/3rd Worst Taker Wrestlemania match thats ever happened.
This match should have never happened to begin with though.
I thought it couldn't get any worse than name dropping Vegeta, but Cole found a way.
>He's obviously Vuh-GETE...Uh
if miz/cena tags in their partner, the other partner must come out. men go behind their ropes.
that's all there is to it.
Rafiki Roams
Prepare for 2 moves the match 2 electric boogaloo.
What would he say about this?
I'm surprised more people haven't talked about this since it is videogame related.
>a Terry Bogard sign
Show me
>that feel when our guy Dan Ryckert was there with a Waluigi sign
The botch dog
>this is supposed to be "the guy"
I swear, the decent matches this wrestlemania has to offer was the return of the Hardyz and the matches before that. Afterwards, everything fell apart. I was disappointed with the Randy Orton match since it ended way too early especialy after all those ring effects which I find to be pretty neat.
no you need to have talent to be a talent
He deserved a better end. Fuck the Big Dog. No talent, no personality hack.
How the fuck are you pushed to be a heavy hitter and then fail to carry an old man who's trying his hardest to help you out.
It's clearly undertakers fault. He just is too weak and lost too much explosion with age and injury.
yeah roman is boring and getting pushed way too hard but find me a guy who is less consistent in the ring
>inb4 that one time he couldn't get over the ropes
wow, if thats the biggest botch in the last 2 years he's had then i'd say hes pretty good
It's actually baby oil. Seth said water dried too quickly and made their hair frizzy
Rocks Cousin
This isn't video game or Sup Forums related at all.
Why even watch fake fighting? Why are Americans so fake and retarded?
>Shane/AJ, Cena/Miz part 2 ft women, and even Oldberg/Bork Laser were better than Taker's match
>It's clearly undertakers fault
>Taker clearly jumping up for it with all his might
How is it his fault? Taker's kicking his legs up trying to get his feet over Reign's head and dude just drops to his knees. The man cannot even hold him up for a moment.
Why the fuck are you up at like 5 AM on a weekday you fucking degenerate
>a 7 foot tall 300 pound geriatric doesn't have the strength, dexterity, or flexibility to perform well
thanks for confirming what i just said you retard
Taker was literally trying to hook his legs behind Roman's head so he could lift him up more easily.
Roman is simply a weak shitter.
WTF else is he suppose to do in that spot retard. He did his half. Roman lacks the fucking strength to do his half. There is a reason his main moves are a punch and a spear.
Reigns sucks and could barely lift Strowman.
No you fucking idiot, my precious Roman shouldn't -have- to do anything. It's his opponent's job to make my baby look good.
Roman plays xbox though
>It's all Roman's fault! The guy who has generally been consistently good in matches and a solid worker!
>Not the geezer who hasn't had a single good match in the last 3 years because he's old and fat!
I said it once, I'll say it again. Roman is boring but he can perform in the ring. You CANNOT say the same about taker especially these last few years. Nobody could make taker look good and you fucking know it.
When will Roman just fade away and classify himself as obsolete
>tfw you do everything right but still no one likes you
It's really hard being rich and famous and handsome
Can't say he performs well in the ring when he barely performs. Even I could perform his moves, maybe even better than him.
He is the new John Cena, so unfortunately WWE don't consider him OBSOLETE to DELETE him. Not even Rock could save his ass.
I agree. I also think that is Roman's botch tho. Taker even had the shitty last ride while Roman was already on the turnbuckle. I'm not excusing Taker at all just saying that one spot was his botch.
Roman sucks and Taker is an old ass turd that should have retired when he reached 20 and 0.
To be the man you gotta beat the man.
Lesnar's leapfrog was better than the entirety of Roman's match
Americans are the worst posters on this board, and responsible for most offtopic bullshit, like their shitty politics and wrestling.
Reigns has talent, he's constrained by a shitty gimmick that's not over and having the same old Hogan/Cena booking.
Seriously just let him show a bit more personality and not make the show not revolve around him and he'd get over. If it was any other promotion in the world they would've moved Reigns down the card and switched up his character a bit. But this is WWE where if something isn't working they force it even harder.
>smark cucks seething when roman is the one of th top 5 merch seller
No matter how much fatasses boo him he still makes money for the company and will main event again next year at WM
>muh SJWs
>muh president
>muh wrestling
All of you are unironically the worst posters on this board.
Kill yourself you fucking leaf
put anyone in his position and it will sell merch
What the fuck is wrong with Vince? You hit a gold mine with Becky's iconic lass kicker image and you throw it out the window AT WRESTLEMANIA for this tribal shit out of nowhere
>Nobody could make Taker look good
He'd probably be fine with it since Paul Bearer was an unbelievably nice human being.
Still had nothing good to say about Kevin Dunn, though
I am not Canadian, this is what most of the world thinks of you. Sorry you had to find out this way.
>this guy once covered a war
>triple h books his entrance to have a giant tricycle and cops everywhere
>everyone else just gets some goofy graphic on the ramp
>it was takers last match and all he got was a hole in the ground
the state of this egomaniac.
her hair looks like long cheetos
>put seth over
>knocked his wife into a table
nah he redeemed himself
He covered the Gulf War.
Apparently it fucked him up pretty badly and he decided to get into something more easy, like wrestling.
Builds his character well. Pompous jerk that always gets toppled because of his shortcuts and overconfidence.
Rate this wrestlemania, bros
i give it an 8/10
>hardy boys
>bayley's nipple
>owens and jericho was good
>lesnar destroying oldberg
>aj vs shane was better than expected
>seth beats Triple HHH clean
>Miz GOATing it up
>cena getting married
>undertaker gets taken out back and put out of his misery
its shitty that the smackdown womens championship was cut for time, and that orton won.
Good matches, ok matches, 3 shit matches (Raw Women, Bray/Orton, Taker/Reigns).
AJ/Shane had no business being that good. Passable for sure since AJ, but Shane was legit and it was fucking awesome.
also way too goddamn long