What are some game franchises that have fallen from grace and are just sad to see?
What are some game franchises that have fallen from grace and are just sad to see?
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Final Fantasy
Resident Evil
Street Fighter
Metal Gear Solid
>based Hardy Boys are back
RIP Dead Man
how are you supposed to feel sad about someone retiring when he had a fucking awful match?
But it wasn't a bad match you smark.
Diablo. Fallout. Monster Hunter. Resident Evil. Silent Hill. StarCraft.
inb4 "Fire Emblem"
Everything western
Not a single franchise has fallen harder.
epic maymay
>finally give Bray the championship title after years in the WWE
>he only defends it twice over the course of two months
>he loses it on Wrestlemania in the most unceremonious, spontaneous finish of the event
I'm honestly more disappointed in this shit than Roman vs Taker. What the fuck were they smoking?
it was total dogshit
you want to see a good retirement match see ric flair vs hbk.
How hard was Roman booed?
More or less the same as usual, likely because the mics were muted.
They had to mute it absurdly.
Even had a sign that said he was a holocaust denier.
It was horrible and horrifying to watch. What the fuck is wrong with you
It was boring, slow, botchridden all over the place, and just fucking hard to watch.
Everyone hates Roman Reigns, so why does Vince keep pushing him?
Go suck on Zayn's cock, fag.
Main event should've been Taker vs Styles, honestly.
Get some taste and common sense Vince you senile old fuck
Because he sells the most merch.
I thought he retired after losing to Brock?
If you want a real answer, its because they are trying to replicate the rock. Vince and company think that the rock magically became liked, after a good time of being booed out of every place. Now obviously that is because they changed his gimmick, but they believe currently its because of a change of heart from the fans. So now they are expecting that same non-existent change of heart to come again
No one knows. Vince is crazy
If Merc selling is the reason, Dean and AJ would've been pushed this crazy long ago.
Dean's match tonight was pretty bad as well for the record.
yes it was. roman is so boring to watch.
>super man punch
SF and MGS and MAYBE sonic are the only ones that qualify here.
Sonic has been hit/miss it's entire life though. FF has also always been hit/miss, and RE is mostly good with some average games.
here's a list of reasons
Dean's merch actually sells?
The fuck?
In Dean's case, he buried himself in Stone Cold's podcast.
It was nice to hear Jim Ross again, even if we wasn't at his best given the circumstances.
Reigns is currently the #1 merch seller.