Where were you when the future literally arrived?
Where were you when the future literally arrived?
4th grade
There are literally people browsing Sup Forums right now who weren't even born yet when this came out. Those are the retards you're trading shitposts with everyday
1996? I was one.
You mean the ones that grew up with the ps2?
shitting my diaper as a 3 year old
get mad oldfags
I was 13 when the N64 was relased. Why am I such a failure? Why am I even still here?
If they were born after 1996, their first console was likely a PS3.
The first time I saw SM64 it blew my mind, I don't recall playing anything more advanced than Sonic the Hedgehog or DOOM. It was truly a gaze into the future.
You were 10 when you got your first console?
Playing my PS1 and Saturn.
Got the N64 for Christmas a year later though.
I was in the 2nd grade.
I remember go to toys r us with my mom and aunt to pick it up on launch for my cousin.
I was a freshman in college.
Those were simpler days friends. Nintendo still made video games, women didn't have dicks, Bill Clinton was keeping the news sexy instead of tragic.
My mothers womb.
Nigga you old
I remember the one kid on my street who got a Saturn. He tried to brag about how great it was because it was so much more expensive than the N64 and Playstation, but we all just laughed and made fun of him for how much money he wasted on a shitty console with no games.
Very. I have a kid old enough to post here
My local video store would rent out consoles and I remember they got it two days before it went on sale? Pretty cool.
In elementary school second grade.
I remember it vividly. At school we had a chocolate sale competition, who ever sold the most chocolate and brought more money got a N64. A heavily obese fat girl won the prize.
I like women having dicks.
Worse. People who grew up with Wii are now legally old enough to browse Sup Forums
In 2 years, you're pretty much going to share a board with shitters and kiddies who weren't even born when Halo got released.
This is the board we call home.
I have a kid brother that just turned 18 and he grew up more with the PS2/Gamecube more than anything else.
Women had dicks back then too.
There was even one in my town that had one
>cartridges in 1995
I was the first in the area to pick it up, Sep 1996. I was 14. It was fucking glorious.
>Kid Brother
>Grew up with the PS2 and Gamecube
>Turning 18
Nigger wasn't even fucking aware of the world around him to even consider himself growing up with those systems. By 2006 - 2007, PS3 was already being released and the fucker was only 7 years old.
Stop being a retard.
>implying this board isn't mostly filled with 12 year olds right now
>implying the ps4 isn't a lot of people's first console here
Probably 3rd grade when it released but I didn't get it until Christmas of '98.
>in 5 years you will share this board with people who never knew Sega
What the hell is a Nintendo 64?
We didn't buy them until 2008.
Besides, I remember playing the SNES when I was 5, so what's the difference?
>tfw you'll never be as happy as this kid
I couldn't even get one until half a year after it came out, because of the usual nintendo under-supply fuckery.
>spending more than $199.99 in one purchase in the 90's for any kid under 10
I was twelve and had saved up for it all spring and summmer. I wasn't able tomafford a game but thankfully I could just rent one until that Christmas when I'd get my own. They were eighty bucks. Anyways I was at the checkout and the women was anti video games. She told me why I should t buy the, etc. I was there for like 2 minutes getting chewed out by her.
In retrospect I now agree with her.
My dad bought an atari 2600 when I was 6 or 7 but I think he mostly bought it for himself.
>PS3 was already being released
for five hundred ninety-nine US Dollars
Console was fine to get here, but I had to wait 6 months for a restock of GE007. Until then it was luck of the draw if you were able to get it from the video shop for the weekend.
I was a kid, it was Christmas. I still remember seeing the tv picture come into focus as it got plugged in. We got Diddy Kong Racing with it.
I was seven years old. OG Gameboy may have been my first game system, but the N64 was my first home console.
I currently own two of them, I've always had a soft spot for the 64.
It catches a lot of shit, but there are plenty games on the N64 that I'd rather play than most more modern games.
Call it nostalgia, whatever.
From the age of seven to ten the N64 was my only real friend.
Childhood was still pretty shit in retrospect.
>I bought the 64 system for my son's 35th birthday
So neets existed even back then.
>more expensive than PS1 and N64
>None of the most popular Japanese games were localized
>terrible marketing in the West
And people wonder why Sega was forced to leave the console race. Sad thing is they still haven't learned their lesson, SoJ still hates the West and refuses to localize games unless Sony pays for it.
My first console was a Sega Genesis, I wanted a Saturn but it was too expensive so my parents gave me an N64 instead. Probably a better choice in retrospect. Windows 95 + N64 gaming was the shit, my neighbor had a PS1 so we could play games on other platforms if we wanted.
Why doesn't Nintendo market games like this anymore?
favorite console
>time is progressing and I'm being a huge fucking faggot about it please agree with me
They fell for the "Family Friendly First" meme.
The Wii was a fucking mistake.
>tfw Nintendo will never be N64 edgy ever again.
Holy fuck, this was a commercial that was appropriate for TV. For fucking TV..
What the fuck happened to society from then to now?
Starting 2nd grade
it was easy to bring girls home back then
Now NoA is actively killing any games that don't fit the family friendly image by either censoring them to death or straight up not marketing them.
I remember playing the NES up until 1997 and coming to a PS1 my brother got that same Christmas. Next year on my 7th birthday, I got an N64. 3D wasn't really anything special to me, but looking back, I guess it was groundbreaking. My godbrother had a Genesis and our cousin, an SNES. So it balanced itself out. My brother got a job in '99 and brought his first console, a Dreamcast.
Now THAT wowed me.
Kindergarten. I was 5 when the N64 came out. Got one Christmas 97. I remember the first game we had for it was San Francisco Rush. Second game I got for it was Bomberman 64.
My best friend in first grade would always pretend to be characters out of GoldenEye during recess.
They showed that late in the night on playboy tv
Your dad's nutsack
>people who were born after the release of the Dreamcast (in Japan) can post here (18+)
5 years old playing the shit out of SM 64. My dad was a gamer so we always had everything gaming
One what?
*My best friend and I
Didn't mean to make my friend sound like an autistic retard
>Got it for Christmas was I was 8
>Came with that Super Mario 64
>Shit was mindblowing, played it for months after school
>Mom didn't give a fuck about ratings, so she bought me Conker's Bad Fur Day, didn't even ask for it.
I miss 90's Nintendo. Not the games necessarily, but the marketing. They were in that gross out stage, shit was fun.
>actually paying $59.99 for fucking Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub Zero
If any of you suckers did this then you have my pity
>Younger generations won't get to grow up watching video game tech evolve rapidly through the years.
Remember when people were blown away by new graphics? By new sprite sizes, or number of enemies on screen? Nothing else really matches that anymore.
It could be worse honestly
I still don't fucking get it man... To this day I'm still wondering how the system even failed to the point of tanking Sega... The Dreamcast is probably the only system that completely blew me away out of all of the systems I've purchased in my lifetime. Not even the introduction of VR even fucking compares.
Really sets yer noggin' a' joggin'
Thank Sony and the PS2 for that.
they killed consumer confidence with the Saturn, and PS2 came about shortly after with a BUILTIN DVD DRIVE which was fucking huuuuge. The PS2 did gangbusters simply because it was a cheap DVD player that played game too.
Maybe the system was for somebody else?
My dad already had a SNES for himself when I was born.
3 years from birth
Pilotwings for the 3DS was such a bag of shit.
No funky jams like the N64
No fun maps to explore
Just trash.
I was 6 years old and my dad and brother came home with it...for some odd reason, I didn't realize what it was when they told me, it being in a big old box, I thought it was some kind of household appliance. Then I saw Mario on the box and wondered what this thing was. After setting it up and watching my brother play some Mario 64 for a while, I was addicted, and the summer of my life began
Leaf bucks don't count.
Infighting. SEGA's divisions couldn't get along. SoJ was the main reason. Too much division and too little unity.
You know you fucked up when Treasure pokes fun at you in one of their games.
>was actually the most powerful of its generation
>launched with the best game of all time
I miss when Nintendo was good
no gaems
Huh, this may be the only thread I've been in on Sup Forums that ISN'T worse than /vr/ in quite some time.
/vr/ shits all over the N64 constantly, can't hardly have a decent Nintendo 64 thread on /vr/.
Bravo Sup Forums, good on you on being less faggy for once.
I was playing my Game Boy and SNES because none of the games on the N64 appealed to me.
i was playing saturn bomberman online
the fuck?
I was 11 in 1996. I remember the N64 being the last console that still felt magical to me, like I was getting my hands on some crazy advanced piece of technology. I think I'll always remember holding that controller for the first time, and the process of learning how to take advantage of the layout with different games. Man. Now I'm on a serious nostalgia trip about this thing. Running around in Mario 64 after only having Mario run left or right my whole life blew my God damn mind. Even on PC I hadn't experienced anything like that at that point. The closest thing to a 3D game I had played was Quake, and that barely ran on my PC.
I kind of feel bad for kids now, growing up with things like the PS4 and Xbone. Games look so good now, and most games have pretty standardized controls. They won't ever have that feeling of playing a 3D game for the first time, after only having seen 2D games their entire lives. They won't ever live through all the experimental phases games went through, where developers were still trying to figure out how to make 3D games work. Wacky cameras, fucking ridiculous control schemes; not all of it was good, but it was great watching games evolve. That just doesn't happen anymore.
in school probably
i was... 14 or so?
shit was giga hype due to no internet and only seeing pics of the game. then we got the kiosk units and holy shit, you have zero fucking idea of what the word hype meant.
like, now, hype means fucking nothing, it might as well cease being a word due to the amount of shit it is used to prop up like ME:A.
This board is 80% nintendo apologists
Sears is going out of business. The only sotre in these ads here alive is toys r us. Shame.
I remember when Circuit City went under. Blockbuster was still on its last legs, too.
I remember the going out of business sale circuit city had. Fucking insane deals.
14 when the N64 came out. felt this way too. You are wise for your age desu
I was two. My dad ran a video store and gave me his N64 and PS1 rental units a year or two later because he thought renting the games and consoles was too much of a hassle.
oh yeah
and all of segas bad decisions didn't help that BEFORE saturn hit
it had some good games that people found out, fucking LATER after it died. but even my hardcore sega friends avoided the system because the CD wasn't good, why would saturn be any better?
Anyone remember how hyped up the Mission Impossible game was for the N64? I remember pre-ordering that shit and while the game wasn't horrible, it was fairly mediocre.